Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

February 28th, 2014

You need to maintain your wardrobe if you're going to dress to impress... (Frances) @ 11:52 pm


Martin might've not really understood why people where so against teleporting in, but at least he was learning to respect it. Which is why the young mage appeared at the door of the West Coast Avengers HQ instead of right in their living room. He'd even sent those blue magic lights as messengers ahead of him. Okay, those things weren't patient, they were nagging little things really, but they counted as giving a heads up! And much easier than dealing with knocking. It got people to the door much better anyway.

Plus, not like this was too out of the blue. Annoying squeaking lights should've gotten the message across. There needed to be dapper suit shopping! He couldn't do it on his own. In fact, he'd even dressed up a little more, with a blazer and pocket square to go with his usual vest, hat and gloves ensemble.

While he waited for the slow people on the other side of the door, Martin occupied his time by examining the door itself, tapping it with his hat and looking to see what sort of magical protection, if any, the building had.

November 22nd, 2013

Grog and Grogg. (Or How to Do Kaiju Car Bombs) (meme) @ 10:58 am


 Escaping from the debriefing by the skin of her teeth, Frances stepped out into the lovely (crowded) streets of Tokyo. Really, what about her said 'send this to one day-long departmental meetings as team rep'? Whatever, she was free with the address for a bar in her pocket. One of the assistants she had managed to charm and coax had recommended it as a place to get a drink and see just about everything the city offered, no one batted an eye over odd outfits or lifestyles. Sounded more promising than the Hello Kitty hotel rooms. 

Getting lost, getting unlost and a few turns later, she found the place (lots of neon, very promising) and headed in. Time to get her drink on!

October 16th, 2013

Trouble in the City By the Bay (Open to WCA and anyone in SF to react) @ 07:23 pm


Once the imprisoned Zodiac members were free, they didn't wait long to make a move. Mikel Fury directed the members to attack Leo and his Triads in San Francisco. Violence erupted in the streets in the more seedier parts of the city and the civilians stayed inside out of the way.

August 23rd, 2013

Doghouse(Open to WCA) @ 10:30 pm


Since he was hanging with the West Coast Avengers now and the Dagda always seemed interest in maintaining connects with the mortal plane Eiltin was moving into the base. He didn't really have a lot to bring with him but he did bring someone he definitely could be without, Ruarc. The big horse of a dog always got really rowdy when Eiltin wasn't around.

Eiltin was busy bringing his things into his room which would take him to long with his speed. Ruarc had given up trying to follow him around and had claimed a couch to himself so that he could keep an eye on Eiltin.

July 23rd, 2013

May 27th, 2013

Things of Nightmares @ 09:28 pm


Svalin woke to find herself lying on the ground. She blinked. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was being attacked. She didn't see the attacker, but the world went black and she woke up here. Where was here?

Svalin pulled herself to her feet and looked around.

The world was desolate and had been destroyed at some point. Where in Hel was she and what had happened?

May 25th, 2013

Welcome to the WCA (open) @ 11:02 pm


Mike waited a few days after receiving the invitation before showing up at the address on the car. He sat out front on his bike and stared at the building for awhile. It was quite the building, he'd give them that.

It was time to bite the bullet. He climbed off his bike and climbed the steps to the front door. He pressed the buzzer.

March 31st, 2013

Small animals make everything more fun...right? @ 11:01 pm


He'd been polite and had even used that knocking-spell Orlen had set up on her place to get permission before teleporting in. He didn't really see the point of it really, but if that was what people wanted...alright then.
Currently he was set up on her living room floor, sitting there and showing off new minor spells he'd been practicing. As if the poor archer's place didn't have enough magic in it, here he was infusing extra in the air. "May I have something to drink please?" Magic was thirsty work and one did not manage to make her books dance to The Black Keys without needing a refreshment. Disney had it right, musicals were best with normally inanimate objects. 

March 9th, 2013

Magic and firearms: How could this possible go wrong? (Martin) @ 04:43 pm


She wasn't entirely sure how she had made a deal with the little sorcerer Martin to teach him guns, but Frances liked to made good on promises. Oh no wait, it was for the magic arrows that had saved her ass, that was it. Anyway, she had to be make good and since no one was trying to kill/enslave/genderswap/veganify the world (yet, it was only ten in the morning), today was a decent day to do so.

Frances was at the outdoor shooting range, at the safety line with a few different examples for Martin and decided to warm up a little with a handgun and stationary target while she waited. 

February 24th, 2013

Avengers Assemble...for a meeting @ 06:47 pm


Jarvis and his staff made sure the conference room was ready for a meeting. A table with pastries, cookies, and some healthy snacks had been prepared along with one that held various drinks. It wasn't frequent where the Avengers assembled for meetings that had been planned.

February 3rd, 2013

Post-Game (open to anyone who wanted to go) @ 11:21 pm


"Well it was a good game," Anya said to Buck as the clock wound down to zero. The Ravens won the game, though she had been rooting for San Francisco. Her team, the Giants, didn't make it and she wasn't a fan of either game, but she was a fan of a good game and it had been one. They had watched the game from a luxury box with a very large spread of food and a wide variety of foods.

She had invited Buck of course, but also anyone from the Avengers, Big Hero 6, Champions, Thunderbolts, Alpha Flight, Nightstalkers, Defenders, Future Foundation, X-Men, anyone else who wanted to go and she even extended an invitation to the Genoshan embassy. After saving the world on almost daily basis, they could all use some fun and a chance to kick back and relax.

The Battle of Olympus @ 11:50 am


The trail eventually led the Avengers, Future Foundation and the Defenders to the other dimensional realm that served as the home of the Greek gods. They traveled to a few realms that were home to other gods only to find them destroyed and in ruins. Olympus wasn't in ruins, but it was under attack. Battle raged all around and the skies thundered and were lit up by lightning bolts.

January 24th, 2013

I got a tortured mind and my blade is sharp. A bad combination in the dark @ 02:02 pm


The objective was breathtakingly simple: Take out a warehouse full of black market weapons and tech that the bad guys had been using as a cache, but do it to a) leave a message and b) not be traced back to the good guys. Beautiful, direct. It was also much easier on paper than it looked on a rooftop adjacent to said warehouse.

"You know, I'm spotting some actual security on this place, instead of the usual. Cameras, floodlights, hell, even the armed guards look alert. Smart grunts, that's new."

Bow to the Crown @ 03:25 pm


Svalin wasn't quite sure how it happened, but she found herself along with Aridis on a road trip with Frances. Vernique had gone shopping with Brandr and Solver, saying that Solver needed more clothes. Though Svalin was quite sure their son had enough clothes and shoes and everything else a child could need. Svalin was of the mind that he could have used a few more wooden weapons, but her wife was quite keen on limiting the number of those.

Aridis and she had been in the training room when Frances found them. The next moment they were in the car and heading somewhere.

"Where art we?" Svalin asked as they climbed out of the car.

December 6th, 2012

Best Dressed Crime-fighting Duo Ever @ 08:37 pm

November 23rd, 2012

A Time Honored Tradition - Rate the Hunk @ 02:01 pm


Traditions were important.

For a lot of people the day after Thanksgiving meant hitting the stores and getting great deals on items that would most likely be Christmas presents. For the female Avengers and others the day after Thanksgiving meant a different tradition. They would gather and rate the hunkiness of the male members of the various teams.

Anya had been up at the crack of dawn and readied the Thunderbolts' headquarters. Normally this would take place in the Avengers Mansion, but the boys would be holding Rate the Babe there and the girls needed their own space. She made travel arrangements for everyone invited. Avengers, X-Men, SHIELD, Future Foundation, Alpha Flight, Champions, and the Defenders.

Anya had the event catered by a local restaurant, not wanting to make the Thunderbolts chef have to feed so many people. She had even made sure that all of the Kelly's guns were unloaded.

Everything was ready for their guests.

October 24th, 2012

Time for Jazz to meet her future team mates. @ 09:24 pm


 She had slept alright the night before and the bed was more comfortable then her own. Now she was freshened up and ready to face the day in her favorite beige pants, purple button up top, black shoes and winning Stark grin. This was how her Tony taught her to take on new situations. She wanted to make a good first impression on what might be a team of people that she would be working with plus it was the Avengers, all her father ever talked about and her dream team.   She headed down to the rec room and hoped she wasn’t late.


July 24th, 2012

(no subject) @ 04:23 am


Who: Orlen Strange and martin others as well OTA.
What: messing his place up
Where: new york.
Rating: pg
Status: Incomplete.
I just put the damn carpet. )

July 14th, 2012

Attack On New York @ 11:21 pm


Hadelinde was a bit shocked when a future kid, hers no less, showed up and told her of the bleak future. In the future she was in prison as was most of the criminal world. The Avengers had brought peace to the world and there wasn't a place in that world for her or her kind. The main driving force was a future Avenger called Solver Svalinsson, now an infant.

That couldn't stand. The future could not play out that way. She would make sure of it. The Avengers would not win, not as long as she was alive. She had to do something now to prevent that future.

The meteor that had fallen in Texas was the key to changing the future. Her son had mentioned the strange properties to her. In his past the Avengers had disposed of it by flinging it into the sun. Hadelinde had changed that by having her Masters of Evil steal it out from under the Avengers.

It had taken time and the lives of some test subjects, but in the end they had been able to harness the mutating radiation from the rock and get the results they desired. Each of the Masters of Evil's abilities were boosted to higher levels in addition to creating some very strong, almost indestructible mutates. It was time to test the mutates' abilities against the Avengers.

If this test went well, then they could produce an army.

Hadelinde had the mutates teleported to the middle of Central Park. She and the Masters of Evil would be nearby to watch.

June 14th, 2012

Drive it like you stole it! @ 08:39 am


The fact is it is a nice car made better with the previous owner taking good care and keeping it street legal. It handles being thrown into insane turns and skipping gears when shifting with relatively little complaint. Even the speakers are perfectly ear-meltingly loud, so the sirens coming up behind aren't heard but the lights in the rear view mirrors are.  "Well the good news is that the local cops are on their game and not uselessly munching donuts," Frances points out with a light tone and looks over her shoulder to see their distant, clearly donut-lacking, tails.


April 20th, 2012

Hartley, Texas @ 09:55 pm


The small town of Hartley, Texas was not much more than a wide spot in the road that was situated about an hour northwest of Amarillo. The town was small and the surrounding area consisted of mostly ranches and farms and nothing special ever happened in Hartely.

Until a meteorite burned across the west Texas night sky and landed just outside the town on property belonging to one Martin Reynolds. Martin promptly hauled the meteor into town in his pickup. The townspeople all gathered around to see the hunk of space debris that had crashed to Earth.

The strange space rock was put in the center of town and over the next few days it was the center of the talk of the town and the focus of their attention.

March 3rd, 2012

Bad Medicine @ 02:55 pm


It wasn't fair! He had spent so much time and money making himself invulnerable, to prepare himself to survive the inevitable nuclear holocaust. He had built an empire, amassing great wealth wealth and power. He had been opposed by the so-called superheroes and the idiots that represented the law. He had attempted vengeance but in the end such efforts had been unproductive. In the end, he had decided to take what was left of his empire, and retire to live out the rest of his life in peace, away from self-righteous fools that dogged him. He had purchased ownership of an unmarked island, and had lived there in decadent luxury. But now...

Now he was dying from a disease adapted to his body. None of his doctors could cure it. His invulnerable body worked against him as his unique immune system prevented any treatments from heading the illness off. He tried to contract underworld doctors into aiding him, but none could do it. Damon Dran was still a wanted man, but..he would need help from the so-called "legitimate" medical community. There was a doctor, Ian Lennox, who had invented a new kind of vaccine. Dran needed him. He gave the order for his people to kidnap the doctor.

He knew this would attract the hated "heroes" so he put in a call to Calvin Hammer, the Mastermind of the Secret Empire. He would need help, the cost seemed negligible at this point.

February 28th, 2012

Moving Target @ 07:39 pm


"Okay. What workout are we going for today?" Mac asked Frances. "Target practice?"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay