Crescent City: OOC - August 8th, 2010
Welcome CCI Players.

Today starts the first wave of the game's beginning. As of today, the Out Of Character community is open for players of transfer characters to post about said transfers. This is to make note of changes for other players as well as re-establish character relationships and all that fun stuff.

Also, for this week and this week only (the 9th through the 13th), players will be permitted to post threads/logs that have happened before this time in game. Mostly for fun or to have certain key events logged in the game community. When posting these threads, please note in the Subject that it is a Pre-Thread so that we can keep them easily separated from regular threads.

All threads must be posted before the 13th; they do not have to be completed before that time, but no new pre-thread scenes can be posted after that time. Tags will be added for characters and scene status once people begin posting and please make sure to use these tags throughout the game.

The pre-threading and OOC posts are only for the players who have their journals added to the communities and have had their character biographies given the stamp of approval by the Mods. Please note that the only journals you should have added are those that are added to the communities.

As you were, folks.


Name: Crescent City: OOC
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