30 June 1983 @ 02:34 pm
You know! There was something to say about husbands who stayed out into all hours of the night. Agatha had plenty of things to say about those sort of husbands, on a regular basis, but she had never thought that her husband would do such a thing. She had no qualms with Fredrick going out and doing whatever he pleased, but at least have the courtesy to let her know that he wouldn't be back for dinner, that he wouldn't be there to put the kids to sleep, to---

The front door creaked open and Agatha jumped up. It may have been more dramatic to scare the daylights out of her husband when he walked past her form in the chair, but Agatha had never had such patience. She stormed to the door, flicking up the light switch. Merlin, Merlin, Merlin, she had never threatened her husband with her wand, but she sure as hell wish she'd done it now.

"Get lost?" she snapped, crossing her arms and trying so very hard not to rush forward and kick Fredrick in the shins. He looked----well, he looked lost, and somewhat confused, but Agatha was not going to let his state of mind inhibit her anger. "Where were you?!"
27 December 1980 @ 03:20 pm
Even though her husband had just woken up from a coma, and everyone was doting on him like he was the second coming of Christ (it did not help that he had awoken on Christmas), Agatha still couldn't find it in herself to be the hovering, completely devoted wife. Well! No, she was absolutely devoted to Fredrick (this past month showing her how much she really loved this man) but the whole...cooing and fluffing pillows and fetching silly drinks, that just wasn't going to happen without a bit of pestering and begging. She wanted things to be like before, and normal, so she was going to act like things were before, and be normal.

But as much as she wanted that to happen, she knew that it wouldn't. Not with the barely there bump that was hiding under her shirt. Agatha hadn't even thought of telling Fredrick about the baby until Brier had begun to mention it, and now it had been two days and still no word about their impending bundle of joy. Oy, she'd just entered the second trimester, how was she supposed to tell her husband that he'd basically missed the first few months of their daughter's development, how, basically, she was carrying around a baby that she didn't know they wanted.

Maybe it could wait until tomorrow.

Agatha entered the bedroom after ushering out Fredrick's sisters, and she smiled at her husband's propped up form. For too long she'd had to stare at him, lying unconscious in the hospital bed so---this was definitely a wonderful sight. Agatha pressed her knees into the mattress and crawled over to him, putting the back of her hand to his forehead, "You took all your potions, right?"
20 November 1980 @ 01:41 am

20 November 1980 @ 01:37 am
Who: Agatha Timms and Fredrick Catchlove (NPC)
What: Midnight attacks!
Where: Their flat, St. Mungo's!

A cricket bat wasn't going to do shit against death eaters! )
30 June 1980 @ 05:35 pm
Fredrick dear  
She was having a nightmare about mosquitoes eating her alive.

Agatha hadn't gone to bed in such a sour mood since...since Edgar Bones had dumped her that day after Herbology. Not only did she hate the bloody subject, but he'd nonchalantly said that it wasn't going to work, blah blah blah, and that was that. Agatha was sure she'd trampled over a few first years in her furious rampage to the dorms, and instead of crying herself to sleep, she transfigured a few firecrackers into cigarettes and hid them in Edgar's pocket the next day.

Hey, everyone's heard the quote about women scorned. You can't say he didn't have a warning.

But now, instead of plotting her revenge on Fredrick, Agatha had painfully dealt with all of his owls, locked up her journal in a trunk and silenced it so she wouldn't hear it shaking with his new comments, and promptly went to bed to forget it all. She was terrified by the fact that she hadn't had the urge to hurt or embarrass him in some fashion, but a small voice in the back of her ranting and raving mind told her that it was because she loved him. You don't send rampaging quaffles and exploding cigarettes to someone you love.

A giant mosquito hurled itself through the air and Agatha let out a yelp as she awoke; not only because of the nightmare, but because of the rapid pace banging on her door. Her still sleepy eyes read her clock as 5:34 in the morning, and she let out a rumble from the back of her throat as she started toward the door. If it wasn't Fredrick, she was going to kill whoever was outside the door.

Maybe even if it was Fredrick.
28 February 1980 @ 12:28 am
Who knew that watching popcorn pop could be so amusing?

Agatha stood in front of the stove inside Fredrick's flat, watching the silver...thing, popcorn popper begin to inflate with what had to be popcorn (she hoped it was popcorn, those were the seeds she'd put in there...). As much as she liked to say she was one of the modern purebloods, doing things the muggle way and embracing muggle culture, it was little things like this that still continued to amaze her. Didn't bother her, but amazed her, and now she was getting used to more and more of the things muggles used in every day life. Not that Fredrick was a muggle! Not that there was anything wrong with being a muggle, of course---

---bother, she should just get off the tangent her mind had gone off to and get the butter.

She pulled apart the top cover and grinned at the sight of a nice big tray of popcorn. Perfect. A Friday night in with the boyfriend was just what she needed. Popcorn, movies, sex--the works. With the news about Caradoc had been weighing on her shoulders for weeks now, and with no one around to really understand or relate to (Juliet was the only other family member she spoke to, and she hadn't talked to Emmeline in years--) it was proving rough. So. She intended to avoid the subject until further notice.

Agatha dumped the popcorn into a bowl and hurried back to the living room with the ugly couch. Yep; she couldn't just call it the living room, that just didn't describe it well enough. She waved the bowl at Fredrick with a sly grin, "You ready to get scared out of your mind by Dracula?" She faked her best 'vampire teeth' expression with narrowed eyes.
24 December 1979 @ 07:03 am
Who: Agatha Timms and Fredrick Catchlove
What: Christmas Eve present jitters
Where: His flat
When: ...Christmas Eve

So, enough about baby talk, what did you get me? )
10 December 1979 @ 07:06 pm
Owl to Agatha Timms  
Owl to Agatha Timms )
30 November 1979 @ 09:50 pm
Owl to Agatha Timms  
URGENT OWL to Agatha Timms )
12 November 1979 @ 10:24 pm
Who: Agatha Timms and Fredrick Catchlove
What: Agatha gets what she wants? After some difficulty, of course! With sexy results!
Where: Fredrick's squeaky flat

You're much uglier than your couch )
11 November 1979 @ 07:39 pm
Owls to Smeth and Agatha!  
Arriving this afternoon! )
29 October 1979 @ 01:41 pm
The Halloween Ball! --Posted for Friday!  
In all of her years at Hogwarts, in all of her years being a prefect and working on a team full of the best students in Hogwarts, Phoebe Smethwyck had never been as impressed as she was right now as she stared around the Great Hall. Illuminated with candles in all shapes and sizes (and colors, a nifty charm a sixth year had found), the tables surrounding the dance floor were decorated with pumpkins, spiderwebs, and fall leaves, creating a spooky, yet beautiful design. The Ghosts of Hogwarts had volunteered to mingle more than usual (she thanked Nearly Headless Nick profusely, and promised to hold him a belated Death-Day party), captivating the guests with stories---how much truth they held, she couldn't be sure, but they were interesting nonetheless.

The band was a new kind of wizard rock, a bit more political than the Hobgoblins, W.O.A.R. There had been a lot of discussion at the prefect meetings about whether or not they should try and book them, but at the end of the day the naysayers (read: the Slytherins) were outvoted, and the band with the hit song "Do You Believe in M.A.G.I.C" was creating an incredible atmosphere.

So---people looked happy. They were laughing, smiling, and just---happy. Not something Phoebe felt like the wizarding world had been in a long time, and she was glad to be a big part of it.

Now, if only she could find a reason to be happy, herself.

ooc: No wands! Just your ID is needed. Everyone is welcome!
15 October 1979 @ 12:27 am
Who: Agatha Timms and Fredrick Catchlove
What: Fredrick's in trouble again! And things are revealed and confused
Where: Ministry
When: Today?

No reason to get all upset, yeah? Just couple'a hitwizards )
15 September 1979 @ 01:17 am
Who: Agatha Timms and Fredrick Catchlove
What: A library lecture >___>
Where: Oh jk a bookstore lecture x)

The woman knew best, and it was probably going to take another millennium to get men to realize this basic and simple logic )
02 September 1979 @ 10:15 pm
Agatha normally hated going into Diagon Alley when it wasn't being struck down with restrictions and penalties, so to have to come here with an identification card to prove her oh-so-holy status as a pureblood, well. That caused problems.

But, her brother needed her. Mark had not talked to her in the past eight years as much as he had in the past three days. Which bothered Agatha to no end, but now that squibs needed escorts in the wizarding world, Mark was insisting that she take him somewhere every ten minutes. And--she normally would apparate him places when he needed to be somewhere, she liked doing him that favor, but it had only been three days and she'd already been to Diagon Alley thirteen times.

Fourteen, if she decided to not stick around while he met up with a girl in Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Which she wasn't going to, as seeing her brother flirt was simply not something she wanted to be witness to. Agatha told Mark she'd be back, and he waved her off without a second glance. Good to be appreciated.

She was going to stop at the Magical Menagerie when she heard some arguing a few paces down. The ministry officials positioned around the alley were pestering someone. Lovely. With a shake of her head and her fists clenched in her ready-to-cause-a-scene manner, Agatha stormed up to stand beside the blond man that was being questioned.

"Why are you pestering my boyfriend?" Not that she'd even bothered to look up at the man in question, but Agatha figured that her fierce tone would be able to send the officials off on their way.