FULL NAME: Vincent Nash Kennerty
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: August 8, 1984 // 27 years.
APPARENT AGE: Around 25.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Portland, Oregon.
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Seattle, Washington.
EMPLOYMENT: Works at the Seattle Aquarium.
EDUCATION: A.S. in Sustainability, Lane Community College in Eugene, OR; Completed one semester at University of Oregon; Currently seeking a B.A. in Geography and a B.S. in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology at University of Washington. Minors in Political Science.
FAMILY: Richard "Dick" Kennerty, father, 57; Dorothy "Dot" Kennerty, mother, 51; Dylan Brandt Kennerty, brother, 30 (open); Emily Anne Kennerty, sister, 21.


Vince sometimes comes off as conceited or overly-confident, but that would be a gross misinterpretation of his good intentions. He feels that he will play a central role in changing the world, and because of his willpower and determination, might do just that! He can be lazy and procrastinate, but when he gets the proper motivation, he is a freight train - unstoppable. He follows his own set of rules, which is not to say that he's a trouble maker all the time. He just has his own moral code to answer to, and as he's harder on himself than anyone else is, it keeps him in line. Vince has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and constantly forces himself to learn from whatever is around him, be it a rigorous schedule of studies or simple conversations with other people. He is an engaging speaker, charming and observant, and one could tell him his or her darkest secrets without realizing that he wasn't revealing any details of his own. He is very loyal and likes to give advice to others, although it is direct and practical, so he sometimes oversteps or hurts others' feelings - but it's always with warm intentions. He is never spiteful, even when he's in a darker mood. He is tolerant and adventurous and gets along with most other people.

He tends to hold onto people much longer than he should, constantly trying to mediate conflict. Although he values honesty, most of his friends look out for themselves rather than making a sincere connection with him. This doesn't bother him though, at least not on the outside. Vince is an icebox. He keeps his emotions under control at all times, often hiding behind sarcasm. He has a desire for clear boundaries and lives a very black-and-white lifestyle. His past is influential in that he wants to feel safe and secure at all times. He has worked for everything he has. He can be reserved, especially in financial situations, but it works for him. He likes positive feedback from others and often acts seeking admiration, which can get him into trouble. He has a strong love for his family, even though it mostly goes unnoticed.

In relationships, he is hardly flirtatious but wins affection from others by being devoted and paying close attention to details about his partner. He needs to be confident that the other person likes him before he will make a move. Although he would like a long-term connection with others, he has been unable to find a partner that could live up to his high standards of adventure. Instead, he has passionate love affairs with people to maintain the sense of freedom he desires. He refuses to share, however, which has caused friction with potential partners in the past. Vince realizes that there is poetry in love-hate relationships as well, as he enjoys some level of competition, anger, frustration and angst. He has vivid fantasies of his partners giving in to him, wanting him completely, or doing absolutely anything for him. He has strong sex appeal and generally gets what he wants. He's afraid of dying alone.

Above all, he is independent and original and hard to influence. He sees through others' intentions and is not easily manipulated. He is enthusiastic and looks toward his future without fear, but in full faith that good things will come if he works hard for them.

During their early years, children are impressionable and need a nurturing, safe environment to gain their identities and form their own opinions. Vince's stay-at-home mother Dot made sure he had that up until his father, Dick, was laid off from his position at the US Postal Service, a fact he hid from the family until their financial situation was unrecoverable. Without his income, the family lost their house, as Dot had never held a job aside from Amway sales when the boys were young. They downgraded from their sizable five-bedroom home in an affluent neighborhood in Portland to a cramped three-bedroom home in Eugene, Oregon's Whitaker neighborhood, where Vince had to share a room with his brother Dylan. Losing so much in the move - friends, personal space, etc. - Vince began acting out and fell in with a tough, older crowd of college students who attended the University of Oregon and identified as anarchists and activists.

Being in such close quarters with his brother, the two grew close, but Dylan graduated the spring before Vince was starting his tenure at South Eugene High School. Dylan left for college at Stanford, and Vince was left to his own devices, spending more time than ever with his influential friends. On June 18, 1999, Vince, a mere 15 years old, participated in the Reclaim the Streets event in Eugene as part of the J18 Global Day of Action to protest capitalism. He was arrested and charged with criminal misconduct, rioting, and two counts of third-degree criminal mischief. He had to serve two years in a juvenile detention center and three years probation. He entered the facility that September and spent the time focusing on his education and staying out of trouble. He earned his GED the following year and began correspondence courses at Lane Community College. He was released from juvie in 2001 and moved back in with his parents, where he immediately began his supervised probation. He graduated from Lane Community College with an A.S. in Sustainability in the Spring of 2004.

Tired of living with his parents, he applied to the University of Oregon, transfering in as an Environmental Sciences major. He moved into the dorms and quickly made friends there, even though he was younger than many of the other junior-level students. He quickly fell in with the eco-activists crowd that University of Oregon is known for, and that fall, he set fire to some luxury cars in a showroom and was arrested soon after, being charged with 10 felony counts of arson and possession of incendiary devices, along with a terrorism charge. He violated the terms of his probation, and because of that was sentenced to twenty years in prison. His sentence was reduced to 10 years after various groups campaigned for him, and a fire expert agreed to testify that no one could have been hurt during the crime. He served five years of his sentence in Oregon State Penitentiary, then was released on parole for good behavior. The terms of his parole were like any other – weekly drug tests and contact with his parole officer, and he couldn't leave the state without notifying them. He was accepted to the University of Washington in Seattle, and the arrangements were made for him to move there and start over. Until May 2011, he still met with a parole officer for weekly drug tests.

Vince missed a lot when he was in lockup. His brother, who he once felt so close to, married a girl Vince never got the chance to meet, and his baby sister graduated from high school and had been living in New York until recently, when she showed up in Seattle. His parents barely spoke to him until April 2011, viewing him as a convict, an image he's trying hard to leave behind. Currently, he lives in a two-bedroom house in Seattle, Washington, close enough to his work and school that he can ride his bike there. His former cell mate from Oregon has shown up in Seattle and is currently staying with him until he gets his life together. Vince works at the Seattle Aquarium feeding the fish and reptiles. He's involved in an on again off again polyamorous arrangement with Nicholas Sheffield and Kay Harte. They are currently on, although the relationship is somewhat volatile and changes daily.

« Seattle, WA


Vince met Liv at a local punk show. She was crowd surfing and kicked him in the head, and when she was on the ground again, she came back to check on him. They've been friends since, and she now works at the Aquarium with him.

Vince met Nick behind the bar where Nick used to work. They hit it off, and now Nick is his on again off again boyfriend, although he is (secretly) married. Vince does his best not to let that bother him. They are currently on.

It started with a fake date won in a game of Nutsy Bolts, but neither can deny their chemistry. Now that Vince is with her brother, though, their sparks have fizzled into a tentative friendship.

She is Nick's (secret) wife, and Vince's on again off again girlfriend. She's the third side to their relationship triangle, and recently has admitted to loving Vince. They are currently on.

Emily is Vince's sister, and he hasn't really heard from her since before he went to prison. When she shows up in Seattle, will they be able to fix their relationship? Or is the family doomed to keep paying for Vince's mistakes?

Vince finds Jas to be particularly fascinating, but can't decide whether he's more intriguing or annoying. He likes hanging out with him, and the two are seemingly becoming fast friends. Jas has been inducted into the CuddlePuddle.

Anna has been a part of Vince's circle for a while, although they really never hung out until recently. They have become fairly close friends.

Evan and Vince were cell mates at Oregon State Penitentiary. The two grew close over the four years of Vince's sentence that they spent together. When Evan needs a leg up, Vince is there to give it to him.

A former classmate at University of Washington, Jae-sun is now a co-worker at the Seattle Aquarium, helping out with the grunt work.

Missey is a charming Southern lady whose naivety should annoy Vince, but actually has the opposite effect. She is still merely an acquaintance, but if he spent more time with her, he would consider her a good friend.

Agent Baldwinn is Missey's husband. He works for the FBI, and Vince has often thought he seemed familiar somehow, but doesn't dwell on it.

His brother, who he wants to rebuild his relationship with, and sister-in-law, who he has never met. An ex of sorts from Oregon, male or female, although Vince doesn't claim to have ever been in a relationship before. Co-workers at the Seattle Aquarium. Neighbors who live in the U District. Other students from the University of Washington.


AIM OR THREAD: Aim/thread-friendly.
JOURNAL & AIM: ~knrty & vince n la noche.
PLAYED BY: Adam Lazzara.

Please feel free to IM any time for random conversation, but ask before starting a scene.