Rules & FAQ

Ah, rules. Everything has them, and they're always boring. We're sorry you have to waste time reading these (really!) but please do. We tried to keep our rules as short as possible without leaving out things that could make your playing experience more enjoyable. And, remember: As boring as they are, games have rules for a reason, so please follow them! If you have any questions after reading through our rules, please check the FAQ directly below it and, if we still don't have you covered, you can always contact us!




Grounds For Dismissal

What is Fabulous Las Vegas in a nutshell?
A city trapped in a nutshell, of course! Fabulous Las Vegas is a town/city PB game, which means no celeb RPing, and no PBless characters. We have all the standard stuff you're used to: A threading community, an OOC community, and a networking community. We are non-fandom, and that means original characters only, so bring your creations right on in and run amok!

Is there a gamewide plot or are there any overall themes to keep in mind?
Not really, no. Largely, this is your standard city game, and it focuses on character interaction and development. We will hold special events during holidays, though, so keep a look out for fun stuff! We also have Divine Intervention if you opt in!

What does Fabulous Las Vegas look for in its players?
Firstly, of course, we want players who enjoy playing. Players who like making dynamic, human characters and playing them are our favorite, and we want you to have a lot of fun here! Keep in mind that this is a high-activity game that puts emphasis on threading, so if you don't have at least an hour to dedicate to playing every week (either in one block or spread out) then the game may not be a fit for you.

There's no way for me to get my hands on a journal code. Can you help?
Well, yes, we certainly can! Please see here once your application has been approved!

I can't find ________. Where is it?
where I should announce a hiatus (members only)
where you post to drop a character (members only)
where to place a hold
the wanted characters
the taken characters
your premise
the application OR where to submit my application
the members' area (members only)
your dropbox
information about the area around Vegas
information about life in Vegas
those demographics you were talking about
the rules (then you're really in trouble, since you wouldn't be reading this!)

What is a dropbox and why do I need one?
A dropbox is a post made in a character journal for the express purpose of allowing other people to contact you by leaving comments. You can make it easier to find by forward dating the post so that it will always be at the top of your journal, but if you're new to journal games and aren't sure how to do this, it's okay. We will link it on our character page so that your fellow players can find it! The concept of making one is simple: put 'dropbox' on the subject line and whatever you want in the post itself, be it a gif or absolutely nothing at all. As for the reason why we require a dropbox, some players might choose not to make their email address or IM name public, and we respect their right to privacy. By requiring dropboxes, we give all players an easy way to contact one another that does not require giving out information that is potentially personal (such as email addresses that are comprised of your full name). You may friends-lock this post if you wish.

If you need help formatting your dropbox, a basic format would be:

SUBJECT: Dropbox
<center><img src="GIF URL">

Dropboxes are also how we contact people who opt into Divine Intervention so, if you sign up, you really need to have one to use this feature of the game.

Why Las Vegas?
Why not Las Vegas? Aside from that flawless reasoning, Vegas has a lot to offer. As you'll see on the information pages about the city, there are endless character possibilities, from the everday to the extravagant. You can argue that there are other cities with that same variety, but there's one thing about Vegas that makes it a great choice: Tess grew up there, and all of our information about the city comes first-hand. For fans of authenticity, what's better than that?

Can I play a showgirl/performer/celebrity?
Of course! This is Vegas, after all. Showgirls, headliners, magic acts, animal acts, Cirque performers... all of these and more are welcome additions to the game. Keep in mind, though, that while there are obviously plenty of the people mentioned above, there are still more "common" folk going about their daily lives, and we're just as excited to see baristas, ad execs, and stay-at-home moms. That said, unless there is a specific cap in place, we will not be saying no to any type of character.

How do I handle problems like OOC harrassment?
Please, please if you are being harassed or bullied OOC, contact the mods. Neither of us take bullying or harassment lightly, and it will absolutely not be tolerated. Situations will be handled according to severity (ie. ranging from warnings to ejection from the game) and we ask that you screencap any IM conversations, comment threads, and/or emails where harassment has occurred and email them to us. If you have emails to show us, please forward them in an email to and attach the screencaps to it. Trust that we will speak with all parties involved.

How long will it take mods to get back to me about a problem?
For damage control in case of an emergency, as well as minor details that don't need to be discussed, one of the mods will handle it within 24 hours. Otherwise, if the problem is somewhere between those two extremes, we will wait until we can discuss it. No problem will be left unaddressed for longer than 48 hours, with exception to very extreme/unlikely cases of real life emergency for one or both mods.

Why two mods? Will you be adding any more?
Vegas was our brainchild and, at this time, we are not considering a third mod for the game. We feel that, since there is rarely a time when neither of us are around, that two mods suits the game well for the time being. If there ever comes a time when we need help we will consider bringing in a junior mod to handle smaller aspects of the game, such as approving holds and updating lists. Junior mods will be without creative control and will not have a say in major mod decisions until we know how they will handle the position.

What's the point of the demographics page?
We're glad you asked. When new characters are accepted into the game, they are added into an Excel database. This allows us to sort them into groups, which in turn gives us a way to look at the percentage of any one group compared to the character list as a whole. While we don't expect our demographics to always stay true to life, we're using what we know about the demographics of Las Vegas compared to the demographics of our game to help us set caps on any groups that might be getting a little overbalanced.

Why are your activity requirements so strict? (Insert game here) only requires...
These aren't the strictest activity requirements in the world, but they're definitely higher than some. Your mods believe that the lower the activity requirements, the less people participate in the game. In order to encourage more participation, we're requiring a little more activity. Take heart, though! Keeping up with your tags in the threading comm will definitely count toward your activity requirement, so don't abandon those threads to post something new so you can meet the activity check--it's a little more work for us this way, but completed threads are worth it.

Why is your character cap so low? (Insert game here) lets you have...
Here, we value quality over quantity. Fewer characters means more time to spend developing the ones you have, instead of worrying about meeting activity standards with a huge cast. Try it... you might like it!

My grammar isn't that great, will you reject my application?
We do value technical writing skills like grammar and punctuation, but what we value more is an honest effort. As long as we can tell that you made that effort, technical skills alone won't be the reason we reject your application. Remember, we'll always tell you why your application was rejected, and what you can do to fix it.

I already have a character in the game. Does my new character app have to have RP samples too?
Nope! You are only required to have RP samples in your first submitted (and approved) application. If you're apping a second-fourth character you do not need to provide samples.