FULL NAME: Corey Fancis Zanders.
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: 1/23/90 & 21.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, CA.
GRADE: Sophomore.
GREEK: Sigma Chi Pledge.
CLUBS: Blue and White, STV and Young Republicans.
SPORTS: Lacrosse and Soccer.
SEXUALITY: Straight.
MAJOR: Business (International Business).


During the late 1970's and early 1980's, the Zanders empire had grown to become a household name. Fredrick Zanders had singlehandedly created the Zanders Entertainment Resorts chain, which started off as a small real-estate company. Throughout the 80's, the company grew quickly, boasting extravagant casinos and resorts throughout the world. Being a CEO of such a large empire at a young age, he had no time for love or relationships. When he had enough employees, it allowed him to set aside time for himself to meet and date women from women of all countries. In 1987, he met Leslie Rose; a young actress from Australia. Within six months, the two were madly in love and were married in a small chapel her hometown of Adelaide.
By May of 1988, Leslie was pregnant with their first child, whom the excited couple named Corey Francis. He was a delightful child, always smiling and eyes full of mischief. Before long, they were blessed with a daughter, who Corey treasured as his baby sister. The family lived in a large mansion in Los Angeles, where the children were blessed with mountains of toys, a large yard to play in and a countless number of friends. This all changed in the summer of 1995, when Corey was was only 5 years old. He woke up early in the morning, still in his favorite Lion King PJs and ran into his parents room with a large grin on his face, as they were supposed to go Disneyland. What he found, though, was his father sitting on the edge of an immaculately made bed alone with his face in his hands. Leslie was never to be heard of again and Corey asked no questions. He returned silently to his sleeping sister's room, where he sat on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair, whispering he would keep her safe.
Corey kept his promise throughout the years, but not without a guarded heart and a bitter outlook on life in general. His permanent grin was exchanged for a scowl and he came to hate mother's day. Middle school and high school were a blur; he kept his grades, used his good looks and money to his advantage, played sports, but felt like a robot, just going through the motions that were expected of him. Since the fateful morning, his once quick and witty father also seemed emotionless and dull. Corey worked to get a reaction out of his father - any reaction - to somehow feel as though things could start looking up. Corey plowed through relationships as often as he changed his clothes. Of course, there were the occasional girls he'd come to care for but would quickly end things if they ever started getting serious.
Life went on like this throughout high school and was soon accepted to his father's alma mater, University of North Carolina. Of course, Corey would have much rather preferred going to UCLA or NYU, he figured that attended the school that his father was once so proud of graduating from, would get his father's attention. All he received was a nod of the head and a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. Currently, in his second year at UNC, Corey is rushing for the Sigma Chi fraternity, which his father was once a part of, and concentrating on attempting to have a somewhat memorable and enjoyable time at the school.

During his younger years, Corey was a sprite young boy who loved nothing more than riding his scooter around the large courtyard of the Zanders California residence. He marched to the beat of his own drum, choosing his own outfits each day; polka dot socks, argyle pants and a white t-shirt with red suspenders. It all changed after the sudden departure of his mother. The only thing that remained was his unique and undeniably fabulous sense of fashion. The day his mother left, Corey vowed to never trust another woman in fear of abandonment. The therapist convinced his father that the reaction was natural - it was good enough that Corey didn't blame himself for his mother leaving.
Corey carries himself in an extremely self-assured manner that often intimidates people. Although he'd never admit it, it's mostly a mask he wears in order to hide the deeper insecurities and fears that he constantly feels. "Will the people around me leave me once I show them who I really am?" The thought constantly swirled through his head. Turns out the therapist was wrong and ultimately, he believed it was something he did which made his mother leave the family. He constantly pushes people away, mainly girls, because he believes them to be fickle and unloyal. He doesn't believe in true love, nor relationships, which has left him with several haters who try to slander his name. He brushes them off his shoulders and continues on his way.
When it comes to male friends, Corey has a lot more confidence and a real sense of loyalty. He's friendly to most he encounters and would go to great lengths for his friends. Although rare, Corey has a few girl friends whom know his past and who he will somewhat open up to. Perhaps this is due to how close he is with his sisters - he has hope that there are a few good eggs left in this world. The reason he joined Sigma Chi is not only because his father was a member of the UNC Chapter, but mainly because he truly believes in the idea of a band of brothers. Although he hates to admit it, he knows that his actions and thoughts aren't always the way they should be, and therefore, believes that somehow Sigma Chi will help lead him in the right direction.

Corey is notorious for never having a real lasting relationship. From a young age, Corey believed that relationships were "for fun," and never believed in the idea of true love. Even when his friends were gradually showing interest in girls, having a 'girlfriend' was the least of Corey's concerns. He was quick to grow up in the 'sex' department, losing his virginity when he was 15, to an 18 year old. No, he wasn't mature enough to truly handle nor enjoy it, but rather felt numb - which he enjoyed. He dated here and there but quickly left the girls before he ever had to deal with rejection. The only girl who truly kept his attention was Annalise Cadieux. The two briefly dated during her junior year, his senior year. She was definitely different than other girls in that she was more pure, almost naive. Once he started realizing the feelings were deeper than just the surface, he started pushing her away, slowly but surely. Eventually, he gave her the reason that she wouldn't "put out" as the reason for their break up although there was definitely more to it that she never knew. Once again, the sliver of opportunity closed and Corey went back to his old ways.


spring 2011 schedule
BUSI 101 - Management Accounting (MW 9:30 - 10:45)
FREN 203 - Intermediate French 1 (MWF 12:00 - 12:50)
BUSI 401 - Management Communication (TuTh 12:30 - 1:45)
BUSI 403 - Operations Management (TuTh 2:00 - 3:15)

sports schedule
02/19/11 vs. Ohio State at Ohio State
02/25/11 vs. Navy at Chapel Hill, N.C.
03/05/11 vs. UMBC at Chapel Hill, N.C.
03/08/11 vs. Penn at Chapel Hill, N.C.
03/11/11 vs. Princeton at Princeton, N.J.
03/17/11 vs. Duke at Chapel Hill, N.C.
03/22/11 vs. Dartmouth at Chapel Hill, N.C
03/26/11 vs. Maryland at College Park, Md.
04/03/11 vs. Johns Hopkins (Konica Minolta Big City Classic) at East Rutherford, N.J.
04/09/11 vs. Virginia at Charlottesville, Va.
04/14/11 vs. Presbyterian Chapel Hill, N.C.
04/17/11 vs. Lehigh at Bethlehem, Pa.
04/22/11 ACC Tournament Semifinals at Durham, N.C.
04/24/11 ACC Tournament Finals at Durham, N.C.
05/06/11 vs. Notre Dame at Chapel Hill, N.C.

11/21/10 vs. Georgetown at Chapel Hill, N.C.
11/28/10 vs. Michigan State at Chapel Hill, N.C.
12/03/10 vs. SMU at Chapel Hill, N.C.
12/10/10 vs. Louisville at Santa Barbara, Calif.




maddie: 1
stevie: 1
caerra: 1
emilie: 1





Both business majors, they met towards the beginning of the semester when they took the same class. Seeing Isaiah wear his letters proudly, Corey asked him for more information regarding Sigma Chi, which eventually led to him rushing this semester. Isaiah was never pushy, but more supportive towards Corey's inquisitions and Corey feels gratitude towards Isaiah for encouraging him to start this new chapter in his life.




Corey's Big, as well as a good friend. The two enjoy talking about music, going to shows, the like. They get along great and Corey's glad that Stev's his big brother.

Big Brother. TBD.

Fellow Pledge. TBD.

Fellow Pledge. TBD.

Fellow Pledge. TBD.

Fellow Pledge. TBD.

Fellow Pledge. TBD.


His younger sister, his heart and soul. After his mother left, Corey made a silent vow that he would look after her no matter what happened in life. Upon high school graduation, it was extremely difficult to leave LA for UNC but was completely relieved to hear ____ had decided to follow suit.

The ghost from his past, who will possibly haunt him forever. Corey and her dated in high school; she was the first and at this rate, the only girl he ever let himself open his heart to. She was a complete 180 from him - innocent, naive, open to love and able to look past his reputation. His heart broke when her family moved to the East Coast during his senior year. Although he wanted to stay with her, they decided to end things as she claimed it would be too painful to maintain a long distance relationship. They lost touch and he has no idea that she transfered to UNC this year.

best friend from back home. details tbd.

One of the few girls he respects at UNC. They flirt, but nothing ever happens, as she's dating his LAX teammate, Zack. They hang out whenever they have time, which doesn't happen too often as they're both busy with their respective Greek responsibilities.


Rhiannon is not the kind of girl Corey would seek out to befriend; simply because of her outrageous hair and piercings. He will admit, though, that she's beautifully unique and intriguing. He figured it was a blessing in disguise when he was assigned to be her "model" for one of her photography classes as he's had some experience in LA with photoshoots. They have a really friendly flirty/fun relationship in which he's always hitting on her and she rolls her eyes and they have a good laugh. What they both don't know is that they've "met" before in Los Angeles at some point before coming to UNC and will find out in the oddest way...

The fun Brazilian kid who Corey always runs into. Although the two don't have a lot in common, they share their love of cigarettes, weed, booze and sex... and of course partying.


AIM OR THREAD: Either or. Threading preferred due to timezone differences.
CONTACT: here.
JOURNAL & AIM: ~corzan & dirty cortini.
PLAYED BY: Ed Westwick.