basic information
full name: Elizabeth Anne Conway.
birthdate: 19 February 1983; twenty-eight.
hometown: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
residence: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
occupation: Elementary School Teacher (Gr.5), Artist (Mixed Media).

marital status: Married.
orientation: Bisexual.
parents: Byron and Moira Baillie.
siblings: Jamison Baillie (26), Reagan Baillie (22).
children: Jolene Alexis & Natalie Grace (21/01/2005; six).
ways of contact: ~elanne or abnormaliz (aim).


height: 5'9"
build: slim
hair color: Brown
eye color: Blue
distinguishing marks: White star tattoo on her wrist, barely visible.
style: Very feminine and trendy.

Out of Character
Played-By: Olivia Wilde.
Art Credits: Emma Hack & Angelina Wrona.
Chats: Customs or AIM.
Scenes: Third person, storybook; threads and AIM.
Layout: Codes edited by elanne, from jayla's base!

zodiac: Pisces.

traits: Shy, romantic, trustworthy, aloof, dreamy, creative, understanding, unrealistic, impractical

Liz, by nature, is a generous, kind, and thoughtful person. It is her greatest strength and greatest weakness. Often, she takes the road of least resistance, attempting to live her life as carefree and happy as possible. But that often gets her into trouble when she looks on matters through rose-coloured glasses.

Because of her idealistic reality, she has become an escapist through her art, only making matters worse by ignoring them. Her creative ability is pretty enormous, but she rarely takes the compliments with happiness. Instead, she becomes introverted; vague and secretive. She simply states that the art was already there, created by nature and just waiting to be found. With her imagination, she tends to see the world as others don't and uses her feelings to make most situations look as good as she can. She doesn't like change and tends to become rather stressed when it happens.

In love, Liz loves hard. But beware of hurting her feelings, which may happen easily. When she's angry, she's a fire cracker. She'll often warn a person when she's getting angry, sometime plead with them to just go away, but once she snaps, there's no going back. She rarely takes to disliking a person so strongly that she cuts them from her life, but if they really are no good for her, she will.

likes: Romance, nature, ambient music, poetry, mystical settings, being loved/wanted, freedom, privacy.
dislikes: Noise, crowds, dirt & ugliness, garish objects, being reminded, tight spaces, authority, revealing private life.


current: Single.
former: Cole Conway, dated & married (dated 1998-2002, married in March 2012), Anthony Bryant, divorced (2004-2011).

The physical aspect of the relationship is very important to Liz. Not just in the bedroom but in general. From running a hand down an arm to cuddling up on the couch, physical affection is one of the best ways to show her feelings towards a person. Not that she isn't good with words. She could talk romance until she is blue in the face, but words to her are meaningless if there is no action behind them.

Some people have tragic upbringings, some people have spectacular ones. Elizabeth Anne Baillie had neither. From the day she was born until the start of her High School career, nothing life altering or amazing really happened. She had two loving parents, was the oldest child of three and owned a series of pets throughout her life that would eventually go to a "better place." Liz's upbringing was nothing short of happily average. A kind child grew to a kinder teenager, sometimes shy but always accepting. Academically, she was pretty average to start, getting easily bored or distracted, but after the decision was made that she wanted to be a teacher, she concentrated a little more and rose to the top of her class. Liz was lucky to have the upbringing that she had and she wouldn't change it for the world, except for that whole pet thing.

When she was 15, Liz met Cole Conway, a 20 year old musician. As a budding artist herself, mixed media not music, she felt a connection with the older man. While she never told her parents his exact age outright, upon meeting him, they knew he was a lot older than their daughter. There was a 5 year difference, to be exact. But, he made her happy and as far as they knew, never forced her into anything that she didn't want to do, so they let it be. As much as any parent could let something like that be. Liz had thought that she had found her one. They stayed together through the end of her High School days and beginning of her trek through college. Unfortunately, after three almost four years of this serious relationship, Liz wanted the physical promise of forever. Cole didn't appear to be thinking the same thing, causing Liz to feel that he may not invest as much into the relationship as she did. In the end, she decided that parting ways, even if it was only for a little while, would be best for them.

Newly single for the first time in four years, Liz threw herself into her schoolwork. She managed to carry on the trend of good grades from high school to college, but in doing so, she kept herself busy writing papers and studying, which led to her staying single for the next couple of years. This was completely fine by her. She enjoyed the feeling, found the freedom allowed her to explore her a lot more than she had before. It was then that she realized that her affections didn't lay in men alone. Women also caught her eye. It wasn't anything she ever had a chance to act on seriously, but that was more to the fact that she hadn't found a woman that she could see herself being with. Most of them that she met were looking for fun or experimenting, because that was what you did at that age. In the end, it wouldn't matter. Once she had finished her degree and was working through the program to get her teaching certificate, Mr. Right would find her.

Liz had been hanging out with a few of her classmates when a young cop approached her and started to chat her up, much to her friends’ amusement. Always one to talk to a stranger, Liz had said goodnight to her girls and went to continue the conversation more privately. His name was Anthony Bryant, and he was... well, pretty darn close to what her mother would deem as perfect. And in true Liz fashion, she fell head over heels for the guy by the second date. The romance was such a whirlwind that within a year of meeting each other, they were married and expecting twins. It was a shock to everyone, Liz included when she gave herself the chance to think about it. But she was happier than she had been in a long time.

Fast forward 6 years; Liz is an elementary school teacher with two bright and beautiful daughters, Jolene and Natalie. She loves her daughters to bits, though seems to embarrass Jolene more often than not. It's Natalie who is her kindred spirit, the pair of them spontaneously breaking out into a song in the middle of mundane tasks, or creating magical worlds with nothing more than ordinary household items. Jolene joins in, of course, but more as an observer than a participant. As for her relationship with Anthony, while she loves him as much as she did when they first met, they stopped seeing eye to eye on too many things. They filed for divorce and as of December 2011, as an early Christmas present to eachother, they signed the final papers.


What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Perfect happiness... Waking up on a sunny morning, in the arms of my guy, and being bathed in that feeling of pure content. Even if that's not exactly happiness, its what makes me happy. So a sunny morning in bed is my perfect happiness.

What is your greatest fear?
The dark. I am absolutely terrified of the dark. The moment I can't see anything in front of my face, I start having a bit of a panic attack. It's an irrational fear that someone or something is going to grab me.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
People who chew with their mouths open. I do not need to hear, let alone see, you digest you food. I do not understand why you chose to share these... delights with me.

What do you do when you get nervous?
I laugh. A lot. Especially when it's the most inappropriate reaction to have. Most people don't like this reaction..

What do you do when you get angry?
I tend to get silent or leave the situation. I don't like to be around people when I'm angry because I don't really want to lash out at anyone, even though it seems to be a natural reaction, so I try to be alone. Sometimes, though, my anger gets the best of me.

What do you do when you are happy?
I tend to get really giddy. I talk a lot, probably annoyingly so, and have an obsession with hugging people.

What do you do when you are sad?
I cry or mope. Get really homebody/hermitish, and just want to stay curled up on the couch. This is another emotion that I try to avoid people with. I hate to think people are thinking I'm just doing things for attention.

Do you have any interesting habits? If so, please list them.
• I cannot leave the table messy when I leave a restaurant. If it hasn't been cleared yet, everything has to be set neatly in its place and I wipe the table down with a napkin.

• I have to know that the front door is locked before I can sleep. I get up 3 to 4 times in the middle of the night to check it. I don't know why I do this but I do. When I first slept over at my now husband's place, he thought I was sleep walking. Nope. I am wide awake and well aware I do it.

• When shopping, I never grab the item in front, always grab from the back. I cannot take the first thing on the rack, whether it is clothes or food or anything. If it is the last one, I don't buy it. I dig to the bottom of the pile/row for milk/dairy stuff in particular. I drive people nuts with this.

• When I'm sleeping alone, I have to cocoon myself in my blanket. The only part of me that ban be slightly exposed is my nose and mouth so I breathe in fresh air.

• I can't stand open closet doors. I must close the closet door or I can't be comfortable.

On what occasion do you lie?
When I know for a fact that the truth isn't needed to be known and will in fact hurt a person. Lying isn't a good thing to do but sometimes it’s a necessity.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would like to lose some of the roundness in my face. I get compared to a Cabbage Patch Doll a lot, and while that was fun when I was younger, it's lost its appeal in my older years.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I don't know.. maybe raising twins. It was pretty spectacular. And terrifying. But I am so happy that I was blessed with the chance to do it.

What is your greatest regret?
Holding back. There have been a few times in my life where I have had the opportunity for something and instead of jumping at the chance, I hesitated and was too late. I've learned not to hesitate anymore. You only live once, so make it count.

What is your motto?
Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting their own battle.

Art Information

• when she first ventured into her artistic abilities, her interests were a little more on the morbid side. She would sneak a camera into the coroner's office when she went to visit her father and would take pictures of the bodies and equipment when she had the chance. When the photos were developed, they would be added into a collage of various cadavers, or slipped in as a small surprise in some of her more cheerful works.
• her art now centers around skin illustrations and photography, stemming from a fascination with various forms of body art. Here are a few examples;
