Crescent City: OOC - New Character!
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New Character!
thatryderboy From: [info]thatryderboy Date: February 4th, 2011 01:34 am (UTC) (Link)
Yeah, it seems as though Mal and Keegan have a lot in common. Both are party boys, both like the girls and both are no stranger to getting into hot water. (Plus those things you mentioned of course). I think it would be fair to say they would be party buddies. Oh yeah, don't forget, they would know each other from Quodpot.

I think they would know each other because of the shared classes and they might have a unique relationship because Quinn is a lesbian. Mal could enjoy just being himself and not worry about the guy/girl stuff with her.

Mal would find Sibyl interesting because she's cute and she plays Quidditch. He loves sports and follows Quidditch, even though he doesn't play it.

Yeah, not sure about Casey. If he ever saw him in the common room or anything, Mal would be nice to him.
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: February 5th, 2011 11:55 pm (UTC) (Link)
Oh yes! Quodpot! So there may be some friendly joking on that being that they're on opposing teams, harmless really. Party buddies definitely.

That sounds like an interesting thing, yea. Quinn doesn't have much of any close friends, and even less male friends in general. I'm absolutely up for them having a relaxed friendship, being able to be real with each other.

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Name: Crescent City: OOC
Back January 2012
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