Dresden Out of Character - March 10th, 2012

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Dresden Academy
Faculty Journal

March 10th, 2012

10:03 am - Sighard Wieland Valemont
I really have a problem. Did I tell you they come in threes?

Let me introduce you to Sighard (usually called Sig or Siggy, sometimes referred to as Valemont which ends in someone shedding blood or serving detention).

He's a Champlain junior, very smart and somewhat worldly. His claim to fame is that his dad is a well-known vampire and for the first two and a half years at Dresden he went by his mother's maiden name before admitting whose child he was. Since then he hasn't had it terribly easy (lots of his early friends ditched him after the reveal), but he's figured out who he is and who is valuable to him since then.

Originally from Germany, he's been in America so long you'd never know it. He's crazy smart and he loves a good (if pointless and even stupid) adventure (especially if it's ill advised).

He's taking ADV Potions I, Transfig I and Herb I (thinking about becoming a mediwizard if he continues to do well) as well as Divination II, Music, and Lit I. He's in the chess club, intramural sports, school paper, honor society, and he plays the sax in the school orchestra.

We're looking for friends and ex-friends. Sig spent too much time worrying about getting his friends back to be chasing around S.O.s, though that could certainly change now.

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