Name: Atticus Francis Longbottom.
nicknames: None.
DOB & Age: February 28, 2007 & 23.
hometown: London, England.
current residence: London, England.
occupation: Seeker for Puddlemere United.
marital status: Single.
sexuality: Bisexual.
wand: 11 inches, hazel, chimaera scale.
familiar: Helena.


mother: Hannah Abbot. Owner of the Leaky Cauldron.
father: Neville Longbottom. Herboloby Professor.
sibling: Kaitlin Longbottom. Healer.


If he could produce a corporeal Patronus, it would be an otter.
Could have done well enough in school if he'd paid attention -- or cared at all. His best subject was Care of Magical Creatures.
Stands at 5'11 in bare feet.
Enjoys sweets, but has a huge weakness for chips. He's also allergic to strawberries.
Has been a vegetarian since he was 19.
Is pretty scarred up from Quidditch. His biggest ones include one on his back (curving from his left shoulder blade around his right hip) and a C-shaped one behind his left ear.
Rescued his cat off the streets.
Is more than slightly fond of reading poetry.
His Boggart is being injured so badly he's unable to play Quidditch anymore.


TEDDY LUPIN: The professor with whom Atticus had a... secret relationship during his sixth and seventh years at school. They were caught in the end, and since their (not so sweet) parting six years ago, they haven't really spoken. Atticus is really trying to gear himself up for it, though, because there's just something about Teddy.
MOLLY WEASLEY: Atticus' best friend since school. They're a raucous duo prone to mischief. As it so happens, they haven't seem to have outgrown their penchant for (harmless) troublemaking, and that's just how Atticus likes it.
LYSANDER SCAMANDER: The Hogwarts Quidditch rival and ex-boyfriend. Their relationship was mostly based on UST, and then after they got that out of the way and were actually dating, their relationship still consisted mostly of the angry side of passion.
ATTICA WOOD: An ex-girlfriend with whom Atticus broke up after about three months in. It just wasn't working. Now they're stilted and awkward and tentative around each other.
LILY POTTER: An ex-girlfriend with whom he's on truly good terms. Wow.
SCORPIUS MALFOY: What a bully, am I right?
ROSE WEASLEY: A partner-in-crime slash drinking buddy! Shenanigans a plenty are had.
TORMEY FLYNN: A friend, although things are a little awkward since Tormey is really close with Lysander. This doesn't stop the skinny dipping.
VICTOIRE WEASLEY: A roommate! She doesn't know about the whole Teddy-Atticus issue, so Atticus is constantly having small panic attacks about it. Aaaaawkward. Especially that time when she climbed into his bed.
VINCENT GOYLE: The other roommate. The one who constantly brings forth new ways for Atticus to experience awkwardness. Despite their differences, though, Atticus does love him.
JAQUES BULSTRODE: Atticus' go-to guy for brooms. He might have complicated things by hooking up with Jaques, though. Oops.


PB Andrew Garfield
timezone CST.
contact preference Customs; contact post!
credit: ~aeron.


Sure, Neville Longbottom’s name might not be as hallowed as some others (Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, for example), but it’s household in Wizarding Britain nonetheless. Besides, even apart from his pivotal role in the Second War, the fact that he’s a professor at Hogwarts sort of cements his importance. Plus, his wife runs the Leaky Cauldron, so between the two of them, it’s pretty safe to say that they possess a modicum of fame. Luckily, however, their laid-back, loving parenting style kept their children from developing complexes. Or too many complexes, at least.

A year after Kaitlin was born, Atticus arrived in the world. True to form, they slapped him with a family name (Atticus Francis, for Neville’s father) and smothered him with love. He was as dark as Kaitlin was light, taking more after Neville than Hannah, but remarkably enough, the siblings seemed like kindred spirits from the very start. Despite their closeness in age, Atticus and Kaitlin rarely, if ever, fought with vitriol. Atticus, like any younger sibling, trailed after his older sister doggedly, but Kaitlin never rejected his presence. Perhaps this explains their similarities. In any case, Atticus grew up in a happy, crowded home full of like-minded people -- and a constant stream of guests. Though Neville was away at Hogwarts for most of the year, he made sure that his children had contact from him, and for the most part, Atticus never felt awkward around his father. (Even so, it’s a clear fact that he feels closer to his mother, solely for the fact that he was with her for more of his life.)

Unlike his older sister, he didn’t show any overt signs of magic until relatively late in his life. In fact, it was so late that both Neville and Hannah had already quietly assumed that he was a Squib. For his part, Atticus was terrified that this might actually be the case, but it wasn’t as though he could simply command himself to perform the magic he might not have possessed. Finally, though, when he was eight and a half years old, he formed a raincloud indoors, apparently in symbolization of his utter despondency at Kaitlin’s upcoming move to Hogwarts. This, at least, made her absence a bit more bearable, if only because he knew he’d be getting his own letter of invitation the next year.

Sure enough, the official Owl arrived the next summer. He didn’t end up getting Sorted into Hufflepuff like Kaitlin -- a fact that actually shocked everyone in his circle of family and friends -- but into Gryffindor. At first, Atticus was devastated; the whole reason he’d been excited about going to Hogwarts was so that he and Kaitlin would be together again. But Atticus’ naturally sunny disposition cleared away his reservations, and he had no problems making friends in his House. After a while, the most he had to worry about was getting caught breaking the rules by his own father… or simply getting caught breaking the rules, since the news would somehow or other travel back to Neville, who was Head of Gryffindor as it was. Atticus wasn’t a naturally reckless boy, but he was an energetic young thing all the same, and that usually didn’t mesh with rules very well.

In any case, Atticus’ life at Hogwarts went by smoothly: he was well-liked, good at Quidditch, and tried, at least, with his schoolwork (even if he didn’t do very well). So things seemed to be going swimmingly -- until his seventh year, when he somehow found himself caught in an affair with a professor. To be fair, Teddy Lupin was hands down the fittest professor at Hogwarts, and everybody acknowledged that. However, Atticus wasn’t an idiot; and he also hadn’t thought of himself as the type of boy who would do something so reckless. It was what it was, though, and like most student-teacher relationship cases, they were caught. Luckily, their position wasn’t as compromising as it could have been, which meant that Atticus’ pleading with the Headmaster to keep the news from his father was successful.

After that escapade, Atticus wanted nothing more than to graduate as quickly as possible. He was recruited by Puddlemere United midway through the year, and he focused all of his energies on impressing them even further. His work eventually paid off, for directly after leaving Hogwarts, he signed onto the team as their third-string Seeker. Two years later, his passionate playing earned him a top spot on Puddlemere as their starting Seeker, a position he still holds today. He loves Puddlemere, of course, but now that he’s starting to get offers from other teams, he’s wondering whether he should branch out.