
¤ About ¤

Really the title explains it all. This entire page is about the games I play, what systems I use to play them and ways you can join me in playing them. More the merrier they do say! Plus if your into that whole "stalking" scene, I'm just giving you more means to do so. Ha ha.
¤ PS3 ¤

The following is a list of games I play on the PS3 system. I have yet to play them online with friends as I currently do not have any PS3 Online Gamer friends - Something I'm hoping to change!

• Assassin's Creed
• Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
• Burnout: Paradise City
• Dante's Inferno
• Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
• Red Dead Redemption
• Split/Second
• Wet

For more information about any PS3 game that I play, whether it be the times I am available to play and gamer tag I use. Feel free to contact me through Private Messages here on Scribbld.
¤ Computer ¤

The following is a list of games I play on my computer. I don't really play "a lot" of games on here as I have other things I tend too. Though when I am playing games via computer I absolutely love playing the following:

World of Warcraft - I play on 3 different realms and currently only have two level 80 characters.
A Virtual Horse - A game I recently just got into and have become quite addicted with. I have two accounts here, one as a trainer the other as a manufacture.
Role Playing - This is something I love to do more than anything else. I've been doing it now for around 10 years now. Currently I own a PB based wrestling community over on InsaneJournal, though due to the lack of activity it's facing extinction. Nowadays, I will only join PB or AU based communities as the freedom of creativity is better than being restricted to real life events and situations. I also love private role playing lines as well.

For more information about any computer game that I play, whether it be the character names and other such information. Feel free to contact me through Private Messages here on Scribbld.