1) OOC Drama will not be tolerated. You will receive one warning, afterwards you will be subject to removal without warning.

2) The character limit is six (6) though subject to change on a case by case bases with moderators’ approval.

3) No god-modding. You will receive one (1) warning and then you will be subject to removal if it happens again.

4) Nothing that affects another mun’s character will be done without their permission. No ifs, ands, or buts. One (1) warning will be given and then you will be subject to removal.

5 )All parties involved in death or maiming of characters need to agree and bring it to the mods.

6 )Trigger subjects such as sex, rape, suicide, murder, and death will be placed under read mores. If you have trouble figuring these things out please contact the moderators and we will teach you how.

7) Entries should be tagged with the character’s involved and para, fc, thoughts, etc. A list of tags will be provided for player’s convenience.

8) This is an OC only community. There will be no celebs allowed.

9) All players should be old enough to play in this game. The age limit is eighteen (18)because of mature content. However, if you feel you are mature enough for this game we will allow mun’s sixteen (16) and older with moderator approval.

10) Absolutely NO interactions with other rpgs on this dash. If you want to be a part of another rpg make another blog and play with them there.

11) All URL changes need to be brought to moderators attention.

12) Face Claim changes need to be discussed with the moderators.

13 )We do not accept FC challenges. However if someone has claimed a face and then has not submitted that character after 48 hours the FC will be open again. Extensions of 48 hours will be granted because we understand that RL stuff comes up.

14) Don’t be a dick. It will not be tolerated. No exceptions.

15) All minor ooc disagreements will be handled between muns. If by chance you cannot come to an agreement or agree to disagree then the mods will step in. If it continues both players will be removed. We are not your baby sitters.

To ensure that players have read and understand these rules please put WELCOME TO PARADISE in your application and submit to our ask box.