The On Again Off Again Boyfriend (OPEN) [ USERNAME]
Embry and ____have been dating on and off for two years. He is a patched member of the MC and their relationship is volatile. When it's good it's great but when it's bad, it is awful. They have gotten into all out knock down drag out brawls because he has a wandering eye and has a tendency to cheat. Desired PB: Vin Diesel
The Best Friend [USERNAME]
There aren't many people Embry opens up to but this person has managed to slide there way under or over her guards and has become her confidant in more ways than one. She'd fight tooth and nail for this person. They are thick and thieves and cause just as much trouble.
The Hook Up [USERNAME]
Everyone needs to get their rocks off now and again, and with _____that's exactly what it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thee Drinking Buddy [USERNAME]
Embry loves to drink, and she does so like a fish. Down at the pub, at her home, at clubs, it makes no difference she just hates drinking alone, this is why ______ is there.
The Eldest of the McCall Clan [USERNAME]
Being ten years older than Embry Ryan will be the head of the McCall clan when their father dies, inheireting the family business if he wants it. Name can be changed, PB and profession is completly up to player
The Second Oldest of the McCall Clan [USERNAME]
Embry and her brother Gavin haven't really seen eye to eye since their mother died of breast cancer when she was Sixten and started rebelling. That hasn't stopped her from loving him even if she wants to punch him in the face more often than not. Job profession and PB is completely open to player and name can be changed.
The Third Oldest Brother [USERNAME]
Embry and her brothers are all close, coming from a tight knit Roman Catholic Mexican/Irish family, but she is closet to ____ because he is only two years older than she is.