26 June 1985 @ 01:03 am
Who: Cameron and a new friend
What: Random chats
When: Wee hours of the morning
Where: At a muggle dinner

I’m already expecting a big tip, even if that’s not the case )
20 June 1985 @ 08:31 pm
WHO: Cameron Montgomery & Nicola Scarpin!
WHEN: now!
WHERE: outside!

But even that she was beginning to regret, for he had a very nice bum that hadn’t really any part in her egregious attack. )
24 April 1985 @ 11:49 pm

She wouldn't say she flounced down the steps of the stage, but...well, okay, flouncing was a good word for it. Mattie skipped the last two steps and landed easily on the grass, feeling as if she couldn't stop moving because then the amazing feeling coursing through her would disappear and she'd never feel it again and it was just too exciting and good and awesome and she was here!

Nicola was here! In the crowd that was watching Mattie and her band perform. Her sister had come! Mattie nearly lost her place in the song when she'd spotted Nicola, but thankfully she was able to cover her slight slip up and finished the set. Food was now coming out so they'd taken an intermission and Mattie---Mattie wanted to go find her sister, she did, she wanted to go and hug her and nearly pass out from her exhilaration, but spotting Nicola from afar was a lot different than actually speaking to her and---what if she was only here because of her quidditch playing boyfriend? The one who wasn't playing anymore?

That didn't make much sense. Regardless, her sister was here, she'd seen her perform, and Mattie couldn't be any happier.

"Oomph--MAX!" Mattie let out in one big gulp of air. She had been too busy watching Nicola's head bob in and out of sight on the other side of the gathering (which was so fun and festive and just--springy) that she had not noticed her feet had kept moving and straight into Max Fancourt. Her heels sunk into the ground, still damp from the rain from the night before, and Mattie tugged her foot out. She fanned herself, feeling hot for a million reasons. "Hi, hi!"
29 March 1985 @ 10:09 pm
It had taken a few weeks, but she had finally found the perfect place to write. Her office was where work happened, not creativity, her flat had not been a place she wanted to be in quite some time, so it had taken her a bit to find a place where she didn’t feel overwhelmed by her surroundings. The public Atrium of the Ministry had it’s hustle and bustle with the fire places and ever moving flow of ministry workers, but tucked away in nooks of the grand entrance way were tables where people met for lunch, tea, coffee, and to rant about the supervisor that they wanted to splinch on their next work endeavor.

Therese had a particular table that had been good to her muse. She still was working out the…kinks to her story, but since Remy had told his side of the story without her permission in his , it felt good to hers out. Not that---she wasn’t particularly sure where it was going, which was why her outlining process was taking this long and---

She paused, a frown crossing her face. There was someone at her table. Someone was hindering on her creative outlet. Therese contemplated turning around and finding another table, but she knew she would spend the whole time boring holes into the back of this man’s head and hoping some wordless magic melted him on the spot. She shifted her bag on her shoulder and tossed her hair over her shoulder. She could get this table back.

“Excusez-moi, monsieur,” she said, dropping into the seat across from him. He seemed lost in his documents. “Excusez---”
25 February 1985 @ 10:52 pm
Who: Cameron Montgomery & Nicola Scarpin
What: false identity! an American in London! Scandal!
Where: Diagon Alley!
When: last week!

She must entertain this Cameron Montgomery further to obtain the full story. )
03 February 1985 @ 05:31 pm
Who: Cameron Montgomery
What: Has to go to london :[
When: Now
Where: London

Now, that is hardly fair. You don’t know the circumstances of the situation. )