Based on the Clone High series from Adult Swim.

About 18 years ago, the United States government began a top-secret experiment. They collected DNA from a wide selection of different famous people, carefully recovered fragments that they melded with other human DNA until they had almost-clones. These clones were not carbon copies of their biological donors, but rather close genetic siblings to them. In essence, slightly closer than a daughter or son, but not a perfect match. It is hard to say what the government felt it would receive in benefit from this experiment, but as it hasn't reached its logical conclusion yet, there is still time to find out.

The kids were put into carefully chosen foster homes and monitored from birth on. Some were failures, and they were quietly removed to disappear into the endless white of government labs. Others were successes, and they continued on, happy and oblivious with their foster families (and sometimes their foster siblings). The clones were all clumped together in a little Montana town called Hobson. This was in order to keep them from escaping. Clones that tried to escape would quickly find themselves diverted back home - stolen money, misplaced tickets, computer troubles, overprotective parents, the works.

Sit, clone. Stay.

Because of these careful channeling efforts, the clones now have the dubious joy of all going to high school together, where they are watched over by the hated and feared Principal Reed. Of course, Principal Reed is hated for his penchant for detention and his insistence on referring to every student as some diminutive of their first name, rather than the fact he might be monitoring them for when their brain stem should be removed for further testing.

No, the clones are blissfully ignorant for the moment. Unlike the show, they are unaware of their status as clones, about their Principal's more secret evil side, and about how carefully controlled their lives are - and why. They think they are normal high school students, and are happy enough in their dinky little town.