
FULL NAME: Valleria Caroline Everett
BIRTH DATE & AGE: April 7, 1988 & 23
OCCUPATION: Musician/Actress
FAMILY: Margaret Everett (mother), Christopher Everett (brother - older)


BAND NAME: Sentimental Heart
MUSICAL CLAIM: She & Him (Zooey Deschanel)

(2011): A Very Sentimental Heart Christmas
(2010): Volume Two
(2008): Volume One


(2013) lawless (pre-production): haley bennett's role
(2012) liberal arts (pre-production): zibby
(2012) under the skin (in production): laura
(2012) perks of being a wallflower : candace
(2011) jane eyre : jane eyre
(2010) alice in wonderland : alice kingsley
(2008) marley & me : debby
(2007) dan in real life : cara
(2007) on the doll : melody


(2009-2011) the vampire diaries : vicki donovan
(2010-2011) house : nika
(2005-2009) weeds : quinn hodes

random facts

»» Is a vegetarian and has been for many years.
»» Will never, ever wear real fur. Faux fur is fine, considering her love of fashion.
»» Loves to cook and bake when she has the chance. She's not a pro, but she's willing to try almost anything.
»» Refuses to get anything tattooed on her body unless it means something she can't live without.
»» Has an eclectic taste in music. She'll listen to anything whether it's rock, country, pop, jazz, or anything else.
»» Finds cupcakes adorable, whether it's the actual thing or simply pictures and cartoons.

Valleria Everett was born on a night like any other in a Chicago hospital to Margaret Everett. The happiness of her birth helped to replace the negative emotions that had been swirling around her mother and older brother for the two months before, the small family having to welcome a new member just after bidding goodbye to her father. The real reason for his leaving wouldn't be revealed to her until she was sixteen, that he had packed his things after claiming that he never really wanted a kid, let alone one who wasn't his. Valleria had never thought much about her father, but after that news, she found herself detesting a man she'd never even met and deciding that they had all been better off without him in their lives.

Valleria had a relatively normal childhood among the hustle and bustle of the city she lived in. She attended school, got decent grades, and found out very quickly that she had a love for the arts in its many forms. She fell in easily with the theater crowd and participated in any school play there was, whether she was acting in it or merely helping to paint sets and sell tickets. In addition to this, their mother made both of her children choose an extra activity. Whether it was sports or music lessons, she required that they both have lessons to take, even if it meant she had to work extra hours to help pay for them. Valleria gladly chose piano lessons and took to them right away, always happy when she arrived and eventually considering the sweet old woman who taught her an extended family member. Mrs. Wellson was often the one who picked she and her brother up from school and other places if her mother was unable to.

When she was sixteen an open casting call was announced in Chicago for a role on a television show. After much begging and pleading, Mrs. Wellson agreed to take her. The day was long but ended with a callback two days later for another reading. Despite her mother's skepticism, and after quickly scrambling to find an agent, Valleria was told two weeks later that she'd gotten the part. This was an entirely life altering event for the young girl as she would be required to move to Los Angeles for filming. The role would not be large, but it paid and it held the possibility of multiple appearances for however long the show might run. It was a difficult decision, but her mother uprooted the family and took them to California. A new agent was found, at the recommendation of the one they'd found in Chicago, and they found themselves settling in well.

Instead of focusing on auditions, Valleria worked on the show while finishing her schooling at home. After graduating earlier then expected, she dove headfirst into the acting scene. Having bought a used car with the money she earned on Weeds, she no longer had to rely on anyone else when it came to going after what she wanted. Before long she began getting casted. The roles were nothing major, but she hadn't expected to book some blockbuster gig right away. She was only happy to be working. At the same time she began making music after a friend of hers, who was already signed to a record label, expressed interest in creating a duo. Two auditions for a couple men in suits and his contract was terminated, with no hard feelings, so that the label could then sign the two of them together. Sentimental Heart released their first album in 2008 to mostly local attention, though by word of mouth the album ended up doing well.

Just as getting chosen for Weeds had changed her life, the next major turning point came when she auditioned for the role of Alice. It was a high profile role, not only because the character was so well loved, but also because the film would be directed by Tim Burton. Valleria hadn't allowed herself any expectations. Most people had no idea who she was, aside from those who might be familiar with her television role or Sentimental Heart. Six callbacks and two meetings with Tim Burton later, she was cast. It was another week before she stopped pinching herself, expecting to wake up from some wonderful dream. Working on Alice In Wonderland is to this day one of her best experiences on a set, and she credits being surrounded by such creative people as a large reason Sentimental Heart finished and released another album in the same year. The lead in Jane Eyre soon followed, something she also credits to her role in Alice In Wonderland. It kicked her career into gear and now she's extremely pleased with the hectic schedule she keeps.


played-by: anna christine speckhart
musical claim: zooey deschanel (she & him)
journal & screen name: ~valleria & silver valls
other: Easten Standard Time. 3rd person, threading only. random scenes are welcome, though a heads up would be nice!