So, we shouldn't even have to explain what this is or even go into the subject. Just. Don't. Do. It.

Since we all are different with different kinds of personalities, we have different opinions and views. So, please, let's keep the OOC OUT of the IC and just play. If you disagree with a type of storyline (as long as it's not discriminatory, pornographic, etc.), then so be it. The characters aren't the players/members. The characters shouldn't change who they are. So, let's all treat each other with respect. No disrespecting each other with derogatory, racist, slandering remarks, okay?

Bourbon on the Rocks is a simple New York game. The name came from off the top of my head. When I think about New York, I think about the Statue of Liberty. Macy's. Modeling Industry. Broadway. And...the drink, Bourbon on the rocks. Here, there's no major premise, so it will be easy for you to join and play out your SLs. Please take the time to read the rules. Read your application temp thoroughly to fill it out correctly (it's not intricate at all). Use the thread header. Respect your fellow players. Respect the mods. Most of all, respect the game, but remember to have fun while you're doing all of this, yeah?

No excessive bullshit (pardon my french) with the names guys. Keep it simple and ONLY USE THE NAMES OF YOUR CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you ask, let me answer, no you can NOT use names from old journals like "foofeexx0983" or whatever.

You are limited to four characters at a time. If you have shown productive activity with ALL characters, then with a Mod's permission, you may bring in more characters. As far as age limit, you yourself, should be at least 18. Because of the mature content that MIGHT be in the game, all characters are to be AT LEAST 18.

Being that many games fall apart do to inactivity, we have decided that we are going to make it as simple as possible.

We want to see you play. Via whatever mode you choose. We want to either see some good effort into commenting posts or at least TWO scenes posted per FOUR(4) week period. These may be thread or aim, your choice. The reason is so that we are sure you are interacting with people in the game at some point and not just taking up a pretty face in cyber space.

We want to know what's happening. Most players like to know what's happening in the "lives" around them. We want at least TWO(2) JOURNAL UPDATES per FOUR(4) weeks. These don't have to be long winded novels. (Feel free to write novels if you like!) Just a paragraph or so to say what's been happening to your kid. You may decide to keep them "private" and disable comments, as if the entry was for the character's eyes only. Fine by us, but it must be viewable by all players.

When you are posting whether it be for the ooc community or the random community, please post WITH A HEADING if there is one available. EVERY SINGLE SCENE SHOULD BE BEHIND A CUT. NO QUESTIONS. The THREADING HEADER IS BELOW AS FOLLOWS.....