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thatryderboy From: [info]thatryderboy Date: February 1st, 2011 09:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
LMAO! Mal would ask C if he is like the Ambassador or poster child for punk music. Is he the love-child of Sid and Nancy? Agreed that Green Day is more like 1980s New Wave than true Punk, but who cares? Mal likes what he likes and apparently he's not alone. What skin is it off of C's nose?

Ummm...word. :b
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: February 1st, 2011 09:18 pm (UTC) (Link)
I think he'd like to be the lovechild of Sid & Nancy. Saying 'but who cares' to C about whether Green Day are punk or not is sort of like kicking a bull in the bollocks. And it's not about the fanbase, it's about musical integrity.

It's an idiom. Means you might as well be caught doing something really bad rather than something just a bit bad if the overall outcome is going to be the same.
thatryderboy From: [info]thatryderboy Date: February 1st, 2011 09:49 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ahhh...musical integrity. Well, I get what you are saying, but for Mal, it's like's all fine being so involved in the music and everything, but let's use 'cars' for an example: Some people need to know everything about the car, all the parts, how it's put together...and then some people just want to drive...Mal just wants to listen to the music. He doesn't care about the politics or the's music.

LMAO...Antha, hon! I knew it was an idiom and what it meant. I was just being silly! <3
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