Crescent City: OOC - Derpderp, bitches.
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Derpderp, bitches.
anastas From: [info]anastas Date: January 6th, 2011 03:50 am (UTC) (Link)
As always, Stas has definitely hit on her. Her reaction was probably hilarious.

Jools would avoid her if only because Brody's pompousness might interfere with her own "I'm too good for you" mystique (which she's starting to shed, but her standards are all over the place).

Abernathy might like her, but might be too North Country for Brody to tolerate.

Marina loves her. They're both art dorks and have massive closets (though Marina's is mostly from the Salvation army). She used to be afraid of the dark too. She insists that they need to be friends.
almost_famous From: [info]almost_famous Date: January 6th, 2011 11:35 am (UTC) (Link)
I can just imagine the look on her face ahaha and the possible punching if he happens to do it anytime soon. YOU'RE SUNNY'S BF WHY YOU DO THIS and a flurry of fists, etcetc.

I don't think Jools would be much on the radar, although she probably thinks "oh my god she's pretty" from afar. LIKE A MERMAID OR SOMETHING. And I think she and AB would be cool to each other for sure, although I don't know if they'd be bffs or anything. I at least don't see them disliking each other?

Dude, this HAS TO HAPPEN. Like, asap. Marina can be one of privileged ~few~ to actually know about Brody's terror. :D
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