05 June 1985 @ 11:02 am
Party Thread, get those bingo boxes!  

By the time the party was in full swing, there may have been a bit more than 'just the important' people milling about Thomas' backyard. Kendall was also just drunk enough to not care about the wrath that he was potentially incurring from his best friend. It had started out small enough, when he was still sober and cooking food. He had been grinning all afternoon and now that the sun was setting, even more people were showing up. There was a quidditch game going on, people swimming, dancing. He couldn't think of a better way to be spending his birthday.

Pulling himself out of the lake, he grabbed his towel to dry of his face as he made his way over to get another drink. He scanned the crowd quite pleased with himself, he couldn't remember ever throwing a party that quite like this. And last minute as well. His had a great team, great friends, a great thing going on with Anya. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.

Taking a drag of his drink, Kendall settled himself on the grass laying back to stare at the colors that were starting to paint the sky. He was looking forward to Charlie's fireworks, the phrase 'whatever you want, have fun' probably shouldn't have been used, but it was guaranteed to have spectacular results. It didn't take long before a there was shadow cast over him. "Oh hey, fancy seeing you here," he grinned as he tilted his head back to see who had joined him. Propping himself up on his elbows he nodded to empty stretch of grass next to him. "Enjoying the party?"

(ooc: Open to pretty much everyone? Lol if you can connect your character to Kendall by 3 people then its legit. Kendall's tag is up for grabs. :* Have fun get, dem posts.)
22 May 1985 @ 07:26 pm
WHO: Henry Wadcock and Phoebe Doge Smethwyck
WHAT: He can't seem to locate his protégé
WHERE: Their offices!
WHEN: Today!

Regards? )
16 February 1985 @ 02:06 pm
"Dedalus, have you seen Elphias?"

Phoebe stood in the doorway of Dedalus Diggle's office, hands clasped together in front of her, a nervous look in her eyes. She was using every fiber in her being to maintain her composure, to keep her cool. She just needed to know if--she wasn't sure what she really needed right now, because the thought that Elphias had explained his...his...if he had told Dedalus and not her, Phoebe wasn't sure how well she would be able to handle it.

She simply didn't understand. She didn't....she knew that they'd had their fights, which were mostly her letting out her frustrations, but...but she'd always tried so hard to be with Elphias, to be there for Elphias, so what...what had changed? Was it supposed to be so hard? Phoebe couldn't honestly believe that she'd missed the signs, she knew she hadn't ignored...Her eyes shut for a moment, and she let out a shaky breath, trying to seem concerned, but not give away how ready she was to lose absolutely control of herself.

Her eyes shot open and she batted them prettily, smiling quickly at Dedalus to keep his concern at a minimum. She straightened her back and looking quickly around the office. "I'm sorry to bother you so late."
27 December 1984 @ 05:11 pm
New Year's Eve Masquerade! For Tuesday  

Octavius believed hiring someone to organise an event for him meant they would actually organise an event for him. Unfortunately, that notion proved to be a false one when the organiser left him high and dry in the middle of the month, but Octavius persevered. With the help of himself, Mira, occasionally Lottie Sweeting, and an army of lackeys, the night of the masquerade had come together as beautifully as possible.

Lottie had, for once, actually done her job, and at either entrance of the grand foyer were attendants handing out beautifully crafted half-masks to party-goers, and collecting them as people left. The ballroom was majestic and shimmering, the music was softly thrumming, the drinks were pouring, and the mood was infectious. All in all, Octavius thought, it was a satisfactory night to end a rather satisfactory year. After the chaos and excitement that had chased him all throughout 1983, he was rather happy to have had a (comparably) quiet year.

"Can you make sure Miss Warbeck is ready to begin?" he murmured to an attendant nearby who then scurried off. The Wizarding Wireless Network had, after all, promised a wonderful surprise at midnight! Octavius needed to ensure everything went perfectly.

The flash of a nearby photographer made Octavius scowl, annoyed was he at even the few press witches and wizards who had paid handsomely to be at the charity event tonight. The publicity was good, no one could deny that, and the masks concealed everyone's identity at least marginally so there was no grievous intrusion on privacy, but that didn't mean Octavius enjoyed their presence.

He rolled up the sleeve of his dress robe to check his watch, then his eyes darted back to the stage. It was five minutes to midnight! What, for heaven's sake, was Celestina Warbeck taking so long to appear onto an already dressed stage? Shaking his head agitatedly, Octavius cut through a path through the brightly coloured bodies in the mingling crowd to check on his star performer.

OOC Read this for questions, or ask me! Fluid time, so feel free to thread before/after kisses. Again, the "compulsion" to find your kissing partner kicks in 5-10 minutes before midnight and could be anything from thinking you should walk and get some punch to being mystifyingly sexually attracted to the masked stranger at your side. HAVE FUN! GO WILD ♥ AND HAPPY NEW YEAR'S MY GORGEOUS GALS.
23 September 1984 @ 07:30 pm
Posted for this Friday!  

It had been a long, long year for St. Mungo's.

Mark stood with a long flute of champagne in one hand, taking slow, deep breaths. The rearing of the ugly virus' head had given the year a bad, bad start, but here they were. Lives had been lost, but so many had been saved. Mark felt bittersweet about celebrating the year, but he knew events like this needed to be held to keep the hospital running. The donations were used to buy new supplies, potion remedies, and to provide for better training for their healers. Everything was being spun into a positive manner, Mark just wished that it didn't have to be such a lavish event to do so.

"Do you think it's too much?" he said to his wife, looking down at Hannah with a worried smirk. If anything, the night provided a reason for his wife to doll herself and look even more fantastic than she normally did. They deserved a night out, especially now that their trio of children was complete.
24 October 1983 @ 01:45 pm
POSTED FOR SATURDAY~ Sinners & Saints Ghost Train!  

As the country side rushed by outside the window, Dianna could feel her pride grow with each passing second. She wasn't one to admit that she bragged about her achievements, but it would be a lie to think that she was not going to be boasting at how overwhelmingly amazing this event had turned out to be. The turn out had been far more than anticipated, the musicians that varied through every other cart were fantastic and livening up the mood---there were even ghosts of old conductors and passengers floating through the carts and having the time of their after-lives scaring the guests.

It was to be a fun, fantastic, frightful night. Dianna was beside herself with excitement, and she tugged her skirt down a bit and went on a search for a friendly face to interact with. Merlin, she'd really out done herself this time, she thought amusing as a cart-wide sized cobweb magically unspun to let her pass.

Dianna flipped a golden curl over her shoulder, smirking greatly. She was so brilliant.
28 December 1981 @ 10:11 pm

After making a quick stop to check on the children upstairs (Anthony and Elijah looked so precious), Mackenzie continued on her normal perimeter around the party. Ensuring there was enough food and drink for everyone was extremely important, as well as making sure that no-one was left standing by themselves too long. That would hardly promote good review upon later reminiscing among their guests. But luckily, neither of these issues had seem to come up yet, leaving her with little host responsibilities.

So that left Mackenzie practically purring, as she had been for most of the night. The party could not be going better. The house looked beautiful thanks to her near-obsessive decorating, Christmas spirit was in full swing, and everyone looked like they were truly enjoying themselves. Nothing could go wrong, absolutely nothing, making Mackenzie feel her happiest in what seemed like a very long time. This had been a very good idea! Maybe if things continued like this, she could convince Sebastian to make this their annual holiday tradition...

Couldn't be too careful, though. Just for good measure, Mackenzie picked a few of her husband's favorite hors d'oeuvres as they passed by above, placing them on a plate. Finding him was easy; ever since she had gotten back, Sebastian had replaced her shadow. Not in a bad or stifling way, but in more of a supporting kind of way. She knew he was worried.

"I have a present for you," she smiled, producing the plate with one hand as the other wrapped around his open arm.
12 June 1981 @ 11:58 am
WHO: Phoebe and Elphias Doge!
WHAT: She has to tell him something!
WHEN: Last week or so?
STATUS: Finishing in comments!

Plus, they'd have really cute babies, right? That's what mattered. Really cute, really smart babies. With no social cues whatsoever. )
24 August 1980 @ 12:28 am
Elphias dearest!  
Two weeks ago, Phoebe had honestly thought that the worst thing that could possibly happen in her life was her father finding out she and Elphias had been married since April, and then have him proceed to kill her husband. It was all she'd been able to think about as her grandmother forced tulle and fluffy dresses down her throat for the past few weeks, and she'd been losing sleep over the stress.

Now...Elphias had been unconscious for a week, and his brother was dead.

Phoebe really didn't care what anyone knew, anymore. In her panic she'd screamed that she needed to see her husband, and her father stared at her for all of a good second before rushing away. It all felt absolutely surreal; how was she actually sitting here right now? How was she sitting here, waiting for Elphias to wake up from his healer-induced sleep (they had approximated his wake up time to be around noon), weary from these past weeks of misery? Phoebe had no idea how to talk to his parents, or how to even try to understand---they had lost a son. Berk was dead, and Elphias nearly died too and---

The clock struck twelve and Phoebe sat up straighter, praying for Elphias to start stirring. Or---no, she wanted her husband to wake up, but she was suddenly hit with the thought that she was going to have to explain everything that happened and---oh God. Phoebe stood up, hands over her mouth as she began to pace. God, oh God--how could she--how could she possibly tell him the terrible news?
05 August 1980 @ 08:57 pm
Dirk loved his job, he did, but he loved Fridays even more. He still got to go in and work with the goblins (when they let him!), but he got to look forward to a nice quiet weekend of doing whatever he pleased. Lately it had been trying to get Derek to hang out with him, even though that usually just involved watching telly. It was something! Dirk was worried about his big cousin, especially now with the war getting so intense and--

He blinked curiously, as the shelves of his cubicle began to shake. Dirk's eyes twitched back and forth as he watched the pictures he had hanging drop to the floor, and the bust of Gorgak the Terrible started to inch forward and forward. And his desk was shaking, and now his chair, and Dirk was startled to his feet at the sound of someone screaming, "EARTHQUAKE!"

An earthquake! Oh hell, Dirk had just been thinking that some erumpents had escaped again! Earthquake! What was the first rule of an earthquake? These were NOT the things they taught you in Hogwarts! How was he supposed to survive an earthquake if he didn't have the proper training?! DEREK WOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO, THAT IS WHY DIRK WANTED TO REMAIN CLOSE TO HIM AND----

The bust of Gorgak the Terrible teetered off the shelf and smacked Dirk straight in the forehead, making him drop to the ground, and thankfully roll under his desk.

He really did love his job, he did.

ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32698.html
05 April 1980 @ 02:58 pm
Who: Phoebe Smethwyck, Tabitha Diggory, Hippocrates Smethwyck, Elphias Doge
What: A quiet time at the Smethwyck household leads to trouble D:
Where: Phoebe's house

Holy crap, he was going to kill her. )
14 February 1980 @ 04:59 pm
Hogwarts Soiree! Open to Hogwarts Students + Guests!  
It. Was. Beautiful!

Phoebe couldn't be happier about how the Great Hall turned out. Definitely not as elaborate of a celebration as the Halloween Ball had been, but everything was just so----sophisticated! Really, the prefects all needed to be rewarded for their fine jobs; she should definitely steal Gavin away for a dance, ooh--maybe someone could even take their picture for a yearbook of sorts!

She laughed loudly and smiled widely up at the Headmaster, who complimented her (and the prefects, she supposed!) on the lovely atmosphere. After the rough time this year (this decade!) started off with, it was certainly nice to have an evening of calm and relaxation. Phoebe couldn't find one thing to be worried about, except she was totally paying attention to the food and drinks and the decorations and the music and why was that chair out of place---
14 February 1980 @ 04:54 pm
Hogwarts Flower Sales!  
Beautiful Flowers!
Delivered to you during lunch and throughout the day!

Hogwarts + Wizarding World included!