Scribbld Usernames' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Scribbld Usernames

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No Usernames For Sale [16 May 2009|09:39pm]

[ mood | working ]
[ music | a static lullaby - smooth modulator ]

There are currently NO usernames for sale. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST ANY. Any money sent in for usernames WILL NOT BE RETURNED!!

We'll be generating a new list soon enough. We recommend using a rename token instead! 

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September 2008 List [28 Sep 2008|08:56pm]

[ mood | envious ]

The following is a list of usernames that were not activated or deleted.

List Updated - March 13, 2009 -- 9:18AM EST!

Please READ!
1. Please send $4/username request. PayPal ONLY. (PayPal to
2. Include the usernames you want within the PayPal comments.
3. You should get an email with a password to login to the usernames within 48 hours. We'll only reply to the emails from PayPal and the email address attached to that account. That email will also be connected the usernames you request, of course you can change that after you login to your new username.
4. Login and change the password ASAP.
5. No refunds will be issued for purchased usernames.
6. If you have questions about this process leave them here, nothing else. No requests in comments, nothing, all is ignored except for questions.
7. If you use an eCheck it can take up to 2 weeks to process, so don't use them!

Thanks & have at it!

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February 2008 List [10 Feb 2008|09:56pm]

The following is a list of usernames that were not activated or deleted.

List Updated - September 19, 2008 -- 8:24AM EST!

Please READ!
1. Please send $4/username request. PayPal ONLY. (PayPal to
2. Include the usernames you want within the PayPal comments.
3. You should get an email with a password to login to the usernames within 48 hours. We'll only reply to the emails from PayPal and the email address attached to that account. That email will also be connected the usernames you request, of course you can change that after you login to your new username.
4. Login and change the password ASAP.
5. No refunds will be issued for purchased usernames.
6. If you have questions about this process leave them here, nothing else. No requests in comments, nothing, all is ignored except for questions.

Closing comments.

Thanks & have at it!


1st Round List Updated [03 Jan 2008|02:11pm]

Mega mega thanks to [info]way for doing this! This is the latest and most recent list. Good until tonight @ 12am! We'll be generating a new list in the coming days.

No more requests will be accepted. If your request came after 12am then you're out of luck. Thanks everyone, we'll be sending out emails today to the people who got their requests in before 12am!

156 comments|post comment

Validations & Re-claming [02 Jan 2008|04:06pm]

Hi everyone,

First off I must apologize to people who requested usernames and had them taken back. This was due to the people who originally owned them re-claiming them. That's just life and there's no need to cry.

ANY journal NOT validated by January 4 is up for grabs and CANNOT be reclaimed.

As we get requests we fulfill them.

Alright yay, have fun :D

Username Update [01 Jan 2008|01:05am]

I've sent out emails for the current requests. I've also updated the current list and crossed some out, unfortunately I do not have the time to run through the entire list so a few people are getting denial emails...

I've definitely learned a lot about how this should all work and I re-worded one of the rules to say that you MUST have your email address in your profile so I can see it. I don't have time to be digging around the database looking for your email address.

I did find it funny that some people thought they could comment with a list of 10 usernames and then leave another 3 or 4 comments with 10 other usernames, YOU ONLY GET TO CHOOSE 10...haha

Ok, well hope it's been fun!!

Make sure to read the rules or I'll ban yer dumbass from the community :D PEACE xo
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Rules Updated [27 Dec 2007|06:05am]

Hi everyone,

Well after going through round 1, I've noticed a lot of things and in order to make this process as easy as possible for you and I, I've updated the rules. They won't go into effect until Round 2, but please read and understand them. If you have questions, just comment on this entry and I can help you out.

Thanks & I hope you're all having fun!
43 comments|post comment

Round 1 [21 Dec 2007|10:20am]

Usernames available on: January 4, 2008. Comment now on UP TO 10 that you would like. On that date you will receive an email with a password to log into these accounts. You have 48 hours to activate them, if not they'll be reposted. We'll post a new list of accounts looking for new homes on January 6th.

The List! )

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