Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

June 12th, 2012

(no subject) @ 11:10 pm


Characters: Hunter, Chuck, and Sera.
Setting: Extremely backdated, the evening of the day after Chuck and Michiko's fight.
Content: NSFW for violence!
Summary: It's on like Donkey Kong.

Read more... )

June 2nd, 2012

(no subject) @ 06:30 pm


Characters: Michi, Charlie, and the dance club
Setting: The dance room in the gym, night before the big show
Rating: NSFW, violence and cursing
Content: Drama before the big show

It had been killing Michi all year that she hadn't been able to actively participate in her favorite clubs. Sure she could coach and help choreograph in quodpot and dance but it wasn't the same thing. She still showed up though, every day she could, and she got really into directing. She blamed her high stress on the dancers for not being able to hold a beat and stay in time. She was constantly yelling out to them and counting the beats out but they still weren't getting it.

One day. One was all the had left before the big performance and they had been working all year. "Come on guys! Get it right!" she yelled for the last time. She reached over and turned off the CD player. "This is fucking ridiculous!" She wasn't in very good shape for hollering and directing a dance performance, she hadn't even given birth two weeks ago.

"Take it from the top and for Christ's sake fucking count this time!"

March 20th, 2012

[Text to Charlie] @ 07:38 am


Are you ready to apologize to me yet about costing us that game because you were ogling that ugly little bitch?

February 20th, 2012

(no subject) @ 05:02 pm


Characters: 15 to 20 guests? EVERYBODY.
Setting: Backdated to Saturday, February 18th! Tatum and Sera's house in Portage Lake, Maine.
Content: NSFW!
Summary: Combo get-together for Mardi Gras and Jenny & Ella's 18th birthday!

When eight o'clock approached, Sera was starting to get a little frantic. )

February 5th, 2012

The Morning After @ 05:15 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: All over campus! The morning after the Valentine's dance
Rating: Most likely NSFW
Summary: Everyone feels a little weird when the potion wears off

The night before had been quite eventful. Odd couples had fallen into each other's arms and the bleeding heart with it's ominous message had everyone running off with each other to stay the night. As the sun crested over the campus, things were beginning to turn back to normal. The blood had all been cleaned up and people were starting to return to themselves. The love potion was wearing off and people were beginning to realize they were not where they were supposed to be.

Valentines Day Dance 2012 @ 01:17 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: King's Hall, Saturday Feb. 11
Rating: NSFW
Content: It's the Valentine's Dance

Gaudy wasn't the right word for the way that the ball room had been decorated. Gaudy wasn't nearly extreme enough a word to cover the over the top ridiculousness that had occurred in the room. Shades of red, pink, purple, and white flooded all over the hall. Fat, naked cherub toys swung from the ceiling shooting foam, heart shaped arrows down into the crowd. Red hearts floated past and every once in a while, one of the hearts would explode and send glitter all over the place.

Streamers, banners, and table cloths were heart and glitter covered. Staff were watching the students and aurors took a few rounds around the outside of the building. Snack tables were covered in Valentine's Day snacks and the punch was bright red with Valentine's Day themed cups.

January 26th, 2012

Text to Charlie @ 01:16 am


Just in case you forgot, since you've been spending so much company with your gal pal anyway, I thought I'd remind you.

Img Attach: Img001.jpg

January 19th, 2012

Night Watch, Team Three @ 08:32 pm


Characters: Candice Walker, Kiera O'Reilly, Simón Rodriguez, Meka Palakiko, Sam Ruiz, Charlie Baker, Erica Kauffman, Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau, and Simon Buford
Setting: Around Blue Ridge campus on Friday night 8pm-12am
Rating: NSFW, violent imagery and cussing
Summary: Team Three goes on night watch!

Even though Hunter had been poking Candice all week about not making her team and Candice had given her just as much shit back, she was a little disappointed her dastardly duo wouldn't be working with her. Though, she had been quite pleased with her team. She was sure the two Quirank students would be exceptionally helpful not to mention Kiera and Simón. The team figured they would each be responsible for two students and they would figure that out when they needed to, no need to be too planned out.

As they met with their students, Candice was sure to check each one of them out, having two of her own house students was reassuring and daunting at the same time. She knew how her house was quite infamous for just diving into things. "Alright, listen up ladies and gentlemen, we're going to be taking the Southern loop. We'll start here and make our way south west toward the houses. We'll walk to the woods behind Quirank and comb as far back as a few miles and work our way south toward the other houses. We'll check the perimeter of the parking lots near the school's housing and then do a run through of Black Bear Road. Another group is checking behind the Black Bear community and we're checking the actual community. Now don't go peeking in any windows," she said specifically looking at Sim with a big grin.

"Make sure ya stick together," Kiera added. "We don't need anyone runnin' off on their own. If ya see something just point it out as quickly as possible. There's a chance that it might be too dangerous to give chase and if it is, we'll have to just call in the aurors."

"If we are to use any sort of spells they will only be disarming spells or protective spells. We are not to hurt anyone or anything," Simón said carefully. "Disarm," he repeated. He had all of these kids in Defense Against the Dark Arts at one point or another and knew that they could get carried away sometimes in the heat of a duel or a simple disarming match. "Does anyone have any questions?"

January 2nd, 2012

November 18th, 2011

Homecoming!!! @ 06:23 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Extremely backdated to October 22, 2011 from 7pm-12am
Rating: NSFW
Summary: The homecoming dance!

The staff had been planning for homecoming all week along with the students and the events committee. With the themed days leading up to the dance along with the game, everyone on campus was revved up and ready to go. King's Hall had been decorated to the nines, keeping to the schools blue color theme. When the game was over, and Appalachia house walked off the fields champions of the homecoming game, one of the large center banners turned turquoise and silver with a wolf mascot in the center to celebrate the team's victory.

By seven the music was playing and the ball room was filling with students and staff. There were several tables lined up against the walls with snacks and drinks. There were balloons and colored bubbles falling from the ceiling and streamers flying through the air. The entire thing was exceptionally festive and Blue Ridge was prepared to celebrate it's homecoming.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry