Rules of play for Centurions

Yes. There are rules. Yes. They are meant to be followed. No. You aren’t above them.

8 Don't mix OOC with IC. This will NOT be tolerated. Period.

8 Stay true to your character. Please play them realistically. This goes with death, pregnancy, etc. SLs. NOTE - A real pregnancy is nine months, so is an RPG one.

8 All journals that are titled "private" are to be PRIVATE. That means, your character can NOT know anything in that journal portion of the entry. You may read and enjoy the knowledge but your character cannot use it.

8 You MUST have at least ONE icon for your character(s).

8 ASK a player before you include them in your storylines!

8 You must be an active member of this game for it to meet not only your expectations, but those of the other members. We ask that you partake in many scenes, with different types of characters to explore and allow your character to develop.

8 We will have activity checks onece every calendar month. Please try and meet more than the 1 journal and 1 scene requirement for every month. Removals are done one week following activity checks. We will give you that seven days to make an effort, if not, you’re out. If you are removed for other reasons... well you'll know before you're removed.

8 Please place your character's name in the Subject of your application post. Ya that we know you actually read this and we're not just seeing ourselves type. If you don't do this, you will be declined.

8 No, no, no, NO player bashing!

8 For now, you will ONLY be allowed FOUR characters. Players who wish to have more characters, MUST be active based on Moderator terms. You must contact a Moderator to discuss this.