It's a luxe life, but someone's gotta live it!

Welcome to the wanted storyline page! The following are storylines being actively sought by current members of our game. You can also join Luxe Life Lines to post a storyline plea for any character you choose to apply with.

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Seriozha Romanov
Seriozha could use a partner in crime. I would love this person to be a female, the PB is up to you, who has always resisted his charms. She knows him better than anyone and can keep up with his childish antics when they go out. Maybe they were childhood friends or met in the city when he first arrived and just clicked. There would be nothing romantic about this line. I want some good old fashioned friendship. I would also love someone to fill a "pretender" line. It would involve a male, or female, who was told by their mother that they're related to Seriozha's family after an affair. It wouldn't be true in the end but writing out how this came to be would be fun. We could even say the person thinks they're a lost sibling to Seriozha and his older brother.

Rene Wolfe
Rene would love to have the rest of the Harry Potter cast around. He plays Draco Malfoy in the movies and I think it would be great to have the rest of the cast floating through the city. They would have grown up on screen together so I can imagine them all as a close clique. I would also love a Katie Cassidy PB to fill the line of the only woman he's ever loved. Their parents are close so as children they were pushed together and, despite knowing he was gay, he always had a thing for her. She's the only woman who has ever gotten to him and she still has no idea. I'm willing to hash out other ideas or expand on the ones above.

Felix Wolfe
Sounds very cliche but a Scarlett Johansson PB is wanted to play the part of Felix's live in nanny. She's been with the family for a year now and is more like a younger sister to him than someone he hired to care for his young son. She seems to be perfect but has a secret. Whatever that secret may be is up to whoever fills this role. Maybe she's wealthy too but left home to find herself? She's running away from a husband she neglected to tell the family about? It doesn't really matter what the secret is as long as it isn't anything too dark. Felix also has a few younger sisters that could be played. It would also be great to have his best friend/mother-in-law in the game. We always saw her as a Naomi Watts PB with the singing credits of Celine Dion. I have a journal for her that can be adopted if need be.

Alexandria is looking for someone to play her older brother. Her older brother would have never lived in New York until recently, possibly arriving to attend college or graduate school.

Maxi is looking for her ex-husband/baby-daddy. They would have met young and married young. They fell in love young, he was a big rock-star and they went on tour together. They had a fun/rock-star/care-free kind of relationship until things got rocky and they split. Maxi was left with their son who is now 7. I would LOVE a Russell Brand but I'm open to any PB!

Albert Harvey
Looking for a Ben McKenzie as a best friend from college and possibly a few exes that aren't completely insane.