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Community Information

Below is information about the "(Britney)SpearsSouce" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:spearssource (12320)

SpearsSource is the first Britney Spears fan community on Scribbld, originally started on GJ but has since moved over here. Inside you'll find the latest pictures, most recent news stories, answers to all those rumors, and more! So if you're a Britney fan join today :)

1. All posts will be friends only, so you must join in order to view anything.
2. All posts must be Britney Spears related. This includes her family, friends, etc.
3. Source all news.
4. When posting graphics, a minimum of 8 is required. If you post less than 8 you'll get a warning to add more. Do it more than once and I will delete your entries.
5. Don't promote your communities unless you've been given permission from the mod.
6. No Britney bashing! We're a FAN community.
7. Check the community to make sure what you want to post hasn't already been posted. Don't post the same stories over and over again. Instead add comments to the original post.
8. Large images (over 300 pixels) need to be placed under an lj cut.
    If you don't know how to do one, copy and paste the following before your image: <lj-cut text="more pictures!">
Interests:30: acting, b in the mix the remixes, baby one more time, blackout, britney, britney jean spears, britney spears, britneyspears.com, bryan spears, celebrities, celebrity gossip, chaotic, circus, crossroads, graphics, greatest hits: my prerogative, icons, in the zone, it's britney bitch!, jamie spears, jamie-lynn spears, jayden james, layouts, lynne spears, magazines, music, oops!...i did it again, performing, pop, sean preston
Maintainers:1: ditzy
Members:60: addicts, aloha, basements, bitten, bloodleaf, bond, boners, bouncy, celebrate, chloee, citronique, creative, devoured, devours, dirrty, ditzy, dutchess, enamor, grumpiebear, highfashion, juliette, kicks, kiss, kissiefaces, kissies, laci, loh, loveshack, lustfool, melrose, myheroine, nicoleanne, ocean, outspoken, pandolfo, paperbackwriter, peacesign, pinkxcupcakes, pocketsoul, purity, reggae, romances, serotonin, sexuality, sexytime, simplicity, sonetlumiere, sonzai, stfuplz, strip, tangled, teamspears, teased, theakas, tssa, untamed, val0, weird, wishfully
Watched by:41: addicts, aloha, bitten, bloodleaf, bond, bouncy, celebrate, chloee, citronique, creative, devoured, devours, dirrty, ditzy, dutchess, grumpiebear, highfashion, juliette, kicks, kiss, kissiefaces, kissies, laci, loh, melrose, myheroine, nicoleanne, outspoken, peacesign, pinkxcupcakes, purity, sexytime, simplicity, sonetlumiere, strip, teased, tssa, untamed, val0, weird, wishfully
Account type:Early Adopter

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