The Rules

For Blueridge


Please read all of the rules prior to applying!

There are only three rules that can result in immediate removal; starting or participating in ooc drama, godmodding, or failure to meet activity check.

1. No godmodding/meta gaming. It’s not fun for anyone involved.

2. No starting or participating in ooc drama. If we hear of such an incident the mods will talk to both parties to find out what exactly is going on.

3. IC =/= OOC. Just because Character A is mean to Character B doesn’t mean that Character A’s player has it out for you. Also just because you as a player knows something does not mean that your character does.

4. IC actions do have consequences so be sure you are well aware of said consequences before playing it out.

5. We require some sort of activity every month. It can be a thread, journal entry, something that has some thought put into it. We do not allow lyrics, and randoms for activity check. You can go here to drop off activity, and removals will be done the first Sunday of each month at 7PM EST.

6. If you fail to meet activity you are more than welcome to reapply. Please have a current journal entry up in your character’s journal when you reapply, however, it should be noted that failure to meet activity three times will result in rejection of that character. If you need an extension please ask for one on the current activity check. You’ll have up to a week to turn something in, but we ask that you do not abuse the system.

7. We do not allow placeholders for updates or thread starters.

8. It is safe to say that this game will contain some dark themes; being changed into a were creature/vampire, demonic possession, character death, violence, etc. We ask that you use common sense if you decide to throw your character into these types of situations. The mods don’t want to police your storylines, in fact we believe in creative freedom; however we do ask that you contact us if you’re planning on any of the following: character death, pregnancy, contracts with demons, and demonic possession.

9. Journal names can be IC or OOC, we just ask that they contain no underscores, numbers, or x’s (unless the last two pertain to your character in some way).

10. IC AIM is optional, but it should contain your character’s name (first or last) in some fashion. Examples: see jane run, or janesmith.

11. At the time of applying we do ask that you have a spam post (IC contact post) and a screened post (OOC contact post). Since we do not require AIM the mods do like to have a way to get into contact with you.

12. Please run the friend add button after every set of adds. There will a mod post with it posted in the OOC community.

13. All played-bys should be over the age of 16, and all characters should also be over that age.

14. All played-bys should be easily Googled and have some claim to fame. We will not accept Suicide/Gods Girls, or original/self pbs.

15. Real life happens; we get and completely understand that. If you need a hiatus please drop us off a notice in the mod dropbox. We will grant a hiatus up to a month, unless otherwise asked, and at the end of your four weeks we will dropbox you to see if you’re still interested in staying with the game. If we do not receive an answer back within a week your character(s) will be removed. It should be noted that if we see you on aim, or replying to comments we will take you off of hiatus.

16. There is no character limit at this time, just don’t take on more than you can handle. If we see you struggling we will contact you to talk about the possibility of lightening your load.

17. Spell check is a good thing. Please glance over your replies to threads, and run spell-check before posting. Logs should be looked over carefully as well if they’re going to be posted. We understand that typos happen, but most can be avoided by reading back over what you’ve written.

18. Remember that first and foremost this is a game, and it’s meant to be fun. The mods here at blueridge want you to have fun, be creative and have a stable home for your characters.

[please note that the rules are subject to change]