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Blue Ridge AU Crack

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[18 Aug 2012|04:57pm]
Characters: Michi & Tatum.
Setting: Michi's room, very early March of 2012.
Content: SFW.
Summary: Tatum telling Michi what's actually been going down.

It's just the beginning, we'll figure it out somehow. )
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[18 Aug 2012|05:57pm]
Characters: Michi and Tatum
Setting: Tatum's room
Rating: SFW
Content: Apologizing for the train wreck of the day before

Things had not gone at all to plan. Michi had felt betrayed and angry at first but the look on Tatum's face, that was what really broke her heart. She was mad at herself, mostly for the way she reacted and again for the way she had been insensitive about Sam in the first place. If she had been more honest in the first place, maybe they wouldn't be where they were, but that was the thing wasn't it? They were there together, no matter how much Michi tried to fight, there was something about Tatum and that baby that she couldn't... she wouldn't walk away from.

She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she could even say to make up for it so she skateboarded into town to get her head on straight. There were a thousand things to say to her girlfriend but she had to show her. After stopping in a few stores, she was sure she had the right gifts that said she was sorry and that she was in it too. She got home early enough but she didn't think she could go right over at the time. She walked around campus, punched a few fence posts, and even got into a minor fight with a boy from her building over bumping into her.

After noon though, she couldn't stand it anymore. She forced herself to cross the Commons and walk right into Shawnee house. Tatum had come to her for comfort and the one thing Michi was good for... she had failed. With a shaking fist she knocked on Tatum's door and then pushed it open, glad to find that the red head was alone. She cleared her throat and shut the door behind her. "I fucked up," she said, feeling incredibly dumb for saying it.
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