Growing up in the spotlight isn't an easy task. Not going to school with other kids and instead being taught on sets and during rehearsals. All through his life he was traveling, memorizing lines and harmonizing. Once he hit puberty he set his sights on music and joined a group. They were a hit worldwide and toured constantly through the years while putting out four top-selling albums. Fans fainted and screamed in their presence, often shouting marriage proposals and sending more than a few bras and panties flying their way. The men soaked it up and worked their asses off until, when he was twenty-four, the group went their separate ways.

Once the group disbanded it was only natural, as a heartthrob with dance moves and vocal chops to match, that he begin a solo career. He had been in the spotlight all his life but never, until then, on his own. Being so dedicated to his work had left him little time to create friendships, or even relationships, outside of his working environment. With an entire album riding on his shoulders alone, he began to party and drink to feel more validated and less alone. People tripped over themselves to be associated with him and he soaked it up. The album was a huge hit, spawning multiple number one singles and sending him on two tours. During the time when his professional life was at an all time high, his personal life began to spiral downward. Casual sex was the norm and he often forgot the names of women he had relations with because they changed depending on what city he was in. Then drugs came into play. Cocaine became the go to if he was too stressed or feeling down and, as weeks went by, he felt stressed and down more often then not.

The only family he had was his mother, but she stayed home most of the time, spending time with her new husband and assuming that her son was adult enough to be smart and take care of himself. One unannounced visit to him on tour changed that opinion. After she fired his manager and assistant, things began to change. He had a new album ready to be released and because she couldn't be there for him at all times, she was determined to place the right kind of people around him. A new manager was hired and, after serious interrogations, a new assistant was hired. The fact that her son's assistant would be involved in every part of her son's life did not escape his mother. And so she chose a young woman who was ambitious but not too ambitious, a young woman who had a level head and could still understand that her son deserved a little fun (just not as much as he had been having). She wanted and honest young woman who would take care of her son but still be professional. And so she chose Millicent Anderson (she couldn't very well blame the girl for her mother's poor choice of name).

She set the young woman up for the hard job of minimizing her son's access to loose women and drugs. It would be a hard road, she informed her, but one that would be well worth it and one that she would be well compensated for. Millicent (or Milly, as she said she was called) would keep his schedule, make sure he was where he was supposed to be and not doing things he wasn't supposed to do. Ultimately, she would be his shadow. Or babysitter, depending on your point of view

What his mother didn't plan for was that the two would form a bond that neither of the two had ever experienced and how it might effect both of their lives.

I will play Milly in this storyline. I'm willing to flip this and make Milly the star with someone playing a male assistant. I am open to any additions or suggestions. I know I've laid out the plot, but small tweaks are not a problem at all so please don't hesitate to suggest them. There is a list of PBs I can use in my journal but I am open to other suggestions.

Male PB Suggestions: Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Zac Efron, Ian Somerhalder, Jake Gyllenhaal, Alexander Skarsgard

Pairings that I would love (no matter how cliche) are Justin Timberlake/Mila Kunis, Alexander Skarsgard/Kate Bosworth, Zac Efron/Brittany Snow, Ian Somerhalder/Nina Dobrev.