durmstrang institute
What year is this set in?

The year is 2012 in the game, and it runs on Real Time.

What about languages in writing and speaking?

The main language for these people is in Russian. As such, unless stated otherwise, written words and speech are to be assumed in Russian. That means, unless there is a '[Written in English]' or '...he said in English...', it is Russian. Feel free to use 'a title' in order to be fancy and complicated and write/speak in another language and provide hover-over translations. Example: Эй, это наведите перевода.

Will there be any familiar names in this game?

No. There will be no Harry Potter Cannon names here. It will be an Original Character game only.

Will people know of the Second War in England?

Yes. It was a big thing that would have spilled over if Lord Voldemort had gotten his way. That being said, this was a war involving England, and so would not be called The Second War in other countries. For the sake of the game, it shall be referred to Voldemort's Second War.

What countries are under Durmstrang?

As you can see from the list bellow, that is a very big chunk of population to house students from. However, until recently? They only took Pure-blood and Half-blood students. This would have just about halved the student population given years of decline from inbreeding and the like purists are so apt to indulge in for purity's sake. in order to house the growth of students, the Headmaster has spent fourteen years enlarging the school so that the number can be easily accommodated.

Czech Republic

What language is spoken at the school?
Russian is the language classes are taught in, and announcements are made in. Other popular languages for the school would be Bulgarian, German, Polish and Romanian.

Why the 'Not Allowed' list on the Hold Page?

I will update this as things are added.

Colton Haynes: His people do not like his pictures being iconed and distributed, and have even asked Hollow-Art.com to take his things down. Since we do not want anyone getting threats about legalities, we are saying no right off the bat.

Suicide Girls: They are not appropriate for Students or Faculty. Simple as that.

Question not here?

Email the moderator: durmstrangmoderator@gmail.com

What classes are in Durmstrang?

Learning how to transmute minerals into other minerals, like lead into gold.

Ancient Runes
The study of the different runic alphabets of the world, their use in language, and their use in spell-work.

The study of number and their magical meanings as well as magical uses.

Studying the Magical Arts.

The study of the stars.

Learning to use various charm based spells.

Dark Arts
Learning to use and counteract the Dark Arts.

Learning the intricate ways of divining the future.

Learning to fly a broomstick.

Ghoul Studies
Learning about Humanoid Creatures and their cultures. (Ex: Veela, Werewolves, Vampires, Mermen, etc...)

Learning about magical plant-life and their magical properties.

Magical Creatures
Learning all about Magical Creatures and the safe way to handle them, as well as an effective and safe way to ward off the most dangerous, and kill if need be.

Muggle Art
Learning to do Art and about Art, the Muggle way.

Muggle Studies
The study of life in the muggle world. Unlike other schools, Muggle Studies is taught by a Muggleborn, and is a much more down to earth and practical application class. They focus on cultural differences as well as instructing in the use of certain bits of muggle technology they would be most likely to run into.

Learning about the magical uses of potions, and learning to correctly brew them.

Learning to transfigure inanimate objects into other things. Advanced years will be able to learn how to transfigure animate objects.

What are the clubs available at Durmstrang?

The clubs are the following:
Ancient Runes Club

Animagus Club
Members: Mihály Báthory

Archery Club
Head: Professor Adrian Pierce
Members: Aleksandr Lebziak, Dimitri Bzowski

Art Club
Members: Dimitri Bzowski

Astronomy Club
Vice-president: Alexandra Starkova

Charms Club

Chess Club


Dueling Club
Members: Aleksandr Lebziak, Alexandra Starkova

Fencing Club
Members: Mihály Báthory

Herbology Club

What pets are allowed?

Only one pet per student.

Canines (small - medium sized. Think apartment sized.)
Reptiles (non-poisons)
Small, tamable mammals (ex: rabbits)

What about other races and Creature Blood? How will that work?

The only completely different race that will be allowed in play is someone turned into a Werewolf. Otherwise, it will be watered down versions of each race. I will break all of these down for you.


We will not be using the standard horror movie (ex; Teen Wolf like for you more modern players) take on werewolves, but go with a more modern take to it. They have two shifting forms, hybrid and full wolf form. However, full wolf form is only reachable if they completely accept the animal part of them and do not fight the change. Fighting the change leads to the hybrid form, and also leads to having less control over yourself while changed. Needless to say, most people fight it, as it is difficult and can be terrifying to give yourself up completely to something so primal and instinctive.

All that being said, usually being turned at a young age can lead to acceptance of the change easier, but only if the are lead to be accepting by the adults in their life. If the adults wont accept them, than why would they? Additionally, there are no born full werewolves. It is impossible for a female werewolf to carry any child, by another werewolf or a human, to full term. the change is far too stressful on the fetus. Also, the change cannot be had outside of the full moon without full acceptance, and years of experience (read: only adults of an advanced age, no students).

One should also note that around the time of the Full Moon, werewolves display more intense animal instincts. They can be territorial, and even highly possessive (especially if in a relationship). They're easier to anger at this time, and their sense of smell and hearing are heightened to somewhere between a human and a wolf's level of smell and hearing. Alternatively, they are at their most human at the full moon. They only change when the moon rises above the horizon, and are released from the change when it sets. Essentially, their emotions will rise and fall with the phase of the moon. Those that have mastery of the change can do so at any time, however it is easier for the to accomplish at night, and near impossible to do the day before, day of, and day after the New Moon. I will provide a link to a site detailing the moon phases in the main link directory, and it will be up to the player of a werewolf to keep track and play their character accordingly.

At this time, only two werewolves will be allowed into the game at one time.

Part Werewolves/Werewolf Like

Part werewolves come from the union of a male werewolf and a human female. That is the only way they are born, period. They have all the same issues as Werewolves, except one thing, they have no werewolf form. They are born with the animal in them, however they can not change unless infected with the curse and become a full werewolf. Their emotions will rise and fall with the moon as well. This is most notably, the half-werewolves. There can be those with 1/4 blood, but they will be a halved version of the half-werewolf in the intensity of emotion, and the senses available to be heightened. Anything bellow that wont really be too notable, and wont be monitored by the limitations listed on the Hold page. Keep in mind, though, if someone playing a person bellow a 1/4th blood werewolf starts playing them like a half or fourth werewolf? I will step in, and a warning will be given. that will essentially count as Mary Sue/Gary Stu.

Werewolf Like is the same as above, except for one thing; they were not born this way. They were attacked by a werewolf but received nothing but an injury with minimal amounts of werewolf saliva and/or blood entering into the body. As such, they turn out like half-werewolves, without a form to change into. (Think, Bill Weasley.)

Part Veela

Part veelas restricted to the Held page restriction are half and fourth. Anything less will not have much allure or anything else and will not be seen as a little bit uncommonly beautiful (and are under the same restrictions listed above with the MS/GS). Half and Fourth veelas will not have a form to change into, like for the werewolves. Half's will have half the allure of a full, and will be able to create fireballs with their hands. They also have a predisposition to being able to practice wandless magic. Fourths cannot create fireballs, and have half the allure of a Half. They also have a predisposition to learning wandless magic.

Part Giant

Like the others before, only Half and Fourth's will be restricted. And likewise, anything less will be held to the MS/GS rule. Half Giants range from 7'6" to 8' in height full grown, their maximum height reach between the ages of 20 and 25. Fourth's have a maximum height of 6'6 to 7', reaching their maximum height likewise between the ages of 20 and 25. Part giants will also hold a more solid build, and only less than half-giant will have anything resembling a wiry frame. Half-giants will have strength equivalent to three times a normal human's strength. fourth-giants will have the equivalent to twice a normal humans strength. Also, to show you further deterioration of strength, 1/8th giant would only have the ability to have what equates to a body builders strength, and anything less than 1/8 wouldn't be nothing spectacular to speak of. Anything bellow a Fourth would just leave that particular line more predisposed to having heights reaching up into the 6' to 6'6" range.


Metamorphmagus' are born only. It is not something you can learn to do, or can be magically passed to you. You have it at birth, and shifting is as easy to them as anything else you are born with being able to do. However, controlling it is another thing entirely. Especially when puberty hits. Until control is had over the ability, usually gained perfectly by 18-20 years of age, their hair and eye color can usually be used as an emotional barometer. But there is no stringent guide to what colors mean what, as it is all dependent upon the person and what the color means to them. therefor, someone applying a Metamorphmagus is requested to provide a special section in their application giving a mood ring like read of which colors mean what in regard to their emotions.

Additionally, a Metamorphamagus student would also be able to do something like affecting a pig's nose, or changing their ears to that of a cat, dog or rabbit, or even developing a tail. However, it takes many years to master changing into a complete animal. for the sake of the game? We will say a full, advanced adult.


No one will be allowed to be an animagus who is not a seventh year. We will have it that in their sixth year, Transfiguration will put up a list for students who wish to learn it halfway through the year. It will go up the week for Christmas Holiday break. The acceptance of those applying will receive owls over break, and the club will begin to meet once students return. Only those exceptionally gifted in Transfiguration will be accepted into the club, overseen by both Transfiguration teachers. The soonest students can master this is by the end of their sixth year. Students will be able to remain in the club until their seventh year, mastered or not, so long as they were accepted into the club originally. Their animal must reflect the personality of the character, and must be approved of by the moderator.

The Held limit is in regard to those who come in with the ability learned. Learning the ability in game will be treated differently. It will be treated as a privilege gifted upon the character by the moderator for activity and following the rules. Also, whether you're sticking to only one small group of players to play with or are branching out will be taken into account. Bothering me about when they will be able to master the ability will only mean I will hold off longer on gifting it to them.

Do we have awesome players?

Yes we do. Via nifty editing of the ChestnutGallery layouts made for Harry Potter Houses, one of your players has made us layouts geared to the Durmstrang Houses. You can find the layouts here & here. Enjoy! And credit accordingly, kiddos! This means crediting 'itslexi' and 'chestnutgallery'.

What Houses were Grindelwald and Kakaroff in?

Glad you asked, nameless person you! ;) Grindelwald was a Radic, and Kakaroff was a Dragov.

I would also like to take this time to note that one House is not more evil or sinister than the other. All five are capable of producing idiots, less than savory individuals, and those noble at heart. So do not, I repeat, do not attempt to attach such a stigma to any of them. This is not Hogwarts, kiddies.

A note on Culture.

This is Eastern Europe. While some countries have become more progressive in thinking, this is an area so deeply steeped in superstition and tradition that it will be difficult to fully integrate modern idealism into it. And the magical society? It is even worse. Just think of the obsessive and possessive hold most Mafioso families have upon their family members, and those who swear loyalty to them. Pure-blood families, ideally, would not be too far behind them. Not to say that they are all that bad, only... that is the mindset Pure-bloods will have been raised in either directly, or indirectly.