I Am The Fangirl Of ______________'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
I Am The Fangirl Of ______________

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"I'm A Fangirl" [14 Nov 2009|04:13pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | World of Stone by Blackmore's Night ]

I would like to drop my claim of Chichiri from fushigi yuugi and claim Prince Nuada (Hellboy 2 the Golden Army)

I Am [info]thefangirlof Prince Nuada(Hellboy 2 the Golden Army)

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the fan girl of... [29 Sep 2009|04:43pm]

[ mood | curious ]

I would like to drop my claim of Yoruichi Shihoin from Bleach and claim Daemon Sadi from Black Jewels books. :D

So... I Am [info]thefangirlof Daemon Sadi from Black Jewels books.

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[11 Jan 2009|12:42pm]

please move my claims to [Unknown LJ tag] ♥~
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I'm A Fangirl [16 Oct 2008|03:49pm]

[ mood | blah ]

I Am [info]thefangirlof Naruto (Anime)

I Am [info]thefangirlof D.Gray Man (Anime/Manga)

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I'm A Fangirl [05 Sep 2008|07:36pm]

I Am [info]thefangirlof Paramore (band).
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[03 Sep 2008|06:42am]

used to be [info]glaceon. Just letting the mods know!
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I'm a Fangirl! [02 May 2008|05:48pm]

I am [info]thefangirlof Aerith Gainsborough of Final Fantasy VII
I am [info]thefangirlof Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII
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[19 Apr 2008|07:10am]

I am [info]thefangirlof Carmine Giovinazzo (actor/singer)
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I'm a fangirl [27 Mar 2008|09:10pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

I am [info]thefangirlof the Twilight series (books by Stephenie Meyer: Twilight, New Moon & Eclipse.)
I am [info]thefangirlof Bella Swan & Edward Cullen ♥

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[08 Mar 2008|09:36pm]

I am [info]thefangirlof Brett Favre (sports/former QB for the Green Bay Packers)

I am [info]thefangirlof Daniel Jackson (TV/Stargate SG1)
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I'm A Fangirl [18 Feb 2008|09:38pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | beautiful girls | sean kingston ]

"I Am [info]thefangirlof NANA" (manga)
"I Am [info]thefangirlof Across The Universe" (musical/movie)

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[18 Feb 2008|07:48am]

Just so you all know, I'm not neglecting this community, it's just a bit hard to keep up with this and that. XD So anyways, I updated everything, so if there's anyone that I missed, please tell me. =)
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I'm A Fangirl [17 Feb 2008|07:25pm]

[ mood | busy ]

I am [info]thefangirlof Shadow Hearts (video game series)

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I'm A Fangirl [13 Feb 2008|01:51pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | alice nine. - Number Six ]

I am [info]thefangirlof Shou (singer). ♥

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I'm A Fangirl [10 Feb 2008|11:45am]

I am [info]thefangirlof Phoenix Wright (video game series)
I am [info]thefangirlof Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (anime)
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I'm A Fangirl [10 Feb 2008|09:29am]

[ mood | geeky ]

I am [info]thefangirlof yuna x tidus (characters of Final Fantasy X) ♥
I am (also) [info]thefangirlof FFX (video game)

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"I'm A Fangirl" [08 Feb 2008|05:11pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

I Am [info]thefangirlof Xellos (Slayers Anime/Manga)
I Am [info]thefangirlof Chichiri (Fushigi Yuugi Anime/Manga)

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Guess who -I'm A Fangirl-!! [05 Feb 2008|04:07pm]

[ mood | silly ]

I am [info]thefangirlof Lucivar Yaslana (Black Jewels Trilogy)!
I am [info]thefangirlof Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach)!

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I am a fan girl! [05 Jan 2008|04:07pm]

I am [info]thefangirlof Roxas. (Kingdom Hearts 2.)

I am [info]thefangirlof Namine. (Kingdom Hearts 2.)

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I'm A Fangirl [05 Feb 2008|05:43am]
I Am [info]thefangirlof Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
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