Please do not log IP addresses. This rule is for the privacy of the players. (See Rule no OOC information)

Check the masterlist and held list to see who is taken before joining. This game is first come, first serve. Make a journal with a first entry (it may be a friends only entry), then comment at the Adds Post Located at the mod journal. Make sure you have a disclaimer post in your user info as well as linking the journal back to the community. This lets everyone knows that it's a roleplaying journal. And please comment letting us know who you are and from what team. Yes we have google, but we are busy and we don't have time too look it up.Adds are every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Updating. Update at least once every six weeks. We are usually lenient, especially if no one wants your role. If we see you active on other social networking sites allowed (i.e. facebook or twitter as allowed in mod posts in the community), group chats, have an online presence, community postings, you will not be subject to removal.) Warnings will be posted at the five week mark for those journals who are approaching the six week mark. The nudge tool is very handy, so use it to remind your friends to update. If you are removed, simply comment again and you can rejoin during the next round of adds as long as no one is waiting for the role. It's that simple.

OOC info is a no no. Don't get pissed if you can't get someone's information. It's their business and theirs alone. Problems with this can be directed to the mod team. Anonymous is our friend!

No OOC drama. IC drama however, is encouraged. Again, OOC does not equal IC.

Please do not friend civilian or otherwise outside journals. This will only make things more confusing for everyone. All BTR role-playing game journals should only have other BTR member journals friended.

If your player is playing in a game IRL, then he will be required to be in that game. Meaning if he's on the scoresheet, he's there!