Suggestions for Scribbld's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Suggestions for Scribbld

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[03 Jul 2008|02:34pm]

A mobile compatible version of the site, so that it fits on small screens of smartphones and the like.
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enable html in sidebar [01 Jul 2008|08:48pm]

This way you can have pictures or more links in your sidebar. And you can bold, underline & striketrough sertain text.
pictures )
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Friends Add Button [26 Feb 2008|09:09am]

It goes along with

Screenshot: the button
Screenshot: the output

The Code:
<form method="post" action=""><br/><pre>
<input value="" size="16" type="text" name="remoteuser">
<textarea style="display: none;" cols="10" rows="1" name="commands">
friend add jimmy
friend add scribbld_bugs
friend add scribbldsugest

set newpost_minsecurity friends
</pre><input value="Friends Add" type="submit"><br/></form>

It doesn't join you groups but it's a mass friends add-er, so if you have a community with 100 people you can put your username in the form, hit the button and it adds your friends. They have it at GJ and at IJ. Even changing the website in the action doesn't make the button work.
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More S2 templates? [22 Feb 2008|02:20pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

I don't know if this is more a suggest to the users or the maintainer (I'm unfamiliar with S2, so I don't know if templates are user-made and then mass-used, or if the maintainer makes them), but I figured it was worth a mention anyway.

Preferrably, I'd like to see "Flexible Squares" and "Smooth Sailing". I found some examples on premade layout journals, so I hope it's ok to link to those:

Flexible Squares

+ Here

+ Here

Smooth Sailing

+ Here

+ Here

If you need other examples, let me know and I can find them ^^ I hope this is in the right place!

Thank you for your time :)
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[19 Feb 2008|09:33am]

Testimonials: I'm sure anyone from Greatestjournal knows what I'm talking about. They're pretty much salutes from people on your friend's list that go at the bottom of your userinfo page.

A link to an example. Also, a screenshot of a couple pages
here )
6 comments|post comment

[10 Feb 2008|11:11pm]

Being able to remove friend-of's. Only site I know that actually had this was greatestjournal :( I don't know if it's able to do or not, but I thought I'd suggest it anyways.

screen caps/example )
9 comments|post comment

[10 Feb 2008|05:08pm]

Icon previewing on comments- when you go to comment and select an icon it shows the icon you selected.


ALSO: You can't have ?mode=reply at the end of your URL. Try having #comments and then clicking Post A New Comment or responding to someone else's comment, if it's not showing up for you.
57 comments|post comment

The Master Suggestions List [10 Feb 2008|08:58pm]

Here's a collection of all the suggestions. Suggestions higher up will receive a higher priority of getting coded into Scribbld or be implemented in some sort of way.

1. Hit counter in user profiles
2. Rename tokens & more automation in using them
3. More automated payment system
4. Remove Friend-Ofs
5. Testimonials

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