Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute
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Characters: Quinn & Emilie
Setting: Transitional dorm, evening
Rating: Language, at least
Summary: Quinn is out, sees Em, and jumps on the chance to talk. They have some catching up to do.

The root of all evil )

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Characters: Everyone!
Setting: The Van Rensselaer home, NOLA. Tues March 8th
Content: NSFW. Just calling that now.
Summary: It's Mardi Gras in NOLA. Naturally someone has to have a party.

Never mind that it was a school night, Quinn wanted a party. She'd been intending to throw one on Mardi Gras and had been working on her uncle for some time to let her have the house. Finally she had won out. Not only did she get permission, but Noah and his wife vacated for the next couple days to allow her the opportunity for the party as well as the clean up. There was plenty of room for people to crash that night before they had to manage to get to class the following day.

The main portion of the house was decorated with all sorts of Mardi Gras decorations. Streamers, masks, draped boas, and other brightly coloured items to mark the festival. Quinn had made sure there was plenty of starting alcohol available, all obtained through a reliable source and none from her own stash. She was sure more people would bring their own to fill it out. Even food was available, though the size of the alcohol table was far larger.

A house elf was aiding the hostess in passing out beads to the male attendees while the hostess herself filled her arm with a bunch to pass out as she made her rounds.

It's Mardi Gras, and it's time to party.

[OOC NOTE: Remember to tag yourselves!]

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The Devil's Birthday
Characters: Emilie and Stas
Setting: Her bedroom, late Monday, February 14th.
Content: Probably NSFW.
Summary: Stas drops by with a birthday surprise.

After his Valentine's dinner date with Sunny, CCI's infamous bad boy used a charm to climb the wall outside Emilie's window. He pushed it open, expecting to find spikes on the sill. He wasn't sure if he was surprised or disappointed that there weren't any. He grinned at Emilie and pulled the whiskey out of his bag, pouring it into two champagne flutes. "Happy birthday," he said offering one to her.

Emilie had had a pretty successful night, which was not bad when a) your birthday fell on a monday, and b) it was only Valentine’s day every single year. Forever. She’d been laying in her bed, having managed to get her shoes and scarf off. She’d just wanted to listen to music and enjoy her buzz when the window flew open and Anastas crawled in.

A boy, climbing into your window on Valentine’s day? )

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Hunt: Emilie and Charles
Who: Professor Leonard Fortis, Emilie Devlin, and Charles Oliver
What: Monster hunting
Where: The forest/swamp surrounding the campus
Rating: SFW

There was an air of nervousness as the groups of students and professors split apart and began searching the grounds for the creatures at large. Leonard Fortis, firm and stoic as always, looked at the students assigned to him and nodded. "Miss Devlin, Mr. Oliver," he said holding his lit wand. "Stick together, ever vigilant," he gave them a knowing smile.

He started walking in front of the two students, checking left and right with each step and never straying too far from Emilie and Charles.

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The Pimp Pad (open to the scandalous ladies)
Characters: Anastas, Adelaide, Michi, and Emilie
Setting: Stasi's room
Content: SFW?
Summery: The ladies come clamoring in to listen to the shenanigans in Sim and Gray's room below. Stasi enjoys the view.

Stas had just settled in for the evening with the one page of homework he planned on doing himself. He left his door open a crack, since he wasn't doing anything illicit. He opened his book and looked over the reading assignment. It was a more advanced spell for wandless magic, one he was actually excited to learn.

He was just about to break out his wand and practice when three females busted in and rushed over to his floor. "And to what do I owe this pleasure, ladies?"

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Pumping Emilie ;)
Characters: Jake and Emilie
Setting: The CCI Art Room
Content: Hmmm, I’m sure some swearing may be involved.
Summary: Jake follows Emilie to pump her for info

Flying class really kicked ass for Jake today )

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Characters: Yevgeni and Emilie
Setting: The woods near school, Friday after classes
Rating: SFW
Summary: Yev thinks he's getting some private time... wrong!

It had been a pretty successful week, Yev thought to himself innocent as he recounted the days. He had made a new friend, he had only blow up a handful of things in class, and he had done pretty well on his astronomy essay. Now all there was left to do was relax and take a minute to himself. With Sam and his rucksack, he made his way into the woods to find his favorite clearing. Once there he settled into the grass sighed contentedly. Sam curled up on his chest and closed her eyes.

Yev laid there for a while, soaking up those last of rays of sun before it was too cold to be out without his coat. After a while he reached over and grabbed his rucksack, with one hand he rummaged through until he got to the thing he had been looking for... his music box. Without a moment's hesitation he opened it and let the song play out, as he held it in the palm of his hand.

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Characters: Emilie, Ciaran, and the Devlin clan
Setting: January 1st. The Devlin Penthouse, Central Park West.
Content: Emilie? Also swearing, sexual references, and possible violence
Summary: Emilie and Ciaran are discovered by her family. Awkward and Humiliation await. 8V

Emilie startled awake, gasping for air like the newly risen dead. )

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Characters: Alexander and Emilie (And now Quinn~!!)
Setting: Lalaurie Common Room
Content: Emilie. 'Nuff said.
Summary: Brian was cleaning again, so Alex had retreated to the Common Room for safety. Little did he know Emilie would be showing up.

Now Alex liked Brian. He did. The kid was nice, if odd, and didn't really get in his way. What more could he ask for in a roommate? Of course, that didn't mean he didn't get annoyed with him at times. Times like now when he went on a cleaning binge, and Alex couldn't even be in his own room because of the smell of cleaning supplies. Plus he always felt like Brian was going to start trying to clean him too, and that would have been... just no.

And that was why Alex found himself sitting in the Common Room, alternating between doing homework and reading magazines. It was a slow and quiet night, so Alex thought he might actually be able to get some work done without anyone bothering or seeing him do such.

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Characters: Stas and Emilie
Setting: Friday evening, a ways from the Quodpot field
Rating: Probably NSFW, it's Stas and Emilie (drug use, swearing)
Summary: The first time Emilie has run into Stas since the dress incident at the Snowflake Ball

Stas made the effort to go to the quodpot field and cheer for Sunny and her team for the early portion of the game, but his heart wasn't in it. He was anxious, unable to sit still, surely about to get himself into some kind of trouble with her again.

He cut out through the stands and back to the walk that lead towards school. )

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