Crescent City: OOC - New Character!
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New Character!
mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: January 29th, 2011 08:50 pm (UTC) (Link)
Leon is, well...resident asshole. XD I doubt he has anything in particular against Malachi....but I doubt they are friends, either. Just one of those things. Malachi might be among the group that could possibly remember Leon being a nicer guy, once upon a time.

Brain- Yeah, Brian would be a little "omg you are a senior" followed by "omg you are one of those evil, mean people" in his brain. Never allowed. He'd probably try to stay out of the way, because Brian is just like that.

Ginger- Probably knows him in a vague sense. Might have had a fling with him in the past? She's pretty much the 'anything to make me popular and people to like me' type, is possible.
thatryderboy From: [info]thatryderboy Date: January 29th, 2011 09:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
I think Mal probably does remember the old Leon and he probably understands him fairly well (LOL...not like Jake claims to understand him). Mal knows what it's like to have your private life invaded and people always whispering and asking questions. I think he gives Leon the space he needs.

I think Mal would be amused with Brian, if he knew him. Almost in a paternal way.

Oh yeah, Mal would know of Ginger. LOL! Besides...she's a cheerleader, for cryin out loud!
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