The Secret Congress
Built several stories beneath the Old State House in Boston sometime around 1800 after it was abandoned, the Secret Congress Hall is where The Secret Congress holds court. They meet once monthly, but they will hold special meetings in the event of matters arising. There is always a secretary on duty who will hear out anyone seeking audience with The Secret Congress, and it is said that she is the only one who knows the whereabouts of its members at all times.

Owner: Character Name
Employees: Character Name, Character Name, Character Name, Character Name
Doors of Perdita
Only visible to supernaturals, the Doors of Perdita are marked with The Secret Congress’ seal and are portals that lead directly to The White Room. Instantaneous portals to a safe haven, any supernatural in peril knows to search for one of these. There are five Doors of Perdita scattered throughout the city located on Boston Common, in Faneuil Hall Marketplace, in the North End, by the Institute of Contemporary Art, and at Mass General Hospital.

The White Room
Accessible only by the five Doors of Perdita, the White Room is an a magic place to which supernatural beings can escape from pursuit or use for whatever immediate needs they have. The only rule is that it is completely neutral territory. As such, neither fighting nor killing is allowed here, and there are spells in place to ensure that this single rule is obeyed. No one knows how big the White Room is, but rumor has it that it could hold the entirety of Boston’s supernatural population with room to spare if necessary.

Owned and operated by the Vampire twins Galen and Gavin Lovell, Ilk is Boston's largest and most famous club that caters explicitly to supernaturals. It is also officially recognized by the Secret Congress as neutral territory, and as such no acts of war or violence are allowed on the grounds. It opens every night at 9 and closes at 5 in the morning every day, 365 days each year. Ilk operates under standard real world club rules, especially no one under 18 is admitted, and no one under 21 is served alcohol under any circumstances. To ensure that rules are obeyed they like to hire psychics as bouncers and overseers. Not only a club, Ilk is a full entertainment complex divided into three floors: The Colosseum in the basement, a dance floor surrounded by ample bar room and seating on the main floor, and a strip club upstairs. Furthermore, Ilk is always hiring, though all hires go through the twins.

The Colosseum @ Ilk
Opened in January of 2012, The Colosseum @ Ilk is Boston's first and only fighting arena for supernaturals. Designed as a place where non-humans can let out aggression and settle agreements in a supervised, Secret Congress sanctioned arena, The Colosseum is also quickly becoming a popular form of entertainment. While the events are no holds barred cage matches, participants are screened by psychics to verify their race prior to entering the arena. Additionally, no killing is allowed, and weapons that might fatally injure any given opponent are barred from that match. Otherwise, it's anything goes until someone surrenders. Anyone may participate, and rankings of the best fighter can be found on the club's website at any given time.

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