Gabriel Austin
@ ~The Compound

Name: Gabriel Austin
Age: May, 19th, 1980 / 32
Marital Status: Single
Family: Jane Miller (Mother) and Austin Austin (Father)
Gabriel has deep brown eyes with just a hint of green in them if you look really close. Dark Brown hair that he likes to keep short during the Summer and a little bit shaggy during the Winter. He is 6′1½ feet tall when standing up straight. A bright smile that can get him anything, or anyone, he wants. He also has a few random scars on his face from when he was younger from stealing a car and instantly wrecking it only a few blocks from where he took it. .
Gabe comes off as this suave type of guy that can get anything he wants. And since he's been through it all as a Lawyer, he basically can. He get's things done and is able to (at times) win every Case he may have as long as he truly knows his client is not guilty. Though with being a lawyer he has to put that a side. Lying through his teeth? Simple. He can be funny when he feels like it, cocky, sweet, romantic? They all come naturally with him. But is he acting? No one really ever knows.
Have you ever heard of the things that go 'bump in the night'? Well what happens to them when they bump just a little to hard and get caught? That's where Gabriel Austin comes in. Born in a small family with just his mother and father, no siblings; Gabe had it all. The love of both parents who are still alive and married, every toy he may of wanted he got it. Some say he was spoiled, and he was to a point. But when your parents are willing to do anything for their children, you jump on it. And eve at the young age of 11 he knew this little fact. Seeing how his friends' family were broken apart and just how bad they had it made him thankful for his life.

One night he was spending the night at a girls house. Yes a girl! When something happened. Her mother came home drunk and maybe even a little high that night. And of course the girls father tried to keep her from waking the two sleeping kids in the next room, but she had other things in mind. With a heavy liquor scent about her she stumbled in to the room and just started beating the young girl as she scrame "YOU'RE THE REASON I'M NOT SINGLE AND UGLY YOU LITTLE BITCH!" over and over again the hands connected with the poor girls face and body. The days went on, and even a few months before the mother was set free and found not guilty. Gabe still can recall everything from that night as it was the night that sent him in the path of being a lawyer. Since then the man everyone sees smiling, some what at least, has won over 418 cases, and lost maybe a small handful.

New York wasn't what he wanted anymore so he packed up his office and home and headed out to Vegas. While work there was easy to come by (have to love the drunks), he found himself needing something new. The Transvestites, hookers, pimps, people saying they were robbed at some casino? Became mundane and some what laughable. So once again after only being there a little over 2 years he made it here. What place has more people needing lawyers? If it's not here, then Gabe is out of options. But he's more than willing to sit and give it a good tough kick in the ass. And a swift slap in the face.

That's before the infection spread and the dead took over the earth.

No one knows that he has this due to the fact he had just had it done when the first sign of the infection came to be known.