05 August 1980 @ 09:16 pm
He'd had a strange feeling when he'd woken up this morning. Mark's coffee had tasted funny, not for anything Hannah had done to it, it was the same recipe as always, it was just something in his mind that was telling him things were not right. He liked to think that his instinct was what made him a good healer and a proficient healer-in-chief, but today he was just stuck wondering why everything felt so off.

Musing at the nurses' station, Mark leaned into the counter with the tip of his quill poking a blot of ink into his cheek. He was often found here, deep in thought, and it usually took Nurse Tonks saying something ridiculously inappropriate to snap him out of his thoughts.

Today, though, it was the entire nurses station shifting from underneath him and sliding a meter or two away. Mark stumbled, landing on his knees rather hard, and looked up in horror at the sight of the hospital's corridors swaying and shaking. Paintings fell, vials rolled and burst on the ground, and the screams.

He'd known something was off today. "CODE BLACK!"

ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32947.html
17 September 1979 @ 10:55 pm
Okay, so she had to admit it--this whole having twins thing may or may not have been a lot more awesome than Naija Patil would have brought herself to admit just a few short weeks ago. As she perused the pink forest of miniature clothing in the back of the department store, she had been 'aww'ing at and grabbing about every other shirt or onesie off of the racks, all the while justifying her ample collection of baby clothes with a mantra of 'well, there will be two of them.'

Just as she had thrown an adorable pair of socks sporting a fluffy rabbit on each ankle into the basket, yet another thing caught her eye and she tugged her husband's arm to turn and see. "Look, isn't this cute?" she asked,--well, more stated, actually--and with her free hand pulled two of the tiny jacket off the rack. "Oh, I hate it when parents dress their twins in matching costume all the time, but we've got so much in the way of different wardrobes, I think that just one jacket wouldn't be a crime, right?"

So maybe she was taking this a bit far, the whole shopping thing. Patil babies One and Two were going to end up having larger wardrobes than English royals by the time that she was done, and she could tell that Priyaranjan didn't exactly relish that she was spending their money on lunch hour, but! But well, Naija felt like she had to get all of this done, and as quickly as was possible. After all, she was a healer, she specialized in pregnancy and birth and she knew how little time that many parents of twins had before their children were born, and---Alright, shopping for clothes when she was barely over a month may or may not have been pushing it a little, but at least she was getting it done, right?

Not really waiting for an opinion, she put the jackets into the basket on top of the other pile of clothes and turned for a rare moment to regard her husband fully. "So, what have you found?"
16 August 1979 @ 12:09 am
WHO: Naija Patil & a patient
WHAT: Surprise!
WHEN: Nao.
WHERE: St. Mungo's!

'LOOK! I'm having a boy!' )