03 July 1981 @ 12:07 pm
As Jonas revved up for the last song of the day, Kobe smiled brightly at the crowd. The critics had been wrong. It was a peace rally that had gone off without a hitch and no sign of death eaters, anywhere! The extra security must really be doing its job, and everyone was having a blast. She'd even seen some aurors bouncing around to the music, too! Kobe was incredibly proud of her husband, and she looked up to the clear blue sky with a wide, toothy grin.

It faded slightly, however, as some dark clouds began to roll in over the park. Remarkably fast clouds, which didn't seem natural and were already thundering loudly. The weather report had claimed they would have clear skies all day, so this was strange and----Kobe slammed her hands over her ears as the loudest roll of thunder clapped itself over the park. Immediately the clouds seemed to open up and rain began to pour down on the crowd like buckets. Well--if bad weather was the worse of their problems, they'd done a pretty good job, right?

Kobe gasped as a bolt of green lightening shot through the crowd, followed by the terrified screams of the concert goers.

"No, nonono----" she let out from the side of the stage. Where had they all come from? The bloody sky? Kobe started towards Jonas, to pull her husband off the stage because while they had met during a catastrophe, she really did not feel like enduring another one, "Jonas!" she screamed, but was thrown off balance as the stage began to creak and shake as if an earthquake was beginning to rumble underneath.

Peace didn't stand a chance, these days.
11 January 1980 @ 05:44 pm
DEs + Order!  
What a strange feeling.

In the middle of all this chaos, Caradoc felt quite calm. Incredibly calm, actually. Whether that was a positive or negative, he decided not to care to divulge into that inner meaning. All he cared to know was that it felt good. Unrealistically good. There was nothing else running through him, he had efficiently locked away all resolved issues, emotions with them. So now... no, the battle surrounding him did not effect him one bit. It felt like he was watching this all from afar, or from behind a protected screen. But when in reality, a red jet of light had just missed his leg by a few meters and he hadn't even moved away from it.

That should have gotten his heart going, shouldn't it? But it... didn't; Caradoc knew what he was waiting for, who he was waiting for. Nothing else seemed to be that dangerous. And if he was accidently killed while he was standing here? If he could be so lucky. He knew he wouldn't have to wait long, and there was no reason for him to bring attention to himself. They would know he was here, just like how he would have known that a traitor had finally decided to make a public presence. Call it something of a sixth sense, but you don't just waltz into a battle undetected when the other side was desperately grasping to kill you. Nope, it just never happened. Life wasn't easy like that.

Though-- this suddenly came to him as something of a side note--- for some reason, he hoped Dorcas would make this out of it alive. Perhaps it was this new mood he was in, or maybe it was just the fact that he knew his death was coming, but either way, he figured he could forgive her now, of all times.

Caradoc, wand in hand and back up against a high stone wall, looked away from the street for a moment. But once he looked back, two jets of light were already heading straight at him. He deflected and moved away from them easily. Again, while by instinct his body jerked into action, he was not scared. This death eater wasn't going to be the one to kill him, he was sure of that. He had made this very personal to the Dark Lord, no doubt they were told to bring him back still breathing.
19 December 1979 @ 09:44 pm
St. Mungo's Invasion --- everyone!  
Rabastan was in a bad fucking mood.

He'd been in a bad mood for about a week, probably a bit before then because he'd somehow been dragged into decorating the entire bloody manor with his mother. She'd guilted him, to be honest, crying about how she didn't have grandchildren and he snapped that he'd help her put the bloody garland up if she would stop her ridiculous attempts at getting him to procreate.

St. Mungo's was ridiculously obnoxious with its brightly lit corridors and bustling employees. How could anyone possibly be jolly all the fucking time? Rabastan supposed it let him slip in and out of the crowds a bit easier, but still. When you were trying to create a bloody scene to save a man's life (not something he found himself thinking--ever), it became irritating, quickly.

He turned a corner and pulled out his wand, extracting the spell from the walls of the hospital that kept it lit so brightly. Rabastan grinned as the light flashed and turned into darkness, his wand spinning once in his hands.

Well, then.
30 April 1979 @ 04:29 pm
Open Thread!  
She pulled the invisibility cloak tighter over herself, taking in deep, steady breaths. The streets of Godric's Hollow were calm, still, not a person in sight as it was rather late; in the houses of the muggles in the area, you could see the telly flickering through the windows. Alice couldn't see the Order members hidden about the town, but she had a rough idea of where they were all located. It was strange to have the upper hand for once, but she knew it wouldn't last for long, no matter how pessimistic a thought. The tip to Dumbledore had arrived with a good amount of time before nightfall and had given the Order a lot of time to prepare for whatever was going to strike the small village.

James had been adamant about being one of those to go and find Sirius, but it was obvious that with his past relations with the death eaters that they couldn't risk it. Alice knew that Frank was eager to help as well, but it was finally decided on who was to stay and who was to go, and things would just have to deal.

Alice slowly made her way through a garden of one of the small cottages. She couldn't help but peer through the kitchen window, eyes softening at the sight of a daughter helping her mother was the dishes. These people were completely innocent; why had Voldemort decided to attack this village? Surely it couldn't be because wizards and muggles were living together, Hogsmeade was the only all-wizarding village and he'd already attacked there twice.

Quickly, she put up a ward on the houses' windows, feeling a guilt rise up in her at not being able to warn the family about what was to happen. She saw the flare of a spell before she heard it erupt, and Alice gripped her wand tighter, sending one last look toward the window before heading out into the starts of the fray.