Kaylee Ramsey

FULL NAME: Kaylee Maria Ramsey
DATE OF BIRTH June 15, 2015
AGE: 16
OCCUPATION: Ticket Agent at Sapphire Stage
SCHOOLING: Junior at Moses Pearson High
POWER: Cryokinesis
LIMITS OF POWER: Kaylee's power works by slowing down molecules, but she can not speed them back up without some form of heat. She's still new to her powers although aware of them and can chill most liquids without turning them to the absolute freezing point. The lowest she's managed is a -40ºC with a lot of concentration after breaking an old thermometer.


POSITIVE TRAITS: : - Kaylee is rather witty, largely translating over into sarcasm. She is usually very good about keeping a flat tone that makes you wonder if she's being serious or joking.
- Kaylee considers herself artistic, doing work that she can't really see many of her classmates participating in by making stained glass projects. She mostly likes the ability to break glass without getting yelled at and having something at the end that she can sell. Her favorites usually get hung in the theatre though where every one can see them.
- Kaylee tries to be independent even if she does have two parents who love and adore her and generally drive her a little crazy sometimes.
- She is also intelligent and a hard worker in both school and her extra job taking care of tickets for the shows that might be going on as well as running nearby errands for her dad while he's working. While she likes the work and it's general ease, she would like to go into something more difficult for a career, perhaps becoming a doctor.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: - Kaylee is not the sort to just forgive and forget when you've wronged her. It might take a bit to actually get to "wronging", but she holds a grudge until the day one of them is dead.
- It's hard to say what she's feeling all of the time considering Kaylee has become very good about hiding her feelings. She'll put on a happy face when she's not feeling well and insist she's fine when she is running a 102 degree fever. All the world is just a stage and she does live with enough actors.
- She is extremely compulsive, just going with her gut feeling about things rather than thinking them through. It has gotten her involved in a number of different extracurriculars through school without many really sticking.
- Her independence is also not the best thing when she's just ready to be out of high school and out on her own. She also kind of likes having the income without all the bills.
STRENGTHS: - Kaylee loves school even if she doesn't have that many friends there. She's always been more the type to put her education before socialization, doing well in the sciences and math classes.
- Despite not being much of a future house wife in the making, she does like baking. Most commonly muffins, but she's also good about making a cake when her family's birthdays come around.
- Organization is one of her strong skills, having her desk at home completely organized as well as shelves for her books (alphabetized by author) and a rotating system for her clothes by season so the most likely to get worn items are near the front. There is rarely a time that her room isn't clean.
FLAWS: Kaylee is not a morning person and would be far happier if she could start school at around 10 AM or later. The same length of time if needed, but just not to the point that she knows when the sun is going to come up.
- She's sure it's disappointing to her mom who is usually so bright and cheerful, but she is not good at getting excited genuinely. She might like a gift, but the most you're going to get without her pushing herself is a big smile.
- One thing you can always be sure to get to her though is boys. Especially older ones who happen to be nice to her by any means. She might have a crush one week that goes on to someone else the next. They're usually pretty fun to hang out with too even if you're not making out.
- Kaylee is also extremely stubborn and hates asking for help. She will do about anything just to do it on her own rather than feeling like she owes someone. She might take the help if offered, but definitely not going to ask unless she's in some sort of mortal peril.
LIKES: Chocolate, eating cereal out of the box, working with her glass, work, hanging out backstage, watching the actors practice for a show, singing (even if she's not good), reading, making words like"moist" sound extra dirty, sleeping, autumn in Maine, cool weather, occasionally spending time with her parents.
DISLIKES: Super hot summers, girls who act like they don't have a brain in their head, messes, trying to drive anywhere in winter, overprotective parents, getting hit in the head during sports, hospitals, shopping for school clothes, being sick, group projects.

SUMMARY: Kaylee is a young woman who feels like she is already pretty sure of herself. Confidence has never much of an issue, but she has also become very good at faking about not caring what other people think. There are a few people who she does really care about their opinions. Even then she's more likely to vent to her journal than anyone living. She's been taught enough to just be true to herself even if other people might not like it. The journal however is less likely to give her advice that she doesn't want to hear. It would take a talented psycho-analyst to even get anything out of her. She prefers to just sit and listen rather than talk and has found that sometimes just changing her expression a little bit can make people think she's thinking one thing and just talk all the more. It's actually rather amusing most of the time when they get nervous. Especially if they start incriminating themselves of something and she didn't even have to say a word to get it out of them. Eventually she might start cracking up, but not until they've gone and made at least a little bit of a fool of themselves. She likes laughing though even if she does seem rather serious most of the time.

Kaylee is the sort of person that cares a lot about her friends though even if they are few in number. It's largely as it takes a bit to gain her trust, but after that she would be willing to defend you in court even if she saw you do it. They're her support system even if they don't know it and make her feel better by just seeing them happy. She's willing to do a lot as well to get them back to happiness if one of them is having a bad day. Her family all already qualify for that even if they do occasionally drive her crazy. Her parents and sister have always been there for her, and, she hopes, will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

Kaylee is the second of the Ramsey girls, both adopted when Nora had difficulties even getting pregnant. It was never a big secret with either of them and never really felt like it made them less of a family. She grew up into the opinion that her biological parent didn't want her for one reason or another and had given her up. Why should she waste her time growing up just wondering and thinking about them with she already had parents? Even though after seeing "Annie" she was calling her father "Daddy Warbucks" and teasing about dying her hair red. Even Little Orphan Annie's parents had ended up being dead.

Growing up around the stage though gave her a lot of time to consider the idea of becoming an actress. For a few years she tried going dance lessons, though none if it really kept her interest for long. Even trying to get up on stage just made her knees shake if there was someone watching, but behind the scenes was always comfortable. She got to know the actors and got her first "job" at age 8 just keeping track of all of the props for a production of "Our Town". She got a little bit crazy with the marker and masking tape. Everyone knew where things were supposed to go at the end of the night however and she never lost as much as a fake cigarette. She found she liked the musicals better to watch as there was always singing and the songs were rather catchy. She was never all that wonderful of a singer herself, but that didn't stop her from knowing the words and singing softly along during the show. It was also a particular piece made for one of the shows that got Kaylee interested in the idea of stained glass. While the woman who did it tried to appease her with the idea of plastic pieces that required painting in the sections, she wasn't satisfied until she was shown how the whole process was done. It took proving she could be well behaved and stay out of the way while observing before the woman agreed. After a few pieces and no incidents of burnt fingers, she also helped Kaylee make a very simple butterfly piece out of scraps of left over glass. It was little wonder for her 14th birthday she asked for some starter materials and space over the garage to work. She got the space and a little bit of money for supplies, but started working for real pay at Sapphire Stage. At the very least it helped out so she could practice and get better.

Transitioning from the elementary school to high school was also a little bit weird at first. It was still all the same kids that she had gone to school with before, but now they almost mingled together more with the older kids. Some of those older kids were also not all that nice which caused her to act out to protect a friend even if all she could do was step on their feet and then run like hell. At least it got them away from the injured party. She had a few not-very-serious boyfriends from it at times and a few that lasted a little longer. Admittedly when her current boyfriend suggested sex, it seemed like something that must be good considering how much people talked about it. Of those people, it didn't seem like any of them were really talking about it being bad. Where was the harm in it then as long as they were careful and used a condom?

Apparently plenty considering Kaylee is pregnant...

« Genome Project


Johnny Jones
Boyfriend - Kaylee's most serious boyfriend to date, which has also gotten her into the situation of becoming a mother at 16 to his baby. She trusts his tastes in music however even though she'll listen to about anything with a beat.

Nora Ramsey
Mother - Kaylee and her mother are two very different people, but there is a lot of love between them as well as an open relationship. Sometimes Kaylee feels like she has a friend more than a mother, but she's also a young woman who likes to take care of herself.

Dean Ramsey
Father - Dean Ramsey is a bit more the parent in the household and a protective father of his little girls, and it's one of the few roles that Kaylee says he doesn't have to act. Kay loves her dad to bits even if he also has his odd streak at times.

Lucy Ramsey
Sister - Lucy is only slightly older than Kaylee, and someone who she looks up to and asks advice from or even just confides her secrets. In a way she's almost Kaylee's best friend that still lives in the same house all the time.

Sasha Santa-Cruz
Best Friend - Sasha might be a year younger and a little happy-go-lucky compared to Kaylee most of the time, she has a way of lifting up Kaylee's spirits when she's feeling down and making her feel better about herself in general. Even if it's just with churros and hot chocolate.

Annie Tibbits
Friend - Annie might be older and the subject of her boyfriend's wet dreams, but that hasn't kept Kaylee from trying to make friends with Annie. She likes the other girl for her ability to keep her life rounded between school and other things. Not to mention they could almost pass for sisters.

Penny Zimmerman
Friend/Not-quite-family - Penny might not have come into Kaylee's life if it weren't for Johnny and now she's pretty sure that Penny is going to be stuck with her. Most of the time Kay just feels bad for the sick girl, but she's also got a wisdom far beyond her years that is hard to ignore. Plus she could always use another friend.

Grace Bailey
Friend - Grace and Kaylee might work on different sides of the stage curtain, but that doesn't keep them from at least getting along. Even though Grace has tried to get Kaylee to get over the idea of people watching her on stage and Kaylee is quite content to only be there when the auditorium is empty.

James Baker
Friend - James is one of those proofs that Kaylee does not have all that many good influences in her life and when it comes to picking friends. She just finds him fun to hang out with occasionally and doesn't get after him over the smoking and other things.

Sammy Watts
Friend - Sammy is one of the people in her year that Kaylee gets along with at least partially well. It works as long as they don't get into anything too deep like family or some of the other males at MPHS. If Sammy doesn't want to talk about it, Kaylee's not gonna push her.

Stevie Pearson
Friend - If Kay were looking for a quick game of dodgeball in the park, Stevie would be the first one on her to-call list. She might be a little more rough and tumble by comparison, but having some difference is what is supposed to make life fun, right?

Rosie Pratt
Friend - Rosie is usually more the one to be on Kaylee's list for hanging out at the beach. In the winter it comes more down to trying to help out with school work. Not everyone has the same passion she does after all.

The Snowflake
Child - Due in mid-February, Kaylee decided that she wasn't always comfortable just talking to her stomach and calling it "baby". Snowflake seemed appropriate given its due date, general delicateness, and the fact that she finds it a bit of a funny inside joke to her own powers.


EMAIL: Poisoned.Fruit.87@gmail.com
JOURNAL: Ice Rainbow
PLAYED BY: India Eisley