1. Treat others as you would like to be treated, otherwise known as “don’t be a jackass.” All players deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. If you don’t have something nice to say please don’t say anything at all, or if you have a legitimate complaint or criticism please bring it to the mods team’s attention.

2. Keep IC and OOC separate. Just because a character doesn’t like yours does not mean that the mod has a problem with you. Conversely, if you find yourself uncomfortable or disagreeing with someone OOC please do not bring it into the game; choose not to interact with that person or ask the mods for assistance.

3. No godmodding. If a character isn’t yours don’t try to write that they said or did something. Have an idea? Run it by the person you’d like to work it out with. The worst they can say is “no.” Also, don’t be afraid of inadvertently godmodding. As long as you keep your hands on your own character you should be fine.

4. Make sure everyone involved knows and understands what is going to happen in a fight scene, dark line, or plot before going ahead with it. Nobody likes being kept in the dark about something. Full disclosure is a good way to avoid conflict arising from buyer’s remorse.

5. For the time being there is a 4 character limit. This may change in the future depending upon player interest and the needs of the game.

6. We welcome characters of all races, sexual orientations, moral alignments, and ages. We do not like caps, and we prefer not to put them in place. Unless extenuating circumstances arise we will welcome any well written charater at any time.

7. We accept any PB so long as they return a google result. We ask that you please not use complete unknowns, but other than that feel free to be creative. Also, no drawings. PBs must be real people.

8. Activity checks will be conducted once each month, usually around the 15th. All you need to do is respond to the mod post with a link to one substantial journal post or scene with 4 replies or more. Additionally, the mods will be keeping an eye on who is commenting to other people’s entries, open scenes, and intro posts and who is not.

9. You may reapply if you are removed for inactivity, though you may only be readded once. If you fail to respond to a second activity check you will be permanently removed.

10. We request that all players be over 18 years of age because this game will most likely deal with some darker themes, plots, and scenes at times. That is the nature of the beast. Anything with sexual content or extreme gore or violence should be posted with a warning.

11. We operate on a 2 strike policy. In order to keep the game welcoming and comfortable for everyone involved the mod team will do our best to listen to any complaints and get to the bottom of conflicts. Drama will not be tolerated, however, and troublesome players will receive one warning. If further complaints are received that player will be removed from the game and not allowed to return.

12. We do not require you to run every plot by us. The mod team need only be notified in the case of character death, plots that change the race of a character, or ideas that could potentially have wide reaching consequences. We do not prohibit these, but we would like to know what is going on. That said, please keep suicides, overdoses, and pregnancies to a reasonable minimum and play them realistically.

13. By applying to this game you understand that your character is expected, IC, to obey the laws and rules of the Secret Congress. You are welcome to have your character challenge or break these rules. However, in doing so you acknowledge OOC that IC actions will have IC consequences decided by the Congress.

14. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or queries please feel free to contact the mods. We can be reached via Dropbox or email (malignedmods [at] gmail [dot] com), and we will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. Also, check out the FAQ as it contains some helpful general information.