what is are you afraid?

in recent television, networks are relying more and more on reality tv to boost the numbers when it comes to ratings. given the green light, are you afraid was created to be a revolutionary way of shooting and casting reality tv. twenty five people were hand selected to be the first group of people to endure the tests of are you afraid, each person having gone through some sort of traumatic event in their lives. each week, contestants will be pushed to their emotional and physical breaking point all while being documented...live. at first, all of the contestants will simply think this was all some sort of vacation they won over the radio but within the first few weeks, things will become apparent that this is no vacation. the last person left standing will win 500,000 thousand dollars and the right to say: I am not afraid.
what can I do?

are you afraid is ultimately, a survivor horror story. each week characters will be pushed with game wide plots and individual plots that will test the limits. as stated above, at first, every character will think this is a vacation until things start becoming more and more real and at that point, characters may take up jobs in the hotel or try and figure out a way to get out of this hell hole.

PREMADES • these premades are set as the reason your character was chosen for this show. each character went through some traumatic event in life that the show plans on exploiting strictly for entertainment. with that said, your premade possibilities are endless. whichever one you decide on, your character must simply be affected by the plot of the movie. say you chose nightmare on elm street. your character could've been plagued by freddy in his/her dreams, been the parent of someone who freddy saught to destroy, be a psychiatrist who helped treat one of his victims...the possibilities are endless! the only thing we're pulling from the movies themselves are the killers (chucky from child's play, jason/mrs vorhees from friday the 13th, etc). you do not have to keep the main characters or their info at all. if you pick scream, your character can play the leading heroine of sydney from that movie but she doesn't have to be sydney. understand? how about one more example. in the movie insidious, the little boy is plagued with the ability to astral project. if you decide to pick insidious, your character who could be a 30 something female with no kids and a workaholic attitude could be the one who's astralling into the further. make sense now? well, if it doesn't, feel free to hit up the dropbox with your questions!

premades can be found here.
GAME WIDE PLOTS• each week, a new plot will be created and posted in the main community. these plots can range from zombie hordes to a particular horror villain plaguing the hotel. some plots may be particularly executed for your character (only if you come to the mods and ask us though!). what about character death? it's a horror survivor game...we love death! but we also understand that you don't want to kill off your character...at least not permanently! if your character subsequently dies during a game wide plot, never fear! they will simply be revived and found in their bed once the plot for the week ends. this is the only way are you afraid gets passed all those pesky murder 1 charges people keep trying to hand them. if you do feel like leaving the game or are kicked out due to inactivity, your character is dead and will not be revived.

CHARACTERS & GAME PLAY• every character will have a room somewhere within the hotel at the beginning of the game. The hotel has 20 floors and 10 rooms on each floor with a basic king bed, couch, bathroom, microwave, fridge and television. As the game progresses, feel free to move your character into rooms with other people for safety in numbers (or easier targets!). The hotel is equipped with a full restaurant, bar, swimming pool, hot tub, and movie theatre which are all staffed by are you afraid employees. Each character may decide to work in the hotel to get their minds off of their troubles if they so choose and may earn them favor with the big guys upstairs. this game is very much real world meets big brother meets wacked out horror junkies. there will be competitions that put alliances at risk, backstabbers and even points to help your character out!

THE POINTS: points are given out for character interaction. the more points you get, the better chances your character has to staying alive. for each post on the friend's page, a character gets 5 points. for each thread on the friend's page, a character gets 10 points. for each confessional/journal entry, a character gets 10 points. points will be tallied up on a points page where you will leave the link to your post with the mod who will then grant you points accordingly. this is also the way we check activity! with each 100 points, your character will be granted a reward which can be things from extra food for the week to possibly a get out of trouble card to be used against...well anything!

RULES & ACTIVITY• the rules are quite simple. be nice and courteous, don't cross ooc/ic lines, please have an in character user name with an ooc contact post and an ic contact post. activity is considered one THREAD every 3 weeks. this is a writing intensive game with things going on all the time - the only way we can have this work is with quality writing and to keep the friend's page moving! currently, the character limit is set at 2 but may be changed at a later date.