Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Sera Donnelly-Rousseau and Open.
Setting: Friday Afternoon, in the school library.
Rating: Should be SFW, I assume.
Summary: Sera is spending the afternoon studying.

School had basically returned to normal for Sera. Sure she was feeling like she ruined her friendship with Jenny but she wasn't letting that interfere with her studying. If anything she was throwing herself at the books harder than ever, she needed something to distract her.

After classes she returned to her room just long enough to change out of her uniform and grab a few books to take with her to the library. Sera knew it wasn't the coolest way to spend a Friday night but she enjoyed the feeling of showing up to classes Monday morning knowing she had already read ahead a few chapters. Arriving at the library, Sera made her way to a corner near the back, not too secluded as to block out all nose, but far enough back that she wouldn't have to deal to a stream of people passing by, if anyone else even went to the library on a Friday night?

Finding a comfy spot, she leaned back and opened up her first book.

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learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: September 19th, 2010 10:55 pm (UTC) (Link)
Meka had just found out the news. She was now the President of student council, Sera was the tenth grade rep, and Rowan was the Vice President! She was excited and wanted to get started on research right away. After class she had a quick cigarette break, went back to her's and Sera's room and changed grabbing a notebook and a pile of books.

She headed to the library and scooped out a spot to sit, sighting her roomie. She smiled, thinking they had probably just missed each other. She waved and made her way over to Sera's corner and plopped down. "Hey girl, I just heard some interesting news," she said barely able to contain her excitement.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: September 25th, 2010 12:20 am (UTC) (Link)
Sera looked up from her book just as Meka was making her way over. From the look of things, her roommate seemed to be in a very good mood, and Sera was pretty sure she knew exactly why.

"Hey to you too girl" She spoke back as Meka took a seat beside her. "Interesting news huh? That wouldn't have something to do with council's awesome new president would it?" Sera asked, nudging at Meka's arm a little and grinning. Sera had just heard the news herself and was just as excited as Meka; not only had she herself won Grade 10 Rep, but Meka, Rowan and Jenny had all won too, it was going to be a pretty fun year for student council.
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: September 25th, 2010 07:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
She beamed at Sera. "So great right?" she asked excitedly. "We're going to have so much fun!"

"Me, you, Rowan, Jenny, and Keegan. It's going to be awesome!" she wiggled in her seat. Meka was still pretty shell shocked that she had actually won President out of everyone who had been running.

"And to celebrate you're doing some homework yeah?" she teased gently.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: October 2nd, 2010 07:34 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Yes, we definitely are." Sera smiled back, letting the election results sink in a little. She was actually surprised a little at the results herself.

"I didn't think the student body had it in them, ya know? They really did vote for the right people!" Sera exclaimed still smiling brightly at Meka. "Most people usually just turn these things into popularity contests, but for once the smart, responsibly people who are going to take their jobs serious actually won." Sera kind of rambled off.

Sera laughed at Meka's comment, "Yeah, just thought I get some reading done before classes Monday." She replied, "Trying to get ahead a few chapters in History right now so I don't have to worry about it later." She continued.

"What about you, what brings you here after your big win?"
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: October 2nd, 2010 07:46 pm (UTC) (Link)
Meka couldn't help but smile, Sera was right, most of the time these things turned into popularity contests, in which case Meka would not have won President. "I know exactly what you mean. I figured I would go for it though, you know? And it worked out," she grinned.

"I was actually going to start doing some research on student government, see what has changed over the years and see what sort of things need to be put into affect," she was really excited about her position and she knew that she could actually do a lot now that she had been elected.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: October 4th, 2010 09:00 pm (UTC) (Link)
"See that's why you deserved to win." Sera laughed. "No one else would have taken it that serious or cared enough to do any type of research."

Sera paused for a minute, still looking at Meka. "You really are going to do great." She offered kindly.
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: October 4th, 2010 09:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Thanks Sera," she smiled, genuinely touched by her friends compliment. She needed as much confidence a she could muster. "I think you're going to be an amazing rep too!" she smiled.

"So, homecoming is coming up, you excited about that?"
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