01 September 1980 @ 09:27 am
WHO: Gideon and Fabian Prewett
WHAT: think of the CHILDREN
WHERE: Kings Cross, Tuesday September 1.
STATUS: Uninished Log (fabian part added in comments.
NOTES: This (and their life sorta) to the tune of: Warboys;

If the sky that we look upon / Should tumble and fall / And the mountain should crumble to the sea / I won't cry, I won't cry / No I won't shed a tear / Just as long as you stand, stand by me )

18 July 1980 @ 09:01 pm
"We goin to Faybins?"

Bess shot her daughter a look, somewhat amused that she'd recognized the front of The King's Pub and a bit annoyed that she looked so excited about it. Okay, okay not annoyed, but it was just reminding her that if things didn't work out with Fabian, Sadie was going to start asking questions again, where he was, when was she going to see him, and when you were two and a half years old, your memory span was that of a goldfish so it was just---it was hard, so Bess was praying that all of this worked out in the end, but right now? Right now she was too hysterical to think about their relationship status and had just needed to get the fuck out of her flat.

Why, why had she made that stupid journal entry? Why'd she even have one of those stupid things where anyone could see her entries? Bloody---it was so stupid, so---what did Chester want with Sadie? With her? Bess was beyond sure he hadn't had a change of heart or some bullshit like that, so what he wanted with her daughter----and after he'd already tried to get her, even though the hitwizards couldn't prove it was him...

She knew though. Bess still had 'nightmares' about it. She called the memories that because maybe they weren't real live thoughts that resided in her head, that they were actual images of something that happened, but---

Just the thought of having to go through anything remotely like that again made her burst into tears, and she pushed Sadie into her chest to lie the baby's head down on her shoulder. Breathing harshly, she was glad Sirius must have been in the back as she hurried up the stairs to Fabian's flat. She hesitated for only a second before knocking rapidly on the door, realizing that she wasn't even sure if he'd be home because of quidditch.

"Fabian!" she choked out, looking over her shoulder. Fucking hell, what if she'd been followed?
19 December 1979 @ 09:44 pm
St. Mungo's Invasion --- everyone!  
Rabastan was in a bad fucking mood.

He'd been in a bad mood for about a week, probably a bit before then because he'd somehow been dragged into decorating the entire bloody manor with his mother. She'd guilted him, to be honest, crying about how she didn't have grandchildren and he snapped that he'd help her put the bloody garland up if she would stop her ridiculous attempts at getting him to procreate.

St. Mungo's was ridiculously obnoxious with its brightly lit corridors and bustling employees. How could anyone possibly be jolly all the fucking time? Rabastan supposed it let him slip in and out of the crowds a bit easier, but still. When you were trying to create a bloody scene to save a man's life (not something he found himself thinking--ever), it became irritating, quickly.

He turned a corner and pulled out his wand, extracting the spell from the walls of the hospital that kept it lit so brightly. Rabastan grinned as the light flashed and turned into darkness, his wand spinning once in his hands.

Well, then.
27 July 1979 @ 02:39 pm
James sat in the corner of the Order house's living room, bending his shoulders in to fit against the walls. With his knees up and head pushed as far back as he could, it seemed that he was literally trying to disappear between the cracks, to become one with the stagnant, unfeeling wall. He couldn't hear the soft murmuring that was going around the house, he'd tuned himself out of that what felt like ages ago. If he dared pay attention again, it would only force him to listen to the crying and horrible mutterings of the rest of the Order. The only reason he'd left the house was to await any sort of news from the Longbottoms, who had apparently come up with a valid way to capture Travers, the fucking bastard---


His eyes lifted to stare up at Emmeline Vance, who was far too dressed up to be here.

"Why are you wearing that?" he muttered. She looked down at the green dress and sighed, pulling at the ponytail that looked like it'd been done and undone a hundred times.

"I was at Jugson's wedding when--everything."

"Oh." James looked down and across the living room to try and garner the other members' faces. He didn't want to deal with them, but felt this unnerving need to. "What?" he asked when Emmeline didn't move.

"I took a calming serum from the basement," she said quietly, "for--Anneliese, my friend? She's--Jugson, and...pregnant, and--"


He watched her twitch and then she turned to cross the room again, and James' gaze dropped back down to the ground. What the hell did it matter, anyway? Not like they did any sort of good any more, the Order. They'd let one of their own get taken, right out from under their noses. What was the point?

12 July 1979 @ 02:17 pm
"Say cheese!"

Alice set the camera on its timer and rushed forward to slide under Frank's arm. The room filled with a chorus of 'CHEESE' and a loud grumbling of 'No' as the flash nearly blinded everyone in the room.

"Goodness, Alice," Emmeline Vance mumbled, pressing her hands into her eyes. Alice blinked a few times to try and rid her vision of the rainbow-colored spots and hurried (well, stumbled, wow--that flash was very bright) back to the camera to catch the picture as it fell out of the front. Swiftly, she held it up to watch it come into focus and instantly her vision was cleared. Oh, see. They were such a lovely bunch, even if a few of them hated each other.

You were allowed to hate someone and still look lovely together, Alice believed.

"Okay! Well!" She waved her free hand around, anyone who wanted to look at the picture (though she could probably make copies! Ooh--) could come up and snatch it away from her...not without a fight, of course, "Food is---"

Alice watched as the group immediately dispersed toward the food and drinks and other activities she and Frank and Marlie had managed to set up in the Longbottom's rather expanse backyard. Yes, the Order, while amazing crime fighters, also had the keenest sense of of smell and taste--or was it just they were really hungry?
28 June 1979 @ 04:11 pm
Who: Bess Zeller, Veronica Zeller, and Fabian Prewett (ultimate Kristin thread!)
What: DDDD:
Where: Bess' flat
When: Saturday afternoonish?

25 May 1979 @ 09:13 am
Open to Friends!  
Alice could now say she understood why people made such a fuss over weddings.

Well, no, not really---she would enjoy having the pictures with her friends, and dancing, but everything else was really unnecessary to her. Not that it was bad, no, no it was terribly fun to dress up and see everyone else dress up, but she had never been one to seek attention. And, really, that's all a wedding was, making sure everyone in the whole world knew that the bride and groom loved each other very much. Let's show you by wearing a big white dress and snazzy tuxedo!

No, no--they could just look back at the year Frank and Alice have had as a married couple, to understand what they meant to each other. Admittedly, it wasn't as stressed as some other's may have been, thankfully, but they still had made it. A lot of people don't even get to one year, and Alice was very, very proud of them.

Of course, their marriage might be over the moment Frank found out she helped a certain Slytherin sneak into their house last night, but Alice had faith in her husband; or, at least, she had faith in her ability to produce tears on the spot, and therefore confuse her husband into forgiving her.

Hey--to make a marriage work, you have to know how to survive.

With the party in full swing, Alice made her way through the crowd, thanking people for coming and accepting compliments and all the other things a bride-again was supposed to do. It was really nice, seeing all of her friends with happy, smiling faces, as it had been such a rough year. Maybe there was a reason for weddings afters all.
03 April 1979 @ 10:32 pm
Who: Bess Zeller and Fabian Prewett (and Sadie Zeller!)
What: She needs to reveal some things
Where: Bess' flat

She supposed a lot of people weren't terrified of children, it was the whole 'is he willing to date someone who has a kid' she should be concerning herself with )