
Tion Smith, power: telepathy
He was the unofficial leader of the group. When they all started developing powers, he was the one to step up and make the decision that they should keep them a secret. He made a lot of the decisions, took responsibility for the others on to himself. In high school he was popular, had a lot of friends, got along with everyone. He was the first person to go to if someone needed help resolving an issue. When Character #2 killed someone, his first instinct was that he should be turned in and face the punishment for his crime. He was also the one to decide that they couldn’t turn him in without risking exposure, and keeping their secret was always his first priority. In the end, he decided they should cover up the murder.

CHARACTER #2 (male), suggested power: n/a
If he’d not been sick, he never would have known or been friends with anyone in the group. He most often butted heads with Character #1, but to be honest, he never really got along well with anyone, except maybe Character #4. They shared the same ideas about their abilities. It was all about the power, and since they’d been given these powers why shouldn’t they use them to get what they want? Killing someone ten years ago was an accident, but that doesn’t really matter anymore. He was always a loner, an outcast, losing control like that just confirmed everything he already knew about himself. He owned what he did, it was all him, and he didn’t regret it in the least.

Maia Knowles, power: dreamwalking
If the first time you ever met Character #3 was in her teenage years, you never would have known she spent the better part of her childhood in hospitals. She was amazingly well adjusted for someone who should have been dead for five years. She was popular, preppy, smart, and generally exciting to be around. As far as she was concerned, her abilities were an extension of who she already was. She embraced them, some might even have said she abused them. Some did, but she didn’t care. She never let any of the others get to her, refused to be controlled. For all she knew she was living on borrowed time, and if she didn’t live the time she had to it’s fullest, there was no telling when it would be taken away.

Isaac Frost, power: mediumship
He was the youngest in the group, and was often treated like the baby. He hated it, rebelled against the very idea that he was somehow less capable of contributing or making decisions just because he was younger than the others. He was incredibly intelligent with a knack for solving problems or figuring his way out of difficult situations. He had a talent for mischief, but rarely faced the consequences of his actions. The few times he actually got caught doing something he shouldn’t have, he usually figured a way out of the trouble.

Caleyn Lauhton, power: telekinesis
Another of the group’s younger members, she settled better into her identity as their little sister. Unlike character #4, she liked the protective and occasionally overprotective treatment bestowed on her by the others. She was quiet and reserved, especially with people outside the group or that she didn’t know. The others looked out for her. That shyness could be deceptive though, and when she lost her temper most knew to stay away. She wasn’t all that shy about using her abilities against whoever had made that egregious error of pissing her off. And she found definite satisfaction in proving just how dangerous a little girl with a bad temper could be, especially one with supernatural powers.

Austin Corbel, power: psychometry
One of the group’s older members, Character #6 often took it upon himself to look out for the younger ones. Taking care of them was one of the few times he found confidence in himself. Outside of the group he was nerdy and shy, sometimes afraid to put himself out there. Afraid of rejection. He did well in school, and the few friends he did have outside of the group he met through the clubs he joined. He was cautious with his abilities, and careful never to abuse them, especially around outsiders who might discover what he or the others could do.

Kahlyn Andras, power: animal morphing
In high school she was an athlete through and through. She juggled several sports over the course of each year, and managed to be a top player on all of them. Her love of the game (all of them.. Seriously.) influenced how she fit in with the others. They were her most important team. And this team was her family. She made it her duty to keep them all together and to make sure they worked together for their future. She tried hard to keep them together after Character #2’s actions, but not even she was strong enough for that. It was the only time in her life she ever lost.

Adam Kim, power: adoptive muscle memory
He was an army brat. Raised by a single dad that knew more about leading troops than raising a son, he was brought up to have honor, dignity, and a respect for authority. Stepped up from the beginning as Character #1’s second in command. At heart he’s always thought of himself as a soldier. It’s who he was raised to be. He became the group’s enforcer, protector, warrior, whatever title you want to give him, that’s who he was. Spent most of his time trying to keep people at a distance because he believed emotional connections were a weakness. That worked fine for everyone except the others in the group who even he couldn’t put up enough walls to keep out.

Character #9 (female), power: up to player
There was only one word for Character #9 and that word was geek. When she was sick, her only comfort had been an escape from her own reality. The only choice had been which one, and she collected them. Whether it was the comic books stacked miles high in her room, or the classic star trek episodes she could recite word for word, superpowers and science fiction and masked vigilantes were how she survived her disease. Which was why it was so exciting to wake up one day and find that the fiction had become her reality. It was awesome, amazing, and she never understood why some of the others couldn't see that. And while deep down she's always felt a little more goofy sidekick than courageous hero, she's insanely loyal. She'd drop everything to go on some crazy or misguided adventure simply because you asked for her help.

Beatrice "Trixie" Kelsey, power: mindwarping
Where’s the party? The answer was generally: wherever character #10 was. You wanted the good drugs? She had the best drugs. You wanted some fun? She was all kinds of fun. She was the party girl in a big way. And the town’s druggie population’s favorite dealer. To all appearances she was ditzy and clueless, but those closest to her knew how smart and manipulative she actually was. As long as she was happy, everyone else was having the time of their lives. And she was happiest when getting what she wanted. And just to clarify, she always got exactly what she wanted.

Myer Grayson, power: geokinesis
Ever hear the phrases “born with a silver spoon in their mouth” or “given everything on a silver platter?” Character #11 was the type of guy those phrases were invented for. He came from money. Money that meant his parents never had to lift a finger a day in their lives. Money that meant they were always around to shower their son with attention and adoration. And of course, very high expectations. So along with maybe a bit too high of an opinion of himself, character #11 was always struggling to be… more. Always expected more of himself than he was capable of. Because he knew his parents would expect the same and be disappointed every time.

Character #12 (female), suggested power: Bio Organic Manipulation
Character #12’s family never forgot their miracle. They never let her forget it either. Coming from a deeply religious family, Character #12’s healing was viewed as a genuine gift from God. Every year they’d bring her up to the front of the church as proof of God’s infinite mercy. Her abilities, on the other hand, would not have been so well looked upon. Though it went against everything she was taught, she went along with the rest of the group and kept them a secret because she was terrified of what her family would think if they found out. She certainly knew she wasn’t possessed by demons, but her family, though she loved them, could be very superstitious. It was the first secret she’d ever kept from her parents. Or at least the first one that mattered. It was the hardest thing she ever had to do. And then Character #2 killed someone, and she had to keep that one too.

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