LEGAL NAME: Holden James Birkenhagen
STAGE NAME: Holden Birken
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 30 & October 31, 1980
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ann Arbor, Michigan
STATUS: Secretly Engaged

American Reunion (2012) - Oz filming
New Year's Eve (2011) - Randy
Valentine's Day (2010) - Reed Bennett
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) - Peter Bretter
Sunshine (2007) - Mace
Factory Girl (2006) - Billy Quinn
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of The Sith (2005) - Anakin Skywalker
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - Morgan
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of The Clones (2002) - Anakin Skywalker
American Pie 2 (2001) - Oz
American Pie (1999) - Chris 'Oz' Ostreicher
Pleasantville (1998) - Skip Martin

Community (2009-Present) - Jeff Winger (49 Episodes)


contact & etc
PLAYED BY: John Krasinski
JOURNAL & AIM: ~birkenhagen & holdenvader
TWITTER: @thebirken
WRITING: 3rd person storybook. Threading or AIM
The birth and childhood of Holden Birkenhagen was one of redundant normalcy that most either ignore or hate. For Holden the routine of his father going off to work with his briefcase while he stayed behind with his mother at home was comforting and the best sense of security he had yet to know. Holden was a good child, with a bit of a hyperactivity problem but it wasn't anything playing outside couldn't handle. As a boy he honestly believed that becoming Batman was an occupation, and that there was an academy that taught you how to be like Bruce Wayne minus being an orphan billionaire. It wasn't that he was stupid, naive or gullible, it was that his mind was able to dream up such brilliant concepts that he never wanted to let them go. It was easier to believe in his world than the real one, which by the late 80s was definitely going to hell in a hand basket. The 90s brought about a better change, but things weren't the way they used to be. When he was 11 the family moved from Ann Arbor, Michigan to San Diego, California because of the merger Holden's father's company went through.

Everything he had known: family, friends, and neighbors were gone in one trip across the country. San Diego was sunny, hot, and nothing like Michigan. Making friends was hard for Holden, the neighborhood children would rather ride their skateboards than play a game of football or baseball. Holden found that it was easier to be funny and do stupid things in order to get people to like him. All throughout middle and high school he was the class clown, adept in the skill of making everyone except him laugh. Despite the fact that being the funny guy was his defense mechanism to coping with the move Holden did see that he was quite good at it. Joining the drama club was an easy decision that allowed him to exercise his humor and test his acting abilities. It seemed that he was a natural born actor, and somehow a casting agent was in the crowd for the opening night of the school production of The Sound of Music. While his part wasn't necessarily the lead, he was the most memorable on stage and warranted him a introduction from the agent.

The amount of confidence that he had in the agent was a little too much, he believed and soaked up every word they said about making him a big star; in which they didn't. The agent got him one audition that turned out to be for a soap opera, and for a character that he didn't even want to play. It wasn't a terrible experience but it was borderline annoying. While leaving the set he got confused for an extra that was supposed to be on a different lot. Being carted over to the next sound stage he tried to get out of it, but considering it was an extra spot he didn't fight it too much. The director somehow thought his height was too much, and made him sit down right next to George Clooney. Holden almost didn't know how to breathe when he recognized him, but tried his best when the director yelled action. While having a mini panic attack on the inside he was able to keep calm, and did what he was supposed to. The scene didn't even last more than five minutes and wasn't even used in the movie despite Holden constantly telling people about it, but that was all it took to make him want to pursue acting.

After graduating high school he had the terrible talk of 'I'm Not Going to College' with his parents, which pissed them off and almost disown him but they sucked it up, and helped him move to the smallest apartment Los Angeles had to offer. The money he acquired from graduating went towards rent, food and some of the worst head-shots anyone has ever gotten, and of course there was no refund. Holden gave himself two months to find work acting, after that he was going to have to get a job and try to act on the side. Fate was cruel in the beginning, but eventually got better. Auditions eventually got better as he realized what they were looking for, and he managed a few non-crediting extra roles that paid him forty bucks for the whole day which in his mind wasn't terrible. At least until he got a real acting job when a casting agent took a chance on him for Pleasantville. It was a minor supporting character who was kind of dumb but it was a paycheck and that was all that mattered.

Eventually he did end up having to get a job to cover living expenses but the end of the 90s wasn't terrible to him, he had a role in an upcoming teen flick that was sure to be a hit and was it ever. American Pie generated enough of a fan base for three more to be made with Holden only missing from one. It was apparent that comedy was his niche, but a random call from his agent sent him to an audition that changed his life from that point. The series of auditions that he did weren't exactly forthcoming with what the role was for, but it promised to be a big blockbuster movie. Being a virtual unknown Holden was willing to take a chance, hell if it was straight porn he'd consider doing it as long as a mask was over his face. It was better, it was STAR WARS and after jumping through all of George Lucas' hoops he was the actor picked at the end of the day to play young Anakin Skywalker. Star Wars had been something Holden had enjoyed immensely as a child, and the opportunity to be in the prequels was something he wasn't going to pass up.

In late 2008 he was approached by Dan Harmon about a comedy show he was putting together, and wanted to know if Holden wanted to be part of it. Never one to say no to something that is going to be obviously endless amount of entertainment he said yes. The product turned out to be COMMUNITY and while it first centered around the downfall of his character it soon became a strong ensemble cast of extremely hilarious and talented people that he's proud to be able to call his friends. Currently Holden is finishing up filming on the latest American Pie movie in Georgia while having difficulty getting Gleda to make any wedding arrangements.

✪ Auditioned for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of The Clones on a whim from his agent who at the time he kind of hated, but George Lucas hand picked Holden for the role after four auditions. Being part of the Star Wars franchise has been his crowning achievement in his eyes.
✪ Named after Holden Caulfield, and gets a little tired of repeating this in interviews but goes with the flow since it's generally the opening question. While Catcher in the Rye is his mother's favorite book, it ranks in the bottom of his top 20. To say Holden is a bookworm would be the understatement of the century; he has a vehement opinion of kindles and will always prefer having a book in his hand.
✪ Comes from German descent on his father's side and a mixture of English and Scottish on his mother's.
✪ Met Gleda while filming FACTORY GIRL, but didn't start dating until 2009. Holden proposed to her this past Christmas, and so far they've managed to keep it under the radar of all media outlets. Only about 10 people know of their secret engagement.
✪ Since making obsence amounts of money for the two STAR WARS movies he's been in he's purchased a few homes all over the world, a few cars and even contemplated a private plane before figuring that would be too ostentatious of himself.