Crescent City: OOC - New Character!
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New Character!
thatryderboy From: [info]thatryderboy Date: January 29th, 2011 09:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
LOL! Thanks!

I think Mal would think sophomore Colby was adorable should they ever happen to meet.

I'm guessing they are probably in a few classes together and Mal would definitely know him through Quodpot. Knowing that Gael is a nice guy, Mal would be cool with him for sure.

LOL...not sure about Alex. I guess it all depends on what conditions Mal met the 9th grader under and how they clicked, y'know?

Me too...always ready to plot out a SL!
wantsthesky From: [info]wantsthesky Date: January 30th, 2011 04:05 am (UTC) (Link)
Colby thinks they should meet or bump into each other for definitely. Because awesome people need to know each other. I dunno if her brother would feel the same way though~ XD

Gael's always nice! Unlike his brother, who's a bit of a bitch, most of the time. And yes, I checked and they DO have classes together!

Makes sense. Alex is a bit of a shit most of the time XD Though Mal being an older student may save him the brunt of his snarkitude.

Yes! Plot lines are so one of my favorite things! Colby's gonna have an open post up soon if you'd want to jump on that.
thatryderboy From: [info]thatryderboy Date: January 30th, 2011 04:38 am (UTC) (Link)
I'd love for him to meet Colby. I'll watch for her open post.

So, cool, between being Quodpot players and having classes together, Gael and Mal should be pretty well acquainted with each other, if nothing else.

Haha...I don't want to think of Mal's reaction to a 9th grade boy who comes off as a shit to him.
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