Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute - Headdesk.
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Characters: Kyle and OPEN
Setting: Hallway, after their first class.
Rating: SFW
Summary: Poor Kyle is already off to a bad start. He's taking the term headdesk a little bit too literally.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Kyle was beating his head slowly on a convenient wall. It wasn't his fault he'd already failed, he swore to god it wasn't. The words on the page just hadn't made sense and now the teachers were already giving him those "Oh Kyle, what are we going to do with you?" looks. He hated those looks.They were evil. Pure, total evil. 

This was supposed to be the year he actually moved up. It was totally unfair.

"No Quadpot for me."

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.


mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: August 24th, 2010 01:37 am (UTC) (Link)
"Keep that up, and you'll kill what little brain cells you have left, Copeland." Leon said with a snort as he happened upon Kyle. Giving the 3rd round Junior a once over, he smirked a little devilishly. "Though, I suppose the brain would finally match the rest of it, if you managed to kill'm all."

Adjusting his messenger bag a little, he waved a little at someone down the hall before glancing back at Kyle. "You know, mate, maybe you should consider just giving up. I hear the Sonic is hiring in town. Perfect job for you, mopping floor and flipping burgers. You can't fuck that shite up."

Leon smiled brightly as he started off down the hall again, before stopping to turn back. "Then again, maybe you could." He said as he continued to walk backwards.
muttonbuster From: [info]muttonbuster Date: August 24th, 2010 01:40 am (UTC) (Link)
Kyle glared at Leon. He hated the little jackass. Just...hated him. Victor and Soap might adore him, but Kyle wanted to bash his head in.

"Oh, fuck you, Shaw! You don't know anything!"

He wished he had something witty to snap back, but he was seeing red and just wanted to punch him in his stupid face.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: August 24th, 2010 01:55 am (UTC) (Link)
"Aww, did I hurt your little feelings? What a fuckin' ponce. Are you going to cry now? Wait, aww...mate, I think...I think you might be tearin' up a bit. Fucking embarrassing, that is."

Leon, laughed a little, stopping in the hall as he watched Kyle. God, he had sort of missed this over holiday.
muttonbuster From: [info]muttonbuster Date: August 24th, 2010 01:57 am (UTC) (Link)
That was it. Kyle was off like an angry bear, running after Leon before he launched into a truly beautiful pounce. He hoped to land on the little assface and pound his face in.

It was the little pleasures in life that kept one's spirits up.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: August 24th, 2010 03:23 am (UTC) (Link)
Leon had just enough time to get his arms up as Kyle charged him, glowering as they both went flying toward the floor.

"Fuckin' hell, you bloody wanker." He grunted as he pushed an arm up under Kyle's chin. "Get the fuck off."
muttonbuster From: [info]muttonbuster Date: August 24th, 2010 02:25 pm (UTC) (Link)
Kyle punched him across the jaw. "You learn to keep your mouth shut, jackass!"

He was a little worried about what would happen when Soap and Vic heard about this, but it felt so good.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: August 24th, 2010 05:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
That hurt like hell, pain shooting across his jaw as stars and neon lights flashed in his eyes. Leon blinked a few times, trying to push Kyle off him enough to get to his wand...

No. He moved his hand, and said a quick incantation for a wandless spell, hoping to push Kyle back enough. Who knew that class would be so useful?
muttonbuster From: [info]muttonbuster Date: August 24th, 2010 08:50 pm (UTC) (Link)
Kyle never really made it to wandless magic. He fell back a short ways, landing on his ass.

mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: August 24th, 2010 10:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah, you fuckwad, hurts..." God, his jaw still hurt too. Scrambling up, Leon fumbled to get his bag situated and a few feet away before he looked back at Kyle. "I hope you fail, ya miserable cunt."
muttonbuster From: [info]muttonbuster Date: August 28th, 2010 05:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I hope you fucking die, pansy." Kyle spat at Leon and scrambled to his feet.

"Whether Soap likes you or not, this ain't over." He pointed at Leon, scowling.
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: August 30th, 2010 04:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
"What? you going to kill me yourself?" Leon scowled, giving the other boy the finger.

"Don't bring Janis isn't this, asswipe."
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