  name: Annie Marie Bennet
nicknames: bee.
age: 29
Birth Place: Talahasse, FL
Current Residence: Studio apartment in LLOYD FLATS.
Marital Status: Single.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Occupation: Head of Webdesign @ Initiative
out of character.
  played by: christina ricci
journal: ~bannie
ooc contact: screened post
timezone: PST.
other: threading. third person.
credit: ~lindsay for the code.
  Annie Bennet was born in Tallahassee, Florida on October 12, 1982. She wasn't a difficult baby and she was a quiet child. She took to reading and drawing on her own quickly. So much so that he parents worried. She was too shy to play with other kids and when she was sent on play dates they always ended poorly. At school and in kindergarten, she was more of a watcher than a joiner and that pretty much remained her modus operandi until she started college. Annie got great grades in high school. She did well in her art classes. Her teachers all thought she was a peach, though she never spoke up during class.

Annie applied to several colleges and got into most of them. She decided on going to NYU as a whim and majored in computer science and later dropped out of school after realizing she really hated New York. It scared her and though there were millions upon millions of people around she didn't make many friends or meet the man of her dreams. Something she was sure was going to happen since that was how all chickflicks made New York out to be. To say she was naive would be an understatement. Following her two year hermitude in New York, Annie moved back home for a while, sitting in her parent's basement playing with websites and code. Realizing she had a knack for it, she began to freelance and made enough money to move out of that basement.

At the age of twenty-five, she got a job in Larson, Colorado at Initiative and decided to make the move. Florida was full of old people and she felt her life was floating by. Once getting involved in the professional world and getting praise for her work, her confidence shot through the roof and she started to do much better socially. She made friends through work and then friends of friends, until she had something resembling a social calendar. She still works for Initiative and is in charge of the Web Design department. She does so stunningly, mostly because she's a workaholic and does most of the work despite having a few employees under her supervision.

  Annie Bennet has a lot of personality for her small stature and that doesn't always end up going so well for her. Only becoming a social butterfly (sort of) within the last 4 or 5 years, she can often seem very over eager. She calls people far too often and she always returns calls far too quickly. When it comes to relationships, she can end up being just a bit too clingy and though she often falls into flings or one night stands, she never entirely realizes that is going on. Having a very naive view of romance, she's one of those girls that rom coms have done a number on. She expects grand gestures and hardly gets them.

In conversation, she over talks and often tells stories that are none too interesting. In essence, she tries very, very hard. There's not a mean bone in her body and it means she gets pushed around from time to time. She's a submissive human being and has had quite a few mean girls make her cry in her three decades of life. Recently though, she's found herself getting ballsier at work and hopefully that will make an appearance in her social and love life as well.