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Rose Tint My World - A Graphics Community

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[22 Jul 2010|10:16pm]
[24] alice nine. Icons (23 Shou, 1 Hiroto)
[15] Devil May Cry (13 Nero, 1 Dante, 1 Lady)
[11] Resident Evil (Leon Kennedy)
[7] Misc. (4 FF7, 1 Code Geass, 1 WET, 1 Stock)

Determination that is incorruptable )

Notes and Terms of Use:
-I want to make my icons easy for anyone to use. This means all icons posted are universal, I will not be locking this post after a certain period of time, and all icons are available for use by everyone.
-Credit is very welcome but I'm not going to hunt you down for not doing it for most of my icons.
-Comments are loved, even if they aren't necessary
-Textless icons are generally not bases, however if you do add something to them, I'd like it if you'd drop me a comment showing me. I'm interested in what you would come up with.
-#1-4, and #14,#15 of the DMC icons, #11 of the RE icons, and all except #7 of the Misc. icons were made for various icontests on Scribbld. I HIGHLY suggest crediting these specific ones if you take them, as some of them have placed.
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