16 November 1980 @ 12:06 am
What was happening here, exactly? Mackenzie nervously brushed her hair down, letting her hands comb through it as she sought to ease herself. One minute, she was flipping through her journal while waiting for Anthony to wake up from his nap, and then next! The next Evan openly admits to wanting to talk to her about something that seemed legitimately important. Important as in Caradoc Dearborn, the proclaimed traitor important. And being nostalgic. Evan Roiser. The man who prides himself in now showing any emotion whatsoever. Especially when it came to their departed year-mate, and society for that matter.

Blinking quickly, Mackenzie pushed all depressive thoughts out of her head to calm herself. What Evan was so moved about could not be good, most definitely. And to add onto that, Sebastian would be so furious if he came home to see Evan in the house, let alone discussing anything outside of the weather. But--- this seemed to be important. Very important. If there was something maybe she could help with...

But that kind of thought was what got her in trouble last time, was it not? Mackenzie had promised to herself that she would stop with everything concerning her school friends, but, this seemed different. It didn't occur to her how much she was actually risking by talking to Evan; of course keeping her marriage from becoming frail again was of the highest importance, yet at the same time, this was Evan. She would not turn him away even if she tried.

Mackenzie just prayed Sebastian would come home after Evan left. Or that her talent for distraction him would be enough to give Evan time to leave without any notice.

Oh Merlin, that sounded horrible.

Rushing to the door at the sound of a knock, Mackenzie didn't wait a second before opening it. At the sight of Evan, her heart dropped. He looked right-out awful.
13 November 1980 @ 11:00 pm
It was a rare day in Matilda Mulciber's life. There were no house duties to get done, Johnathan was spending some time with his grandparents, and John was busy at...work. Matilda wasn't sure which 'occupation' her husband actually meant, but she never questioned him when it came to that sort of thing. She would simply wait for him to come home, and that was when she figured out what her husband had been up to.

Not something she really wanted to think about. Today was a free as a bird kind of day, and Matilda was going to use it to visit one of her dearest friends in Evan Rosier. It had felt like years since she and Evan had had a sit down. What with the enormous fight Mackenzie had caused between all of the '77 Slytherins, it felt like, for the first time, they had to walk on eggshells around each other. Matilda had refused to even acknowledge Mackenzie or Emmet, and while she knew Evan had some ridiculous soft spot for her former best friend, Matilda would just blame it on some unrequited love thing he'd had long developed.

"Evan!" Matilda let out loudly as she knocked, "Evan, dear, I have baked goods I need to set down!"

Baked goods that she had bought from a bakery around the corner, but that detail did not matter! She bounced slightly, glad to be out of the house.
08 January 1980 @ 12:30 am
No one, not even Sebastian, was able to contain Mackenzie at this point. No, no matter how much he resisted her, and tried to constrain her to him, she refused to let him keep her from finding out what was really going on. And Evan, no no, he was most certainly not keeping her from finding out anything either. Because she knew he knew, she just knew he did. Just like how she knew that he knew what really happened to Orpheus. Because she wasn't completely dense, nor blind. Orpheus, Caradoc and Evan.... oh, well they were Slytherin pureblood boys for Merlin's sake, a random person off the street would most likely be able to guess what they really were. It wasn't hard, just common sense. And up to this point, she had--- well, ignored it almost. Because they wouldn't be that stupid to get involved with something as radical with that, and they were, they were them. The same stupid boys that she had spent all of Hogwarts with! They wouldn't do things like murder, or torture. They just wouldn't.

Taking a deep breath, Mackenzie composed herself to the best of her ability once she approached Evan's doorstep. This was going to be challenging, she knew but, not unachievable. Evan would tell her, he had to, it wasn't some cult secret anymore, Caradoc was missing for heaven's sake! Or possibly even--- she swallowed, completely not accepting the possibility that he might be dead. He couldn't be dead, nothing honestly seemed to--- no.

Caradoc missing, Orpheus in Azkaban... what was happening to them?

"Evan!" Mackenzie's voice rang through his flat as she swung the door open forcefully. "Oh shut up Aegis!" She heard the dog before she saw it, but now, her patience was running thin. The fact that she had rudely barged in did not phase her, nor did her yelling at every living being in the home.
10 November 1979 @ 04:40 am
It probably would have been a fairly good idea to give Sebastian Goldstein some sort of warning before apparating to the house he shared with Mackenzie, but Evan was not in the mood for biting remarks from the Gryffindor. There was something in the back of his mind that told him that if he had so much as mentioned a face to face meeting, there was a good possibility that Sebastian would decline, and tell him that there was no good reason for them to sit down and have a little chat. Then again, Evan had no idea what the guy was like, since he didn’t ever bother taking the time to get to know him. He didn’t care enough. But, to save time and energy just incase that was indeed the reaction he would get, the blonde Slytherin decided to make a surprise house call. Whether or not Mackenzie was home didn’t matter. He was actually hoping she wouldn’t be for this, since he did want to talk to her husband alone for a few minutes. He wasn’t planning on staying long, but it all depended on how long this was going to take.

Slipping his wand into the inner pocket of his suit, since he had just arrived from work, he raised a hand to knock on the door. It was loud enough for someone to hear on the inside, but he was hardly banging it down. Dropping his hand back down, he slid his hands into his pocket and took the chance to look around. He was inwardly scowling about how Mack deserved so much better than this. Even if it was a very nice house, he wouldn’t let himself admit it, just because of who it belonged to. To anyone who didn’t know Evan, he probably looked completely unaffected by this not so little rumor that was flying about, but anyone who had graduated in the year of ’77 in the house of Slytherin could see the signs that he most definitely was. The way he kept shifting his jaw, the way his shoulders were more tense than usual; little things like that.

His grey eye had been focused on a nearby dying plant, but his full attention turned back to the door once he saw movement out of his blue one. He wordlessly stared at Sebastian Goldstein for a good moment or two before cocking his head just slightly to the side. “Hello Sebastian.” There was a small pause before he spoke again. “I believe you and I need to have a talk.” His words were spoken calmly, explaining his reasons for being there. He was just hoping to have a…civilized conversation with the man.
19 August 1979 @ 01:29 am
WHO: Evan Rosier & Cecilia Hooke
WHAT: Arguments and make-ups
WHEN: Before the M.A.G.I.C. laws were posted, I imagine. This past weekend?
WHERE: An upper class affair

'Is that really what you think? That she’s a *replacement*? That she’s *your* replacement?' )
26 June 1979 @ 04:00 pm
Mackenzie sighed, and readjusted the large book in her arms to a more comfortable position while waiting for Evan to come to the door. She hardly doubted that this photo-album would help 'distract' him from whatever was on his mind, but she had just recently found it while digging for old potion's notes, so, volia. That, plus she had really been pressed for time to come up with something to bring over. There were some funny pictures in there, at the least, so maybe Evan would cheer up from all the stupid stuff they use to do.

Though honestly, sometimes, Mackenzie really worried about him. And not just the in regular way of worry that she felt for the rest of their friends (because yes, they definitely needed it). But in a serious concern sort of way, because, well, it was Evan. He always seemed upset, mad, moody or angry, and she was fairly certain in that the whole time she had known him, she had rarely seen him happy. That wasn't something normal people accomplished, was it? Sebastian had so nicely pointed that out to her a few times.

But maybe everything would be fine. She certainly believed so; this was probably nothing. After a few more moments of waiting, the door finally opened and Mackenzie put on a small smile. "I bought photos," she stated warmly, holding the book up for Evan to see.
10 April 1979 @ 10:05 pm
He wasn’t even sure if this was a good idea.

There really wasn’t any way for him to know how it was going to turn out, him just…appearing, without any warning. But he had to get this over with. He couldn’t keep sitting around, not even knowing what was going on between him and Cecilia. It had been the only thing he had been able to think about for a long time, and he had been piling up work just to have something to distract him. But it wasn’t working. Nothing was working, because all he could think about was her, and it was driving him insane. It had put him in a foul mood, and while he usually had a high tolerance for things, he found himself getting agitated very easily…which was exactly what had happened in Caradoc’s journal. But he wasn’t even thinking about what he or Belby had said ( he wanted to fucking kill Emmet for thinking that he knew what he was talking about… ), but he was focusing on the fact that Grease was going on at Hogwarts.

It wasn’t even the play that had caught his attention. No, not at all, he couldn’t care less about watching the musical that his old school was putting on, but it was an open invite for people to go back to the school and watch. It was an opportunity to get to where Cecilia was…

Finishing off the vodka that was left in the bottom of his glass, he rose to his feet and reached into the inner pocket of his jacket to pull out his wand. He stalled, staring down at the thin piece of wood that was held in his fingers. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled it as a sigh before he shook his head. “I have got to be out of my mind…”

A soft pop was sounded as he apparated to Hogsmeade, a place he had been many times before. It wasn’t anything new for him to be there, but not for the same reasons. He hadn’t walked the path he was walking in nearly 2 years, the path to the carriages that lead to Hogwarts. He could see some familiar faces, but none worth talking to. Ugh, they didn’t matter, they weren’t important. He just boarded the carriage, and waited for it to get to the school.

God, that school. He had almost forgotten how big it was.

Stepping through the doors, he slipped his hands into his pockets, those eyes scanning the area. Students were moving back and forth, flinging their arms around family members who had turned up for the show, while he kept his eyes out for one particular Slytherin.

He had to be out of his mind.
19 March 1979 @ 01:38 am
WHO: Cecilia Hooke & Evan Rosier
WHAT: They need to have a little talk.
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Evan's apartment

'And, when exactly were you planning on telling me about this?' )
18 March 1979 @ 03:18 pm
Who: Evan Rosier and Cecilia Hooke
What: Evan learns about Cecilia's little secret
Where: Random party/Evan's flat
When: Tonight

Ream me out and tell me what a damn mess I am... )
29 February 1979 @ 08:14 pm
Who: Evan Rosier, Dolores Umbridge, and Caradoc Dearborn ( AKA Adrien Bassett )
What: The Valesco Virus
Where: Umbridge's Office, the Ministry
When: Right now?
Rating: PG-13, maybe R for language

Tu etes une petite nain fou. )
17 February 1979 @ 09:10 pm
WHO: Evan Rosier & Cecilia Hooke
WHAT: Valentine's Day
WHEN: Saturday, during Hogsmeade
WHERE: Hogsmeade for a few, then a hotel
RATING: Totally SFW. Really. :)

'I figured you weren't a pink frills, stuffed animal, candy heart kind of girl...because if you were, we might have had a problem.' )
12 January 1979 @ 08:25 pm
WHO: Cecilia Hooke & Evan Rosier
WHAT: Serious conversations.
WHEN: Backdated to the last Nick & Cecilia thread.
WHERE: Evan's flat

'...what if you were a Muggle?' )